Speech therapist for my 4 yr old kid

I am planning to move to Istanbul from Dubai, I have a 4yr old j
Kid who has developmental disorders. So are there any speech
Therapists who can help my kid. Any  appropriate schools for him.
Plzz let me know

Hi and welcome to Expat.com Simar84!

I hope other members will be able to guide you soon ;)


Hey thanks Armand!  Nobody seems to help me out, still waiting for replies

Hello Simar84!

Don't worry and be patient.

I am sure that you will soon get replies.


Thanks for the concern harmoni

Hi there,

I'm from the U.S. and just moved here a few months ago and I am actually a Speech Pathologist.  I have just started working with a clinic here in Istanbul part time.  I will private message you my details and the clinic's name.

Hope you're settling or transitioning well!


Hello everyone, iam trying to find a speech pathologist in istanbul during next July- August 2019. I would be glad if you can help me.

Please if you can help contact me on my email: fatoon84@hotmail.com

Gussy75 wrote:

Hi there,

I'm from the U.S. and just moved here a few months ago and I am actually a Speech Pathologist.  I have just started working with a clinic here in Istanbul part time.  I will private message you my details and the clinic's name.

Hope you're settling or transitioning well!


Asra i would be so glad if you send me your contact details regarding my son

Hello asra ,
I m also moving to Istanbul,
Have the same issue ,
Can u please guide me too,.
Need speech n behavior therapist 
Plus schooling , n daycare

Hello, I am from Bangladesh. My daughter is 5 years old. Has cerebral palsy and global developmental delay. Need speech therapy, Behavior therapy also physiotherapy like CME. I will like to move to Istanbul soon. Where can i get all together? At presents I am in Singapore for her CME therapy. But this is too much expensive here. So need to move somewhere else. Need help. 🙏

Thank you