How to hire temporary part time nurse / housekeeper / nanny in Antwerp

Dear All, I am looking for advice on how to find 'domestic help' or a private nurse in Antwerp on a temporary, part time basis, live in or live out. I tried to find an agency in Belgium that helps people to hire private nurses / housekeepers / nannies but could not find any online.

One of my relatives will travel to Antwerp in the next few months to have an operation at a private hospital there. She / we have never been to Belgium and unfortunately will not be able to travel with her so she will be on her own. She is planning to rent a flat via Airbnb for a month because she will not be allowed to travel for a while after the surgery and will need to visit the doctor for check-ups etc. She will need someone for 2-4 weeks to help her out with simple tasks such as shopping, preparing very simple meals, cleaning and accompanying her for check-ups. She will be able to walk and use the bathroom unaided and will not need any personal care. She is young with no other health issues and speaks fluent English, German and Hungarian.

The job could even be done by a student in an au pair type arrangement, (s)he could have an own room in the Airbnb flat, or it could be someone local that just comes by for a few hours every couple of days. We would like some 'official' arrangement though, preferably via an agency that checks people's identities and background. Any suggestions are most welcome!

You can place a FREE advert here in the Job Section at the top of the page.

Thanks for the tip! I am just wondering if there are any agencies I could contact or any other ways to find someone whose identity we could check (I mean, not just a random person replying to an online advert).

By the way, this is not a job advert. It is a genuine question about how could we hire someone 'officially' - I don't know if I'm making any sense.

I have already found a solution - does anybody know how to delete this post? Thanks

ExpatHungarian wrote:

I have already found a solution - does anybody know how to delete this post? Thanks

Maybe you could share the solution with us as it could help others in the same position?