

Last activity 16 April 2022 by goodolboy

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goodolboy wrote:
Ciambella wrote:
goodolboy wrote:

1.............never leave the apartment without phone.
2.............change batteries regularly. my apartment at Moscow Tower there is finger print digital door lock with an actual key as a back up. Here there is no key, so what happens if the batteries go flat when you are out, suppose its a break the door down scenario. yikes.png

We change the door batteries once a year, using Tet as a reminder. When the lockdown was announced last month, we changed it again after our landlord reminded us. He's the kind of person who prepares for all eventualities so we always listen to his advices and reminders.

My one at Moscow Tower plays a tune when its time to change, but this one not a dicky bird.
I am like your landlord I plan everything in advance but I now use the calendar on my laptop & smart phone for reminders...........its an age thing but very useful. Ms My cant look forward more than one day at a time, its something I have noticed a lot here not saying always but planning forward even 1 day some seem to find it difficult. If I ask her 2 different questions at the same time that seems to throw her too. When I was working one of my pluses noted was always my ability to juggle 9 balls & never drop one........not saying its like that now though. lol.png

Talking of no planning here, my wife was just informed that she will be vaccinated today at 4pm. She was advised of this at 8 am this morning. She needs to travel 45 mins up to Phu My to get it done. Planning is an unknown thing in VN.

colinoscapee wrote:
goodolboy wrote:
Ciambella wrote:

We change the door batteries once a year, using Tet as a reminder. When the lockdown was announced last month, we changed it again after our landlord reminded us. He's the kind of person who prepares for all eventualities so we always listen to his advices and reminders.

My one at Moscow Tower plays a tune when its time to change, but this one not a dicky bird.
I am like your landlord I plan everything in advance but I now use the calendar on my laptop & smart phone for reminders...........its an age thing but very useful. Ms My cant look forward more than one day at a time, its something I have noticed a lot here not saying always but planning forward even 1 day some seem to find it difficult. If I ask her 2 different questions at the same time that seems to throw her too. When I was working one of my pluses noted was always my ability to juggle 9 balls & never drop one........not saying its like that now though. lol.png

Talking of no planning here, my wife was just informed that she will be vaccinated today at 4pm. She was advised of this at 8 am this morning. She needs to travel 45 mins up to Phu My to get it done. Planning is an unknown thing in VN.

What about you?

colinoscapee wrote:

Talking of no planning here, my wife was just informed that she will be vaccinated today at 4pm. She was advised of this at 8 am this morning. She needs to travel 45 mins up to Phu My to get it done. Planning is an unknown thing in VN.

Why Phu My?  It's a nest of Covid right now; many police there caught it just last week.  The other ward in VT (I forget which one) vaccinated their residents right in their area.

Ciambella wrote:
colinoscapee wrote:

Talking of no planning here, my wife was just informed that she will be vaccinated today at 4pm. She was advised of this at 8 am this morning. She needs to travel 45 mins up to Phu My to get it done. Planning is an unknown thing in VN.

Why Phu My?  It's a nest of Covid right now; many police caught it just last week.  The other ward in VT (I forget which one) vaccinated their residents right in their area.

This is Vietnam, how can you question logic.

I am not sure why. It will be done at her company, which, by the way,donated money to the Covid drive. So there could be some connection.


Here are the locations of vaccination.  Phu My is not in it. 



Ciambella wrote:

Here are the locations of vaccination.  Phu My is not in it. … 4638-n.jpg … 5861-n.jpg

This is organised through her company. She was asked months ago if she wanted to be vaccinated, today they were told its being done in Phu My.

colinoscapee wrote:

This is organised through her company. She was asked months ago if she wanted to be vaccinated, today they were told its being done in Phu My.

Oh.  Since your departure is not far away, it's probably worth it to drive to Phu My instead of waiting for the vaccination here.  The neighbourhood leader just told us it'll be a long wait.  This first phase will only cover 18k people out of 400k or so in the entire VT and vicinities (only 6 people in our area are to be vaccinated this time.)

Does your wife have a face shield?  I can give her mine (never been used) but I can't get out of the house.

Ciambella wrote:
colinoscapee wrote:

This is organised through her company. She was asked months ago if she wanted to be vaccinated, today they were told its being done in Phu My.

Oh.  Since your departure is not far away, it's probably worth it to drive to Phu My instead of waiting for the vaccination here.  The neighbourhood leader just told us it'll be a long wait.  This first phase will only cover 18k people out of 400k or so in the entire VT and vicinities (only 6 people in our area are to be vaccinated this time.)

