Income Tax Return

I am currently filling this in and feeling very scared and grown up! Never had to do anything like this in England so its a bit new. I'm just a bit unsure about one option;

To be filled in by Expats only
Please tick the box if during 2010 you...
- Were a resident with extension of stay in Malta.

Is that just like a normal expat resident? I need to tick that?

Any help appreciated!

Now I'm further into it I am confused about a lot of things! Definitely just going to get a friend to help, I do not like feeling so stupid!

well as far as i am aware there are two states here

temporary resident  - with res cert ( option later (after 5yrs) to convert to permanent resident - not mandatory) but be careful on this one as the tax allowances change to a much lower rate (50%) if you get classed as permanent

permanent resident

you can go ot the tax office in Floriana and they will help you no problem....

Iamharibo - when did your tax form arrive? - I haven't got mine yet this year!

toonarmy9752 wrote:

well as far as i am aware there are two states here

temporary resident  - with res cert ( option later (after 5yrs) to convert to permanent resident - not mandatory) but be careful on this one as the tax allowances change to a much lower rate (50%) if you get classed as permanent

permanent resident

there is no such status as temporary resident (this existed before Malta joined the EU, and was the alternative to the PR scheme) - there is

ordinary resident (what you called temporary)
permanent resident (2 flavours available)

if you change from ordinary resident to the standard permanent resident (ie not the one currently suspended), there is no change in tax allowances - in fact you are still an ordinary resident, but with an undated residency permit

so there are three types of residency

ordinary residency (time limited)
ordinary residency(timed unlimited)
Permanent Residency (the one in suspension)

(edit - plus that available by right to Maltese citizens or those married to a Maltese citizen)

My tax form arrived at my old job about 2 weeks ago and I just received it today. No one else at that company have received theirs yet though! Leaving it a bit late if it has to be in by the 30th!

I am definitely going to have to go to the tax office in floriana as I am struggling.

I understand the different types of residency, I'm just a bit confused about the wording... does this;

Were a resident with extension of stay in Malta

just mean a normal resident? I don't really understand the 'extension of stay'- do they just mean 'someone who has an id card so can stay as long as they want like normal residency?'

Hopefully the tax office can help me thru this!

Does the Tax Form go to your place of work (mine did last year but it was probably the only address they had for me at the time) or to your home address? I ask because we've moved flats recently and despite paying MaltaPost to redirect the mail we KNOW they have lost things...OIM again. But if it's coming to my place of work I suupose I just need to wait for it.


I'm with you, I'm an Aussie expat who is a little nervous doing the tax return.

there doesnt appear to be any explanation of these terms anywhere on the form nor the booklet that came with it

@hammersfan mine went to my place of work. I've also moved flats and didn't bother with a redirect and still haven't changed my address on my ID card (note to self: DO THIS!)

I moved jobs three months ago and it went to my old place but the ETC only replied to acknowledge the change about a week ago!

Yea the booklet is quick thick and seems extensive but doesn't actually explain any of the options!

I googled Tax Office Malta Floriana and got a list of email addresses.I mailed one and he just advised that my email has been forwarded to so if anyone else wants any help with this form, I guess that's the person to contact!

georgeingozo wrote:

if you change from ordinary resident to the standard permanent resident (ie not the one currently suspended), there is no change in tax allowances - in fact you are still an ordinary resident, but with an undated residency permit

so as far as the tax form is concerned it does aske the question "are you a permanent resident" is this permanent residency (old or new version) or temporary (ordinary dated or undated) residency?

as my cert doesnt state anything about being ordinary or otherwise just that it is undated and after 5years i can apply for permanent. we got these in January 2010.

I got a very swift and helpful reply from this email address:

Also I notice that this Saturday, 18th June and the following Saturday, 25th June the Inland Revenue Dept. will be providing assistance in the filling-in of the form in person at various Government Schools around the island(s), and also at their offices in Floriana and Victoria - details near the end of … elp_en.pdf
