I have been in close contact with a Tunisian person and over 4 months we have connected on all levels. We have one of the best relationship which has grown over time. With time he has expressed his real intention to marry me and have a family. He is oftem speaking to have a baby, something that has never been dpoken about with whome I'm currently with. Things in this marriage have never been right and after illnessses and betrayals I always struggled with myself and happiness.
Tocut a long story short, this Tunisian I love lives in Tunis. I'm currently in London and recently he is becoming irritated and disagrees with me having a man at home and is urging meto divorce and not waste time. He wants to marry me and said he wants his wifeand future children asap.
I am in love and we have a truly strong connection as well as strong feelings but I do have my worries.
He is currently unemployed and often sleeps for long hrs, some days he will wake up and not text, so I do and he will snap saying he is down and wants to work a d get out of this ff country. I told him to apply to hotels now Spring and Summer are coming and could use his photography skills there. He refuses saying its a shit job and for low pay, but at least it gets him out the house.
He had financial issues because his dad died and he is having to deal with his Mum. He said he was in total distress to pay off bills coz he lost his job so I sent some money to ease his worries, he never asked for it but indirectly I knew he was in need. Then recently his mobile charger went and had issues with his phone so because I wanted to hear from him I helped him outfor which he said he is so grateful and that all he wants from life is to come over marry and find a job as well as protecting all he has.
After a while only a few days bk after he had been sleeping alot he asked if I could send him something which I knew was money but he said I am embarassed just what u can, he is so down being in 4 walls and said I just long to work get out of this country even if I love it. He often gets so down and on some days he will continuously sleep.
He wants to come over via a study visa to study English which he is really good at and this requires cash 1450 plus living fees, things which I have to deal with but i dont have all the resources..He said its the only way and I can then ask for an extension or update. As long as Im with you and have u by my side..I cannot wait for the day to marry you and have children he said.
I am in a big dilemma because I hardly see him, he wants me to go to Tunis a couple of days but I worry because of this virus and controls, I work and need to get bk to the Uk, plus all my current situation at home and all which has developed over 4 months. I really dont know how to be calm and enjoy it or be worried. Any advice?