Does your wife have a face shield?  I can give her mine (never been used) but I can't get out of the house.

Her company car will take her there. They must wear masks and glasses whilst travelling. I doubt she will get the second shot before we leave. Hopefully she will.

colinoscapee wrote:
Ciambella wrote:
colinoscapee wrote:

Talking of no planning here, my wife was just informed that she will be vaccinated today at 4pm. She was advised of this at 8 am this morning. She needs to travel 45 mins up to Phu My to get it done. Planning is an unknown thing in VN.

Why Phu My?  It's a nest of Covid right now; many police caught it just last week.  The other ward in VT (I forget which one) vaccinated their residents right in their area.

This is Vietnam, how can you question logic.

I am not sure why. It will be done at her company, which, by the way,donated money to the Covid drive. So there could be some connection.

I dont want to sound ungrateful or critical about the Covid vaccine set up here because I can honestly say I am very grateful to the powers that be that we got it & my experience at the vaccination centre was excellent, but I want to just say something about planning & logic.

1.............We registered for the vaccine at 3 levels, National Portal, Ward level at Emerald Office & latterly on a specific list for our Emerald block F.

2............All said we would be contacted by SMS for a date & time. I never got that SMS. I was lucky because a neighbour sent me a message that he had seen my name at the top of the list for vaccine at 5pm & he was on that list too so he would meet me at reception & we would walk there together. Had it not been for him I would definitely have missed my slot 100% sure.

3............On the FB Emerald support group Covid list yesterday morning they asked all people to contact the organiser for him to update the list of people who got vaccinated the previous day & I did that for myself & Ms My.

4.............This morning Ms My has been contacted at Ward level to tell her we are due to be vaccinated today. So she updated them that we have already been done.

5.............I went into the National Portal to check if my status had been updated & it has not.....might be too early for that to be updated though.

Thing is & suppose the point I am making is must be pretty difficult to establish correct figures as to who & who has not been vaccinated for updating accurately the stats.


....  cant look forward more than one day at a time, its something I have noticed a lot here not saying always but planning forward even 1 day some seem to find it difficult. If I ask her 2 different questions at the same time that seems to throw her too.

I too have noticed this way of thinking.  God forbid you ask 2 questions or make a simply reference regarding a recent something or other.
Often I get the, 'remind me to do  XYZ tomorrow'.
Keeps life interesting. No harn, no foul.

Other than that, plan ahead and roll with the punches.

goodolboy wrote:

Day 2 after Covid Astra jab, feel just great, last night went to bed early 8pm put the head phones on & listening to YouTube drifted off to sleep soundly. Ms My was feeling rough all day & spent the most part of the day in bed & felt ok after a good sleep. From my family back in Scotland who all got the Astra jab that seemed to be the norm for most people.

Ms My was cleaning up when I went to bed, she took the trash out & then was stuck......the digital door lock would not work to let her back in, so she is stuck out in the lobby with her skimpy pink frilly bedtime gear on frantically pressing the door bell for 30 minutes which of course due to ear phones & sleep I did not hear! After she went & rang the bell of our neighbour & he called me on the phone & luckily by that time YouTube had timed out & I heard my phone ringing & after she hysterically explained she was locked out I got up & let her in & checked the door entry & the batteries had gone flat.
So there are lessons to be learnt here
1.............never leave the apartment without phone.
2.............change batteries regularly. my apartment at Moscow Tower there is finger print digital door lock with an actual key as a back up. Here there is no key, so what happens if the batteries go flat when you are out, suppose its a break the door down scenario. yikes.png

Haha reminds me of when we went to Hue, i popped out to get a bottle of wine, she came out room in nighty to give me the umbrella that was in room as it was raining,, i had already got lift, she got locked out & had to go reception trying to cover the see through bits, talk about laugh my ass off.


I maintain a "tickle" file with everything except the grocery list in it.  It has birthdays, anniversaries, contract renewal dates, air-con cleaning dates, recurring bills, scooter maintenance and insurance, driver license renewals, visa extensions, and when new passports will be needed.  I mix all these in with my tv episode download dates to come up with a consolidated list sorted by date.  As needed, I extract bits and give to my wife.  The biggest "hole" in this scheme is not always getting the inputs from my wife for future events.

Travelfar wrote:

I maintain a "tickle" file with everything except the grocery list in it.  It has birthdays, anniversaries, contract renewal dates, air-con cleaning dates, recurring bills, scooter maintenance and insurance, driver license renewals, visa extensions, and when new passports will be needed.  I mix all these in with my tv episode download dates to come up with a consolidated list sorted by date.  As needed, I extract bits and give to my wife.  The biggest "hole" in this scheme is not always getting the inputs from my wife for future events.

