
Shipping items


Any expat know how to ship American products here to Egypt? I tried Amazon but not allowed. I need seasonings or just food items....


See also

Living in Egypt: the expat guideShop jerseyIndian groceries cairoNoise Cancellation Headphones (Work from Home)Shipping mens cologne from the USA to Egypt

you have to use someone coming from the US, unless maybe the local amazon can do it for you


Try or

If you do try any let me know how it works out

i  do not know if you have tried but they have food items there also that can be delivered. If you want something out side  maybe someone could ship it to you or if they are coming to egypt they can bring it with them.
Hope this helps


I use a company out of Florida. They are awesome and will repack if I have multiple things coming from different companies. They will consolidate it into one box.  They are less than half the cost of FedEx and a third the cost of DHL. That said, EVERY box, every envelop, and shipped item gets opened and inspected. They will not forward items that are not approved.  Many forwarding shippers already know what items they won't accept and will return them to the store or not accept the package if they see Egypt will not accept it.  Or they will tell you Egypt will not accept the package and you will need to arrange to have a store credit and return shipment. Yes... It is a total pain in the ...

ALSO - most importantly - there will be a duty when it gets here. If Egypt already makes the item, the cost of the duty will double the price as it puts people out of a job domestically. If they do not make it here, they consider it exotic and you still get a duty... but that duty will be more.  Rule of thumb - if I buy it out of the country and ship it in, I better want it badly as it will be double the cost by the time it gets to you...if ya can get it. If you have friends coming to visit - ask them to put it in their suitcase and take them to dinner  (it will be cheaper in the long run).