
Travelling to Boa Vista and pregnant


Looking for advice myself and partner due to fly to Boa Vista in May, we have recently found out we are expecting. I will be roughly 20/22 weeks on date of travel, I have been advised maybe not good to travel there due to Zika virus. Can anybody help?

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Zika virus in 2020???? Where are you getting this outdated info from? We have had drought conditions for 3 years now in Cape Verde. No rain. No water. No mosquitoes!

There were no Zika virus cases in Cape Verde since June 2016!

Well, I guess there is no harm in asking, but your info is more than 3 years old.

There is no Zika virus risk at this time.

Have a great vacation, and good luck with the baby.



Leebann wrote:

Looking for advice myself and partner due to fly to Boa Vista in May, we have recently found out we are expecting. I will be roughly 20/22 weeks on date of travel, I have been advised maybe not good to travel there due to Zika virus. Can anybody help?


Thank you so much, they were exactly my thoughts but UK government website advises against travel when pregnant, so just wanted info directly so much appreciated.
Looking forward to a holiday of a lifetime ! X


You're welcome. It sounds like the UK government has not updated their website in years. Maybe when Brexit is all over they may have some time to focus on other things. LOL


Leebann wrote:

Thank you so much, they were exactly my thoughts but UK government website advises against travel when pregnant, so just wanted info directly so much appreciated.
Looking forward to a holiday of a lifetime ! X