
Brazil Work Permit/Visa for UK citizens


Hey all,

Nice to join the forum.

I'm looking to move out to Brazil next year to teach English. I've got a degree in 'Letras', fluent in Portuguese and got a CELTA qualification. I've got experience volunteering in Brazil for 6 months too. As far as I can see this will meet requirements for a temporary work visa. But I'm yet to see anyone who has gone down this route for teaching.

I don't want to go as a tourist and work illegally, I want to commit to a 1-2 year contract with a school. Will schools ever be willing to do this, if I pay the fee?

Does anyone have any experience in applying for the Vitem V? Any UK citizens here who have advice?


See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilLawyer in Belo Horizonte to assis with visa renewalDirector Visa

English teacher? There´s a lot of that in Brazil. Arranging ahead of time in England for a VITEM V is difficult if not impossible. I would advise you to come to Brazil and present yourself at English schools. There´s no guarantee of employment but you´ll never know. That school can always ask the Ministry of Labor for a work permit (VITEM V) for you...


Here's a list of language schools teaching English in Brazil, not exhaustive, but contacting some of them may be a start:

As stated above, there are already a LOT of people teaching English in Brazil.  A more subtle barrier is language of instruction.   I gather from your credentials that yours is probably Received Pronunciation (RP); unlike Europe, there's a strong de facto preference here for General (North) American.  Many English-speaking Brazilians, which includes language school owners,  have some difficulty understanding RP themselves, so may be wary.  Contacting schools in advance may help.  So may contacting the British Council in Brazil, which seems to have done some research and promotion in this area.