So whats your life like as a "Total Control Freak" hahahahah just joking.

My GF is a great record keeper she keeps just about every bit of paperwork and docs for future use, I on the other hand have trouble recording or keepiing anything.

I did keep a "password book" for logins etc but I forgot where I hid it a couple of years ago along with my DSL battery charger.

I did try to make an excel file for bills budget etc but alas I forgot I did it and never recorded more than a few days.

The only thing I've managed to do is put birthdays into google calender to save me the pain of forgetting her & sons birthdays, which would indeed be painful seeing she is VN if you know what I mean  cool.png

Andybris2020 wrote:

So whats your life like as a "Total Control Freak" hahahahah just joking.

My GF is a great record keeper she keeps just about every bit of paperwork and docs for future use, I on the other hand have trouble recording or keepiing anything.

Well, it's not so much that I am a control freak as I am forgetful as heck, or more accurately, I don't recall things at the times that I need them [I didn't forget your birthday - I just didn't recall it when it came!].  The tickle file allows me to just remember one thing:  check the list each day. smile.png
My VN wife is really great about saving documents, receipts, etc., but she is not too organized.  When we need one of those documents, she often goes searching for it.

Travelfar wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:

So whats your life like as a "Total Control Freak" hahahahah just joking.

My GF is a great record keeper she keeps just about every bit of paperwork and docs for future use, I on the other hand have trouble recording or keepiing anything.

Well, it's not so much that I am a control freak as I am forgetful as heck, or more accurately, I don't recall things at the times that I need them [I didn't forget your birthday - I just didn't recall it when it came!].  The tickle file allows me to just remember one thing:  check the list each day. smile.png
My VN wife is really great about saving documents, receipts, etc., but she is not too organized.  When we need one of those documents, she often goes searching for it.

We had a dire next door a few weeks back she ran back in the house to grab the documents folder but forgot to put on underwear, priorities about right id say,,  she did have a fun time trying to keep her short nighty at bay in the wind.

Ciambella wrote:
goodolboy wrote:

1.............never leave the apartment without phone.
2.............change batteries regularly. my apartment at Moscow Tower there is finger print digital door lock with an actual key as a back up. Here there is no key, so what happens if the batteries go flat when you are out, suppose its a break the door down scenario. yikes.png

We change the door batteries once a year, using Tet as a reminder. When the lockdown was announced last month, we changed it again after our landlord reminded us. He's the kind of person who prepares for all eventualities so we always listen to his advices and reminders.

As an update & I suppose a word of warning & lesson learnt.
Fitted a brand new batch of Duracell batteries (compliments of super fast delivery Lazada) & all seemed good & worked a couple of times during the day without a problem. Last night Ms My took the trash out but obviously had a quick look that I was still up & awake but did not learn the lesson about taking her phone with her. Came back & ping pong door bell rings & I let her in & door lock not working again.
Opened it up again, checked the batteries are making good & clean connection & all OK. Then I checked the wiring from the battery pack to the door internals & there is a bayonet fitting in the line & there lies the problem. Although the externals are plastic obviously inside is the wire connectors & believe it or not, totally corroded up & one wire connector came away in my hand. Lucky I dont throw stuff away & found an alternative connector & fitted it. So far so good, fingers crossed.
Still beggars the thought.....................what happens if you are both out, come back & it dont work. Not like I can crawl through a window or something. Two options, burst the door down...........Or abseil down from the apartment above I suppose.

goodolboy wrote:
Ciambella wrote:
goodolboy wrote:

1.............never leave the apartment without phone.
2.............change batteries regularly. my apartment at Moscow Tower there is finger print digital door lock with an actual key as a back up. Here there is no key, so what happens if the batteries go flat when you are out, suppose its a break the door down scenario. yikes.png

We change the door batteries once a year, using Tet as a reminder. When the lockdown was announced last month, we changed it again after our landlord reminded us. He's the kind of person who prepares for all eventualities so we always listen to his advices and reminders.

