
So where can you get quick help if you think you have the Coronavirus?


Hello, me again with my anxiety.

Now that the Coronavirus cases in NL are rapidly climbing, they are not even testing highly suspect cases anymore, i.e. relatives of infected patients.

Government's advice is to only call your GP if your symptom worsen, but problems are:

- GP office are extremely busy, they can't return calls for hours or even the same day sometimes
- GP is closed on weekends
- GP doesn't want to see you in person due to Coronavirus concerns
- You cannot get treated or tested at the hospital (for anything) without a referral from the GP

So, let's say someone wakes up in the middle of the night with a very high fever and is struggling to breath, where can he/she get quick help from? Regardless whether this person has been in contact with an infected person or in a high-risk area.

It's still more likely that this person does NOT have the Coronavirus. In that case, how can this person get quick hospital treatment if the hospital won't see the patient due to Coronavirus fears?

It's seems like a dead-end wherever you turn. If there was no Coronavirus, then I'm sure they won't hesitate to see you with a fever or difficulty breathing.

I'm just anxious now because if it happens I wouldn't even know who to talk to. My GP office usually takes hours to call back.

Thanks for any advice.

See also

Healthcare in the NetherlandsAccidents and emergencies in the NetherlandsPregnancy and giving birth in the NetherlandsTransnasal endoscopy in netherlandsFailed deadline for Tuberculosis test (Netherlands)

Hi again,

The latest advice in the Netherlands is that if your temperature is over 38 degrees celsius, you should contact your GP or municipal health service (GGD); you haven't said where you live, but this map (link) contains the locations and contact information for all of them.

There is no cure for Coronavirus, you can only treat the symptoms, so drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and treat the high temperature (take some paracetamol).

Hope this helps.

Expat Team


Thanks. I live in Eindhoven.

It just seems to be such a time consuming and tedious process to actually be allowed into a hospital. I'm worried that the Coronavirus situation is stopping people with similar symptoms (but not the Coronavirus) getting timely and proper treatment.

If we look at the numbers far more people have flu or complications of flu (e.g. pneumonia) than the Coronavirus. In this case, these people will not be seen by their GP because they "might" have the Coronavirus, when otherwise their GP would be happy to see them.


Hi again.

So the contact details for your GGD is:

GGD Brabant-Zuidoost
Gebouw de Witte Dame
Clausplein 10
5611 XP Eindhoven

Phone 088-0031100


This link will take you straight to their website.  It's all in Dutch, but Google translate will help you if you're stuck.

Generally - It may well be as you describe it, but what you describe are the results of something that nobody anywhere in the world saw coming and the situation now is what it is - it's not going to change, there is no magic wand that's going to put this all back to where it was a few months ago.  What you now see is what the Experts and Professionals have come up with so that they can provide the help and resources to those people who do not have Coronavirus, but still need medical assistance as before.  Perhaps more importantly, still have some kind of recognisable Health Service at the end.

To explain why you now find yourself in the position you do, you also need to view this from the aspect of the healthcare professionals; they are a finite resource and once they are gone (with illness or as a consequence of that illness), then that piece of your defence has gone, maybe forever, there are no spare ones in the cupboard.  They are already training the non-medically trained staff in basic nursing skills so that those who can, will be able to devote themselves to medical processes that need a skilled professional.  There is a massive problem coming and we haven't seen half of it yet.

My wife is a nurse in a GP practice, she was off yesterday but got a call on Friday night telling her that from Monday, all her contacts and clinics with walk-in patients will cease, they will all be first triaged over the phone and then spoken to by a professional who can help them - there is a fair chance that this will be the sum of the medical assistance they get because they cannot afford to lose any doctors or nurses.  My youngest daughter is a Community Nurse, so is on the front line with this illness, helping those who really need it (basically those with other serious underlying medical conditions) - I don't sleep much at the moment.

There are currently no treatments for Coronavirus, you can only treat the symptoms, these you can buy over the counter from a chemist; that is the system in the Netherlands, so buy yourself a thermometer and a packet of paracetamol; if you don't like tap water, then get some bottled water in that you can flavour yourself and keep yourself hydrated because the "rigours" will make you sweat profusely.  Have some changes of clothing (underwear, t-shirts) put aside, try and keep yourself clean - it will help your mind.  If your temperature goes over 38 degrees, call your GP or the out of hours service.

I genuinely wish you the best of health, but the best thing you can do right now is do all you can to help yourself; wash your hands, avoid personal contact and be prepared with stuff in the house so you can self-treat yourself.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team


Thanks for the detailed feedback.

I guess we have to accept this for the time being. Personally I feel very anxious about it now as I've been somewhat unwell over the past 2 weeks and can't really afford to get sick. Because if I do, help will not be easy to get.


Hi again.

There is a Dutch Facebook Group "Corona Durf te vragen/helpen"; I have no idea how effective this is, all you can do is reach out to them now and see who or what is available to help you; this link will take you there - speak to them now, this evening, do not wait until it may be too late.

Take care.

Expat Team