
Coronavirus news Indonesia

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I suspect a few expats might well be concerned at the possibility of coronavirus spreading in Indonesia, but the chances of a major problem are pretty slim.
A number of Indonesian expats are stuck over there at the moment, and the suspected local cases so far have not been confirmed, or dismissed as common flu after testing.
Airports are screening arrivals and hospitals are taking possible cases very seriously, assuming it is the virus until proven otherwise, exactly the right thing to do.

Note - Watch out for ridiculous hoax stories put out for political reasons - A few are already doing the rounds, even one in a US comic pretending to be a newspaper.

In other words, so far at least, there's little to worry about unless you're a hotel owner with lots of cancelled bookings due to the lockdown in China.

See also

Healthcare in IndonesiaHaving a baby in IndonesiaAccidents and emergencies in IndonesiaBPJS for KITAS/KITAP HoldersPreventive care in Indonesia

I agree that there is no need to spread alarmism, specially in Indonesia, even if yestarday a plane from Wuhan landed at Denpasar airport and I really dont understand how could it happen when the media claim that all transport to and from Wulan is suspended.
The last report state that the victims are 81 and the confirmed infected are almost 3.000 (but the dean of the Hong Kong medical school talks about 40.000 infected people) and the WHO has changed the level of alert from B (Sars, Polio) to A (Plague, Cholera).
About the thermo-scanner installed to the airports, included Denpasar, its certainly a good act, but many people, when they have fever, take antipyretics to lower it, so the thermo-scanner does not detect anything unusual.
Certainly a situation to be carefully monitored.


Glad to see that some schools are already taking precautions.


Just had a search around Facebook and it's full of fake news that appears to be aimed at Anti-Chinese racism using the virus as an excuse.
I very strongly suggest ignoring these stupid stories and recommend readers don't share them as the potential punishments could be severe.


Fred wrote:

Just had a search around Facebook and it's full of fake news that appears to be aimed at Anti-Chinese racism using the virus as an excuse.
I very strongly suggest ignoring these stupid stories and recommend readers don't share them as the potential punishments could be severe.

Like always, it is everyone's common sense that must prevail when doing research on internet on such delicate subjects.
Personally, in this case, I prefer to inquire only on official sites, such as that of WHO, I always been wary of those who try to explain dramatic facts talking about conspirancy.
Said that, I cant understand what it refers to "the potential punishments could be severe".


Marcello Manganese wrote:

Said that, I cant understand what it refers to "the potential punishments could be severe".

I believe there have been several arrests since UU ITE was introduced with prison sentences dished out.
I could be wrong (so open to correction) but I believe the maximum is six years down the line for spreading fake news. However, I'm unsure anyone would get that harsh a punishment.


More concerned about malaria, typhus, dengue and crazy none compliant drivers and riders to be totally honest, my understanding is majority of deaths are  in the elderly or sick (can’t confirm) my above concerns don’t care about age or current wellbeing


Yes I heard the same thing, mostly the elderly and sick, but also with some kids. They say younger kids seem to be alright so continue giving them their vitamins.


There are now several reported POSSIBLE cases in Indonesia, but none are confirmed at this point.
Most have turned out to be a cold or the flu - nothing worse.
The authorities are doing the right thing - Assuming the worst in each case until they can test and confirm.


Yes, there are many fake news (hoax) going around that makes people paranoid. Some cases in Indonesia turned out to be just common flu / cold. I agree to take precautions but I would not worry too much.


Indonesia's coronavirus vulnerability revealed - Sydney ....
Jakarta: Medical experts have raised concerns about Indonesia's ability to detect novel coronavirus, potentially leaving a number of undiagnosed cases on Australia's doorstep. ctd long article ,

imho it is illogical that their are no positive cases here . › ... › Coronavirus outbreak


Don't believe a word that daft rag prints. They aren't exactly known for accuracy, but live to print total crap.


Unfortunately, bcs of poor experiences of my extended family with the local health service, I have little confidence in the skill levels and equipment standards here .


Health services vary from basic to top quality.