As an update & I suppose a word of warning & lesson learnt.
Fitted a brand new batch of Duracell batteries (compliments of super fast delivery Lazada) & all seemed good & worked a couple of times during the day without a problem. Last night Ms My took the trash out but obviously had a quick look that I was still up & awake but did not learn the lesson about taking her phone with her. Came back & ping pong door bell rings & I let her in & door lock not working again.
Opened it up again, checked the batteries are making good & clean connection & all OK. Then I checked the wiring from the battery pack to the door internals & there is a bayonet fitting in the line & there lies the problem. Although the externals are plastic obviously inside is the wire connectors & believe it or not, totally corroded up & one wire connector came away in my hand. Lucky I dont throw stuff away & found an alternative connector & fitted it. So far so good, fingers crossed.
Still beggars the thought.....................what happens if you are both out, come back & it dont work. Not like I can crawl through a window or something. Two options, burst the door down...........Or abseil down from the apartment above I suppose.

.Or abseil down from the apartment above I suppose please make sure she has the phone on video record if you ever do.

goodolboy wrote:
Ciambella wrote:
goodolboy wrote:

1.............never leave the apartment without phone.
2.............change batteries regularly. my apartment at Moscow Tower there is finger print digital door lock with an actual key as a back up. Here there is no key, so what happens if the batteries go flat when you are out, suppose its a break the door down scenario. yikes.png

We change the door batteries once a year, using Tet as a reminder. When the lockdown was announced last month, we changed it again after our landlord reminded us. He's the kind of person who prepares for all eventualities so we always listen to his advices and reminders.

As an update & I suppose a word of warning & lesson learnt.
Fitted a brand new batch of Duracell batteries (compliments of super fast delivery Lazada) & all seemed good & worked a couple of times during the day without a problem. Last night Ms My took the trash out but obviously had a quick look that I was still up & awake but did not learn the lesson about taking her phone with her. Came back & ping pong door bell rings & I let her in & door lock not working again.
Opened it up again, checked the batteries are making good & clean connection & all OK. Then I checked the wiring from the battery pack to the door internals & there is a bayonet fitting in the line & there lies the problem. Although the externals are plastic obviously inside is the wire connectors & believe it or not, totally corroded up & one wire connector came away in my hand. Lucky I dont throw stuff away & found an alternative connector & fitted it. So far so good, fingers crossed.
Still beggars the thought.....................what happens if you are both out, come back & it dont work. Not like I can crawl through a window or something. Two options, burst the door down...........Or abseil down from the apartment above I suppose.

Hmm might have to check mine now, had issues for a while that battery change has failed to fix..

Andybris2020 wrote:
goodolboy wrote:
Ciambella wrote:

We change the door batteries once a year, using Tet as a reminder. When the lockdown was announced last month, we changed it again after our landlord reminded us. He's the kind of person who prepares for all eventualities so we always listen to his advices and reminders.

As an update & I suppose a word of warning & lesson learnt.
Fitted a brand new batch of Duracell batteries (compliments of super fast delivery Lazada) & all seemed good & worked a couple of times during the day without a problem. Last night Ms My took the trash out but obviously had a quick look that I was still up & awake but did not learn the lesson about taking her phone with her. Came back & ping pong door bell rings & I let her in & door lock not working again.
Opened it up again, checked the batteries are making good & clean connection & all OK. Then I checked the wiring from the battery pack to the door internals & there is a bayonet fitting in the line & there lies the problem. Although the externals are plastic obviously inside is the wire connectors & believe it or not, totally corroded up & one wire connector came away in my hand. Lucky I dont throw stuff away & found an alternative connector & fitted it. So far so good, fingers crossed.
Still beggars the thought.....................what happens if you are both out, come back & it dont work. Not like I can crawl through a window or something. Two options, burst the door down...........Or abseil down from the apartment above I suppose.

.Or abseil down from the apartment above I suppose please make sure she has the phone on video record if you ever do.

Oh no not me, its Ms My on the end of the rope lol.png


And 1 more month of lockdown. … 40059.html


This article say 15 more days, to 31 August -- for now, anyway. … bs-2110411

Erikji wrote:

And 1 more month of lockdown. … 40059.html

The article said its possible. They will release their judgement by Sunday. Glad I dont live in Saigon.

colinoscapee wrote:
Erikji wrote:

And 1 more month of lockdown. … 40059.html

The article said its possible. They will release their judgement by Sunday. Glad I dont live in Saigon.

Oh joy... as if being stuck at home isnt bad enough.... another two weeks of dull routine

Jlgarbutt wrote:

Oh joy... as if being stuck at home isnt bad enough.... another two weeks of dull routine

Why don't you start a new workout routine to make it less dull? 

On June 13, the day before the lockdown in VT began, I tried to walk back and forth inside the apartment.  That day, I could only do 7,500 steps.  The next day, I got 10,346.  Then I added walking up and down the stairs to the routine, one flight at a time. 

