This is a shameless plug for a fascinating collection of stories on a website gathered together by an old friend of mine who now has Alzheimer's in Brisbane. He and I lived in Vila for a few years, back in the 1970s, when the name Vanuatu hadn't even been coined. The bare term "simpler times" doesn't do them justice; they were wildly different, in those desperately unsophisticated days. A good place to start - to give readers a brief taste of how it was - is one of my own very short tales of the British prison and its purpose. The title is "A Wedding to attend", and it's down at the bottom of the second page.
I've been prompted to post this thread by the reaction of my Polish lodger, here in the Caribbean, to whom I was telling the story last night. She was greatly amused - and more than a little skeptical, to be honest! - and begged me for more stories. If readers of this forum can suspend their skepticism for a little while, they too will enjoy this collection. Here's the link:-