Coronavirus news Indonesia
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Usually get the orange or lemon drink at indomart, not had any for maybe 2 weeks now you mentioned it

You could try looking in Super Indo supermarket for your rice krispies. I was there this morning and they were fully stocked up with that product. I was there looking for Kiri cheese for my kids but unfortunately after visiting three supermarkets I wasn't able to find any. Good luck.

Hardly surprisingly, Bandung's PSBB or semi-lockdown which was supposed to end on 5 May will now be extended for another 2 weeks following the PSBB announced for other parts of West Java. … rev=search … rev=search
Although the streets are a lot less busy than usual, supermarkets and many food and drink stores remain open. Most kinds of food can be found, but still medical face masks are almost impossible to find, although supermarkets are selling lots of cloth masks usually used by motorbike riders.

On a better note, the full PSBB may not occur but just some aspects of it implemented. Heard rumors about this but will wait for the final news to be announced. Whatever, we will continue to practice general self isolation with the exception of buying food and making a few necessary errands.

On hold here, unfortunately its got very busy, almost back to normal in many cases

Seems like finally the PSBB in Bandung City is not going to be extended, Hopefully residents will continue to exercise restraint on social gatherings and continue to use face masks and alcohol/hand sanitizers. Our children will continue to stay at home as the virus is still our there. … rev=search … rev=search

Fred wrote:Not really local news, but a game changer … shows.html
Seems covid 19 was in Spain - March 2019
Right, "seems".
Its always better wait for the completion of a study, as in this case, according with a statement in the article itself:
"The research has been submitted for a peer review.
Dr Joan Ramon Villalbi of the Spanish Society for Public Health and Sanitary Administration told Reuters it was still early to draw definitive conclusions.
“When it’s just one result, you always want more data, more studies, more samples to confirm it and rule out a laboratory error or a methodological problem,” he said.
There was the potential for a false positive due to the virus’ similarities with other respiratory infections."
Unfortunally from the begging of this pandemy, we were bombarded from media with news of studies and research still in their embryonic stage pretending to be definitive, and almost all disappeared after a few days because not confirmed by the definitive data.

Just came back from Dubai, the Mrs said the exact same thing, sent 3 food parcels over for myself and a few things for kids and i was shocked they arrived before i did, also sports clothing/ trainers for kids in 2 packages and 1 for myself 1 arrived yesterday another 2 scheduled today, all posted at the same time, im isolating self till about tuesday in one of our rentals, i just know the kids will destroy MY treats
Chinese vaccine no thanks
We shall see ,unfortunately after working there on and off I find honesty in that country a rare commodity , I will wait untii a vaccine comes from a more reliable country .

We're not really interested in it. Will also wait for the vaccines to be developed by European or American countries. Same goes for many of our friends, they just don't trust China.

That's correct. Same goes for the USA and the EU, most drugs used around the world such as antibiotics are manufactured in China. The world is not far off being dependent on China's near monopoly on certain drugs which I think is dangerous considering China's recent antics.
However, we are nowhere near allowing our family members to be guinea pigs for a vaccine in development by China. I wonder if the test trials so far have been as stringent as those from the major US, European and British pharmaceutical companies. Those countries seem to be spending more time with their trials. Certainly, China's vaccine would need to be vetted by those western countries before we will go near it. Basically, once it has been tested and accepted by some of the major western countries then I would feel safe about using it.
I am sure though that many locals here have been very quick to sign up for it.

At this point in time, I am not interested in either Chinese or Russian vaccines. But I speak only for myself and my family.

If you have full trust in the Chinese vaccine then it's better you just take it rather than talk bad about people who don't have your way of thinking. Also, as you are an Indonesian then it's not at all surprising that you have a different outlook to us expats. You see things from a local viewpoint whereas expats often see things differently or with a wider perspective.

Fred wrote:The vaccine is undergoing extensive testing under very strict conditions AND results are being peer reviewed. If results are good, I'll be happy with it
Go for it...but you'd better wait until the results are in....
Many of my friends are highly educated and very intelligent Indonesians including doctors, architects, professors, business owners etc. They follow my way of thinking and also are reluctant to try out the Chinese vaccine. They are educated people and can make up their own opinion.
The thing is, nobody is forcing their opinions on you. So why are you trying to force your opinions on the rest of us by insulting and belittling us? What's wrong with you?
Fred , I think your going over the top ,we all live here have Indonesian partners so we are hardly racists
We choose to live in a developing country with the usual negatives , corruption ,dodgy medical services , knowing the issues here we must be "super careful" to survive, including what kind of vaccines we use .
what are you referring to ? ,please elaborate ?

