
About CNPJ and Paulista for Mercado


Hi sir, I want to know two things here.
1. How to make CNPJ ? What documents do I need to make it?? Full details please.

2. Second question is how to make paulista? When I buy something in Mercado then ask about paulista . Só I want to make paulista . Even I don't know what is it?? Please give me some knowledge about this and how can I make it??

See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilTransiting Throught (GRU) Guarulhos Airport in Sao PauloTourist visa update for 10 January 2024

CNPJ is an Company ID registerd with the Receita Federal. Are you sure you want to open a business??? Some many small businesses go under in BR. It is like a CPF, but for businesses:

Documents needed to apply for a CNPJ
The Registration Form for Corporate Entities, can be obtained via this link to the Federal Revenue Service . For Ceará, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, the application process must be completed online
Board of directors or partners
Basic Entry Document for CNPJ or Transmission Protocol
Copy of Constitutive Act of the company
Power of attorney, in the case of one of the partners residing abroad


If you establish a business you have to have a CNPJ number. You get it at the municipal
or city hall. The "Paulista" they usually ask is probably the "CPF na nota" or "Nota Paulista" which requires them to report the sale to the Receita Federal to avoid tax
evasion and therefore generates the income for the state. They give back to you benefits or some cash of about 30%...
