
Need a Proposer to relocate with family to Australia


Living in Lebanon in the current days is worse than living in war sites. My family and I (Wife and three Children aged 23, 20 and 16) are looking for fast and easy ways to relocate to Australia (my number one destination after being there in 2002 for 2 months).

Appreciate anyone of the expat community to lead me to a proposer willing to propose us for relocation under humanitarian conditions from Lebanon.

We are willing to pay our travel expenses and living expenses in Australia totally.

See also

Customs formalities in AustraliaRelocating to AustraliaMoving to Australia with your petMoving to AustraliaChances to relocate to Australia as a teacher

Welcome to the forum.

Whilst I feel for you and your family I will be honest in what I say here.

There is no fast or easy way to relocate into Australia. It will be difficult to find a proposer as this has lawful conditions attached as they are totally responsible for you and your family. which includes debt, criminality etc.

You should check out the Australia Guide located under 'Discover' at the top of this page.

Try for humanitarian immigration into Australia.


Thank you Stumpy for your assistance