
Just for fun: Unusual cultural habits in Indonesia and around the world


In this Just for fun thread, we would like to highlight unconventional customs which make Indonesia stand out. This is a chance, at the same time, to learn about other countries’ equally interesting traditions.

1. Which country considers cats to be lucky? How about Indonesia?
2. In which country should you not write in red ink?
3. Is there anything like a 15-minute grace period in Indonesia or is showing up on time or earlier a common practice?
4. In which country do people greet each other by rubbing noses?
5. What is one custom associated with Indonesian culture that you have found to be quite unusual?

Thanks for participating,

See also

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1. Cats are respected in Indonesia, but there is a problem of too many street cats in the cities. There are places in the city where they will neuter female cats at no charge. In fact a few months ago we started taking care of a kitten from the street and it is not part of the family. We bring it to the vet for this and that and at the end of December will bring it to be neutered.

2. Most, I would imagine.

3. It's like anywhere else, if you feel you are important then you will probably arrive late. Personally, I always like to arrive early, whereas my wife like's to leave it to the last minute. That includes heading to the airport.

4. Certainly not in Indonesia.

5. It's not at all unusual in Indonesia, but as an elder and respected person in my community all the young kids greet me as uncle and touch the back of my right hand to their foreheads. My kids "salim" me when they go to school too.


1. Russia hands down, even strays/ homeless cats are fed and cared for including sick ones,
One problem here (Indonesia) with cats is the vet, no vet in Batam will neuter male or female before 8/9 months

2. Korea, we’ve always marked our isometric/ P&ID drawing in red (red lining etc) big no no in Korea

3. Indonesian time is anytime one of my biggest pet hates

4. Maori (New Zealand) only one I know for sure

5. Same as above answer