Indeed , very variable for sure , but finding a patient focussed medical profesional here is a game of chance , flash medical institute or not ,


To the doctor:
cough - masuk angin
fever - masuk angin
breathing difficulties - masuk angin
articolar pains - masuk angin
number of people infected with the coronavirus 2019nCoV in Indonesia - 0




scouser59 wrote:

Indeed , very variable for sure , but finding a patient focussed medical profesional here is a game of chance , flash medical institute or not ,

Totally agree, I’ve been lucky enough to find one with decent doctors and facilities (for basic medical conditions) most I know locals included go to malaysia


I see specialists for various ailments but at different medical centers or hospitals. I have a great dermatologist and whatsapp with one of the English speaking pharmacists there, a good eye doctor, a doctor really good for coughs, bronchitis etc and a good specialist dentist. For operations on joints and prostrate check ups I prefer to head over to Malaysia. I also bring my kids to Malaysia for their vaccinations.

As for the coronavirus, still no official confirmed cases in Indonesia as far I I know, which is a little odd as it seems to be everywhere else in Asia and spreading more rapidly around the world.


We have our first confirmed cases and a good few possibles, but most of the latter have been cleared and sent home.

The advice about washing hands remains sounds as, even if it does nothing to stop the virus, you should anyway.


As a note, panic is a total waste of time that's likely to cost you a lot of money because of hoarding and not be the slightest use.


Most of the supermarkets near us were full of people hoarding with often several trolley loads of products. Over the past few days we have bought 6 gallon bottles of Aqua and plenty of milk, put frozen bread in the freezer, built a small stock of cheddar and butter and milk and stuff that we can feed the children with easily. Also we hoarded Heinz baked beans because nobody likes Ayam brand, actually a lot of snacks for the kids and pasta and pasta sauces, pesto etc and cleaning products. The hoarding for most people started this morning, but luckily we built up our small stock over the weekend.

But as long as street food and fast food and Gofood and most of the restaurants remain open then everyone should be fine.

Bali Frog

It's by every.ody doing his little bit that panic spreads....


Panic and hoarding - The way to go.
That'll ensure the whole of Indonesia wastes loads of money and resources on stuff they don't need, will never use, and will eventually get tossed away.

We have enough water for 2 weeks, enough food for a week .. errr... just as we always have.

However, if you do fancy panicking, don't forget extra gas bottles, a generator, and a good stock of fuel.

Oh, and weapons in case potentially infected people want to steal your hoard.

Oh, and never forget loads of skype conference calls to the army of head doctors you're bound to need.


We don't need an extra gas bottle as ours was new just a couple weeks ago. But I can imagine people trying to order gas and finding the supplier sold out and having to end up buying those tiny green exploding gas bottles in order to cook. That could be frustrating for some. If my wife can't cook because the gas has run out on the weekend it's kind of annoying for her.

Well, buying some extra bread, butter and cheddar cheese, pasta source and pasta and tea bags and instant coffee etc and snacks for the kids are things that we eat every day. Can't imagine anyone panic buying for stuff they end up never using.

The good thing is that now that the supermarkets having very long queues, we don't need to go to those places so much as before. Usually I visit supermarkets about 4 times a week, at least, but it's good to know that we have our important stuff in the cupboards and I do not have to spend ages waiting in queues.

Bali Frog is right of course. If nobody did any panic shopping then everything would be as usual, no long queues etc.


I may buy some extra Indomie just in case the sky falls in. 4 packets should be enough.

Now, what's that story about a mousedeer falling into a hole all about?


Still, must get serious as there have been 2 confirmed cases so it's only a short step to all 265 million Indonesians falling down dead in the streets.
Property prices will crash - That'll teach any surviving estate agents what's what.


Not really a fan of Indiomie as it's incredibly unhealthy, although when I am starving then just can't beat some Indomie Kari Ayam with a fried egg on top.

Personally I am not that bothered by the coronavirus, it's actually standing in long queues with people having multiple trolleys packed high with boxes of indomie and baby diapers, sugar, frozen foods and babies milk and so on. Yesterday I was at a supermarket and just wanted to by some yoghurt, shimeji mushrooms and a dozen eggs but the queues were so ridiculously long for the first time ever that I just left the trolley there and walked out. So annoying.

For people with babies I would suggest stocking up a bit on baby diapers and baby milk and that kind of stuff because it is no fun to run out.

