CPH Meetup: Let's Organise Something Official

Hey guys,

I'm new around these parts but I see a lot of haphazard "ok lets meet up" posts but nothing really happening to make it 'official' and give people a bit of notice.

So I propose we meet up on Friday 24th June at 19:30 at The Old English Pub, Vesterbrogade 2B, 1620 Copenhagen V

Please reply if you're interested in coming. I think there's quite a lot of people here who'd love to make some friends (including me!) so let's get together and make it happen!

Hi pixxelated and welcome to Expat.com!:)

Hope that you will make as many friends as you want.

Don't forget to tell us how was the meeting!

PS: Your discussion has been sticked for better visibility.

Good luck,

Count me in! As I said before I need a good laugh and really need to meet some people I can communicate with.


A lot of expats go to The Old English Pub on Vesterbrogade.

I don't know where it is. What train station is it near and how do I get there from the city?


Why don't we do something this weekend?

it's close to kobenhavn H. just a few hundred meters, you can see on google maps.
The Old English Pub
Vesterbrogade 2B
1620 Copenhagen V

Perfect. The Old English Pub it is :)

Please reply if you're interested in coming.

Hi pixxelated!

I hope that you will have a good time. :)


(moderated: please post your ad in the classifieds > events section. Thank you)

Hey everyone! Is anybody meeting up this weekend? I just moved  to Copenhagen and have been working all week, so would be great to meet someone to chat to and explore Copenhagen.. Haven't seen much except my office ;)!

I'd love to meet this weekend but I'm not in the country atm :(

Yeah! Count me in I'm off all weekend.


A drink later today?

Hi, it's raining all day. Do you want to go out with us tomorrow? We are meeting at the cinema at city center then we are off to a lunch buffet.


1 pm tomorrow?

Sounds cool. I'll meet you there.

Great there will be two of us as of now, a woman from Finland and me, Nancy.

See you later,

ummm. which cinema?

Hi, the cinema near city center train station.

         I would be coming for this.Hope to see some nice people who are looking forward for networking across.


Hi guys, yeah, lets do something this weekend, Saturday or Sunday, count me in.

skype nancy.prince2 or skype phone 18054265550

Sounds good for Friday. Can some one meet me at the train station?


So I think i will have time this fryday See you there,

By the way is there any body doing some thing this thursday because of this danish tipish summer celebration??


Hi everybody!! I've just read the conversation. For this friday, at the Old English Pub, I'm in!!
But still, I don't know anyone, so I'd need someone that could be my "tutor" :)

Hi, can somebody meet me at the train station? I don't know where the pub is.

Many thanks,

Don't worry eleonora I don't know anyone either and it was my idea ^^

I should also mention that this is a joint meet up with a bunch of exŽ-pats from meetup.com so we should (if sign ups are any indication) have about 10 people turning up.

If you see someone wandering around looking lost then maybe approach them and ask if they're on Expat.com or meetup? ^^

Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

ETA: Worldome. I don't know exactly either, I'll head out a bit early to try and work it out. I just put the address into Google Maps and got directions from there :)http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Vesterbro … xBAwXve6Ag

Hi Guys, I found it! I'm wearing a black sweater dress with pink.

I am really ready to have some fun. No, I will not be dancing on the tables, not to worry.

looks great, see you all english speakers at 7.30! Im scots!

Hi Scots, c u later

Hi Nancy see u later...and I won't be wearing any kilt to thrill u :)

Hello bigjocky and welcome to Expat.com!


It's a shame. I'd love to attend something like this but alas I am out of town tonight. Maybe I'll go if you guys decide to repeat!

Thanks for coming everyone who turned up. It was a really great night with about 15 people at the middle of the evening.

It'll definitely be a recurring event :)

Brilliant! I would like to join you guys too. Just let anyone know about the next arrangement, and I will definitely be there.

Cheers, Joachim

Hey Guys, I belong to Americans in Denmark and we are having a picnic after work tomorrow. Sounds like a fun activity:

After work Picnic Because Of the Sunny 28c Temp!!!
is happening tomorrow
When:     Where:     
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
4:30 PM
Kongens Have
Entrance at corner of Sølvgade and Nørrevoldgade
Check it out →
Who's going:
1 American Expats
    See all

The weather people are calling for 28c on Tuesday so why not take advantage and graze on the grass in Kongens Have.

Just found this website. I am in Denmark for a week travelling pretty much on my own. Looking to meet up if you guys are doing another group meeting. It seems I missed out on the last week, is there anything going on this week?

Sorry, I don't know of anything. It's suppose to rain on Saturday. If you have some idea you could invite the group.

Enjoy your trip,

Hey, lets' get together on Sunday. How about some sightseeing?