
Maid visa cancelled and grace period ended



I would like to know if someone could help me or point me in the right direction. My family employed a maid after moving to Bahrain and was told to renew her visa as the original employer cancelled it. However, my child's CPR was not ready in time which meant I could not have the maids visa renewed in time of the grace period.

The LMRA has approved our application but told us to go to immigration to renew the maids VISA.

The problem is when we went to immigration office in exhibition road it was not made clear what we need to do to renew our maids VISA.

Could someone kindly help and let me know which correct forms to fill in.

Thank you.

See also

Visas for BahrainApply Visa Transfer Manually in LMRA Sanabis branchWhere check travel ban or immigrationLocal transfer been rejected twice- related to Public ProsecutionBahrain golden visa

It is also not clear from your post what the issue is.  You have put confusing and conflicting information.

BahrainExpat1 wrote:

My family employed a maid after moving to Bahrain and was told to renew her visa as the original employer cancelled it.
Thank you.

How can you renew a visa after it has been cancelled?   Do you mean to say that you applied for a new visa for the maid while she was in her grace period after cancellation?

BahrainExpat1 wrote:

However, my child's CPR was not ready in time which meant I could not have the maids visa renewed in time of the grace period.
Thank you.

What does the child's CPR have to do with the maid visa?   there is no link between the two.

BahrainExpat1 wrote:

The LMRA has approved our application but told us to go to immigration to renew the maids VISA. .
Thank you.

What EXACTLY was the message from LMRA?   what EXACTLY does it say in status on LMRA express services portal when you search via your application number? 

Because what you said here could mean different things i.e. visa approved by LMRA and pending at immigration end or visa application cancelled or visa approved but waiting for payment etc etc.  On top, the whole point of renewal vs. new visa is not clear.

BahrainExpat1 wrote:

Could someone kindly help and let me know which correct forms to fill in..

You have to first, clearly, ask your questions and give all the necessary details to enable anyone to be able to answer.

In any case, if the application is still in process then you don't need to do anything except wait.  When it is approved from immigration, it will come back to LMRA for final approval and then it will lead to payment.