My children were born in Kuala Lumpur had ALL their vaccinations in Malaysia. We usually travel to Malaysia purposely for their vaccinations and we have no plans to change that. If it wasn't in Malaysia then it would probably be in Singapore.
Many here will remember the big scandal involving fake vaccines in Indonesia just a few years ago. So whether the vaccine is manufactured in China or Indonesia really doesn't make much difference to us. … ne-health/ … n-children … SKCN0ZD1LB … SKCN0ZV10I … -says.html
Clearly different people have different opinions on this, but it would be better if people are respectful to each others views on this topic.

Fred wrote:Ah, so Indonesians aren't able to engage in critical thinking. Thanks for your clarification and national insult.
My personal view, as a human rather than some unthinking little foreign coolie, is as I have stated.
The vaccine is undergoing extensive testing under very strict conditions AND results are being peer reviewed. If results are good, I'll be happy with it and I won't reject a proven vaccine just because it comes from a country I hate because some idiotic newspapers and politicians tell me to.
Thinking comes in many forms, and I'm happy with my version over a racist moron version.
Fred, why cant u simple stand on ur point without insulting who has a different point from urs?
Both of u have their legitimate point of wiew, and its not polite if one of u call the other a"racist moron version".
The vaccine matter has become a politic and econimic matter, a run to wich nation will get it first and can sell it to the others, but till now nobody can claim a positive end of the trials, neither Indonesia, nor Russia or any other nation, so better wait and be very careful with judgement.

Fred wrote:Ah, so Indonesians aren't able to engage in critical thinking. Thanks for your clarification and national insult.
My personal view, as a human rather than some unthinking little foreign coolie, is as I have stated.
The vaccine is undergoing extensive testing under very strict conditions AND results are being peer reviewed. If results are good, I'll be happy with it and I won't reject a proven vaccine just because it comes from a country I hate because some idiotic newspapers and politicians tell me to.
Thinking comes in many forms, and I'm happy with my version over a racist moron version.
This site is about expats and for expats. It is not all about you. We do not come here to be insulted or to be baited and forced into arguments to defend ourselves against you and then banned or told to leave Indonesia and go back home to England. We are here to give advice and to express our opinions. So please stop attacking people and leave us alone.

This is a brief account about someone I know who tested positive for covid-19.
My friend is Indonesian and lives and works in Jakarta. One of her colleagues apparently came into contact with some distant family members who later discovered that they had tested positive for the virus. That person decided not to tell her boss until she had been tested herself and she continued to go to work. However, she did tell it to my friend and my friend sensibly told their boss who ordered both of them to take a swab test.
So my friend paid the Rp1.5 million for the PCR swab test herself since the procedure for having it paid by the company was too lengthy. She tested negative. She took another test about a week later and again tested negative. During this period her family had isolated her in her room while at home and meals were passed to her to eat upstairs on her own.
Meanwhile her colleague took a first swab test and it tested positive. She then took a second test six days after the first test and this time is tested negative. Then, ten days later decided to take a third swab test and this time it was again positive. Her only symptoms so far have been a loss of taste and smell.
This just emphasizes how inconsistent and unreliable the swab tests in Indonesia can be. People can test negative but may still have the virus and had that person not taken the test a third time she could easily have been spreading it around without realizing it.
In our city of Bandung, every Sunday there seem to by hundreds and hundreds of cyclists on the roads throughout the city. The car parks of coffee shops and bakeries in the city are often closed to cars to allow all these cyclists to park their bikes and it seems extra tables and chairs are laid out to accommodate them as there are so many of them. Of course, most of them are not wearing masks except the few that enter the premises to order their food and coffee.
It also shows how important it is to continue being vigilant about wearing masks and washing hands and not getting too complacent. I always keep a bottle of alcohol, hand sanitizer and extra masks for adults (and kids) in the car. The way I see it is that if either my wife or I were to get the virus then everyone in the family would probably get it before we'd even know about it.

I wont and my kids certainly wont be taking any vaccine that is fresh on the market until some time away in the furure, hopefully lots of very good feedback with all the trials world wide, out of choice i wont rely on indonesian results.
With a 50% chance of vaccine damage, an immunity blanket covering only manufacturers and extremely loose quality assurance guidelines, I stay away from all vaccines now. I have four kids and two with vaccine injuries, so I pass. I make my own colloidal silver and have developed a holistic way of maintaining our health and staying virus-free.
??? iv had a s///load of vaccines including all the usual plus yellow fever cholera etc etc because of my work in sub saharan africa ,never a problem .
If your kids have had a negative effect that is very unfortunate .
I will be first in line for a covid vaccine from a reputable company .
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