
Leaving Bahrain for good but


Hi everyone!

Im seeking for advice

I have phone line which is V*** still active until next year oct. 2020 but i will be resigning this january 2020
Is that ok if ill give/pass the phone line to my relatives and they will pay it monthly until the contract will finish?(Im good payer for this phone line and im using it 3years now) There will be no problem on the immigration process if they will check my cpr or passport or either visa??

Please it really bother me since this is my first time that  i will leave BH  and still i have active phone line that fortunately my auntie will pay it if iam leaving bahrain this coming january end.


See also

Phones and Internet in BahrainPending sims billsbest internet service in manama BahrainWhatsapp calls barredGet SIM on arrival

No issue.

It is a problem only if you are not paying and the company files a case against you which then leads to a travel ban.   So simply put, it will take 3-6 months of not paying for it to reach that stage.

However, I would cancel the contract and pay the money before you go.   As after October, the contract may have finished but the line will remain active and will be charged for monthly rentals at normal rate.  And no one will be able to close it but you.   And if they stop paying, you will be back in the same situation.


So in this case im good to go, and its 100% OK i can pass my phone line to my relatives  there will be no problem in the immigration,right?


i talked to one of their sales team and their telling that if the contract finish theres no need to pay for termination charges and fees they just need 15-30days notice that I/we want to terminate the line so after the line will finish there will be no bill will come.


I already replied on the immigration point.  And as I already said, to terminate the line, YOU personally, have to go to VIVA kiosk and give your CPR and ask for the termination.