Yup 2 confirmed cases, but suspected cases are very much on the increase. The more cases confirmed or suspected then the more panic buying and the more waiting in long queues to get those essentials....


well, Indonesia is so safe from Covid-19 that the government has announced that it will build a hospital only for people infected form the virus, on a deserted island in front of Batam. … h-covid-19


I can assure you Galang is not deserted (probably locals that have built without permission and is very low populatuon)  land is connected to Batam with probably the better roads and bridges on the islands i had the bike down that way yesterday for a blast
I returned 4 days ago from Iraq and travelled to dubai- singapore, singapore is like a ghost city compared to january, and are taking public safety and awareness to the next level medical facilities all over the place and anti bactarial stations every place you look Batam its just a normal day and nobody seems to give two hoots to be bruttaly honest and that in its self i find alarming a few people using pointless face masks that are as much use as a chocolate fire guard
Currently they are using Haji (spelling) Hospital in Batam Centre for treatments and suspected cases, its been a strange one here due to the amount of visits per week/month batam gets
As for stocks of foods we probably have enougth in the freezers along with dried food and tins etc to last 2 months, singapore well stocked as i got some bacon, sausage and lamb shanks on the way back from M and S and cheeses, got gas and electric cooking options ( both hobs and ovens)  but the mrs has gone a little gila with extra rice she also stopped ordering food in (go food/ grab food?) about a month or so ago, ferry terminals i have never seen as quiet singapore airport was the same


Dr Corona Rintawan is now leading the fight against the virus in one group of hospitals.


Jakarta schools ordered to close … l-closures

I've just spoken to a few and they're confused as the order is new and many don't have any details as yet.
I don't think they have much choice now as, if any kids get ill at an open school, they'll have a serious problem on their hands.


Marcello, I believe you are right to be skeptical and I guess that the number of infected is probably a lot higher than is being announced. However, I am sure we are going to see the number increasing daily or weekly up into the thousands before it gets better. A gradual increase in the number of cases also reduces the likelihood of people panicking which would lead to empty shelves from panic shopping.


Shill88 wrote:

Marcello, I believe you are right to be skeptical and I guess that the number of infected is probably a lot higher than is being announced. However, I am sure we are going to see the number increasing daily or weekly up into the thousands before it gets better. A gradual increase in the number of cases also reduces the likelihood of people panicking which would lead to empty shelves from panic shopping.

Well, here we are.
Already reach 100 infected people and 5 death, wich mean 5% mortality rate, more than Italy at his begenning.
I read statement from government explain that they will not reveal the areas where peolple infected live, due the "bad attitude" of indonesia people that would be panic...
I dont how the virus will spread in the next days, but looking at what is happening abroad, Im not really optimistic, wich doesnt mean that Im panic, just hopefully people became aware and follow at least the simple common sense advice, as clean often the hands, avoid crowded places, dont shacke hands (included the new "elbow-shacke) and so on, waiting for a very dramatic but necessary lockdown.


It's very probably a lot more than a hundred people as the majority that get it have nothing symptoms and just think it's a cold or they're having a rough couple of days.

Panic - Balderdash.


I believe the actual number is more likely to be ten times more than is being announced, however, we can only go by what is being told. "semi-lockdown" or "social distancing" is occurring in more and more places and I heard that Bali is the latest to announce it from 25th March to 5th April. West Java seems to be having quite a few cases recently with people being confirmed as covid-19 positive.


Immigration in Batam are not allowing you to leave the island due to singspore in lockdown / 14 day isolation, some expats i am friends with who do a visa run have been issued with an exemption from immigration, all schools closed as from end of businnes today, i cant confirm or not but 85 in isolation on the island transparency in this country is an absolute joke


Avoid crowded places. Instructions to work at home soon I think.

Quite a few cases in pancoran now.


Gwmeath wrote:

Immigration in Batam are not allowing you to leave the island due to singspore in lockdown / 14 day isolation, some expats i am friends with who do a visa run have been issued with an exemption from immigration, all schools closed as from end of businnes today, i cant confirm or not but 85 in isolation on the island transparency in this country is an absolute joke

Do u mean that immigration exempt tourist blocked here with VOA expiring, to not pay the 1 million overstay fee?
I have some friends in Bali in That situation, so this would be a great news for them.


To be totally honest im not absolutely certain with VOA i was informed that they had been given an exemption as they had not been allowed to transit to singapore this was just a typical entry stamp
Some other friends are visiting today so hopefully i can post further information in the next few hours

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