Today, I did 1474 stair step plus 21,040 regular steps:


I've also lost 3.5 kg.  (No, I didn't starve myself.  We actually spent 3 times more on groceries now than before the lockdown.)  Another 1.5 kg to go and I'll be set.

If an old klutz can do that in one month, anybody can do the same or more.

My husband only does about 5,000 steps but he does a lot more sit-ups, push-ups from kitchen counter top, ab crunching, and stationary bike than I do.

Ciambella wrote:
Jlgarbutt wrote:

Oh joy... as if being stuck at home isnt bad enough.... another two weeks of dull routine

Why don't you start a new workout routine to make it less dull? 

On June 13, the day before the lockdown in VT began, I tried to walk back and forth inside the apartment.  That day, I could only do 7,500 steps.  The next day, I got 10,346.  Then I added walking up and down the stairs to the routine, one flight at a time. 

Today, I did 1474 stair step plus 21,040 regular steps:

I've also lost 3.5 kg.  (No, I didn't starve myself.  We actually spent 3 times more on groceries now than before the lockdown.)  Another 1.5 kg to go and I'll be set.

If an old klutz can do that in one month, anybody can do the same or more.

My husband only does about 5,000 steps but he does a lot more sit-ups, push-ups from kitchen counter top, ab crunching, and stationary bike than I do.

It's such a great stairwell in your (landlord's) house!

Especially since there are such great rooftop views and fresh air at the very top of the stairwell.

I wish I had that in my little cottage efficiency apartment.

I think when I complete my upcoming move to Oaxaca, Mexico I'm going to look for a place next to a Mayan temple so I can walk up and down those "stairs" everyday...



Update for VT: The lockdown in Bà Rịa-VT province will be extended through Aug 25 with the exception of Côn Đảo where Directive 15 will start on Aug 16.  (Sources: Standing Committee of BR-VT and BR-VT E-Newspaper)

Unofficial:  After Aug 25, the rest of the province may be placed under Directive 15 as well, so, for BRVT, there's light at the end of the tunnel, and it's not an oncoming train.

Ciambella wrote:

Unofficial:  After Aug 25, the rest of the province may be placed under Directive 15 as well,

My husband already has a plan for that day, his first act when VT is under Directive 15:  he'll order a pizza con salsiccia piccante (spicy pepperoni in English) from Luca, the most authentic Italian restaurant here, to celebrate freedom and his birthday (Aug 27) at the same time.   lol.png


Here at Celadon City there are ad hock shops springing up in what are just apartments really but great for fresh veg & fruit. So yesterday out I goes to buy Bap My at one shop that was advertising on FB Emerald Block B. To get there I had to walk through all the gardens & you know what...................not one butterfly. Before there were literally hundreds & it was a joy in my life to see them. They have been dusting disinfectant everywhere here now on a regular basis suppose for Covid & just shows how Covid has possibly impacted even the natural world & don't even want to think where all the masks are going to show up.

Just gotta hope if Covid don't get me that cancer don't breathing in the disinfectant fumes.

Ciambella wrote:
Jlgarbutt wrote:

Oh joy... as if being stuck at home isnt bad enough.... another two weeks of dull routine

Why don't you start a new workout routine to make it less dull? 

On June 13, the day before the lockdown in VT began, I tried to walk back and forth inside the apartment.  That day, I could only do 7,500 steps.  The next day, I got 10,346.  Then I added walking up and down the stairs to the routine, one flight at a time. 

Today, I did 1474 stair step plus 21,040 regular steps:

I've also lost 3.5 kg.  (No, I didn't starve myself.  We actually spent 3 times more on groceries now than before the lockdown.)  Another 1.5 kg to go and I'll be set.

If an old klutz can do that in one month, anybody can do the same or more.

My husband only does about 5,000 steps but he does a lot more sit-ups, push-ups from kitchen counter top, ab crunching, and stationary bike than I do.

The day you posted your last screen grab i started walking
So far ive done:-
& 9274 so far today
It started with me then GF joined in then one boy then the other so now there is 4 of us doing it, still cant get the 14 year old out bed before 10am but hey its a start lol

Andybris2020 wrote:
Ciambella wrote:
Jlgarbutt wrote:

Oh joy... as if being stuck at home isnt bad enough.... another two weeks of dull routine

Why don't you start a new workout routine to make it less dull? 

On June 13, the day before the lockdown in VT began, I tried to walk back and forth inside the apartment.  That day, I could only do 7,500 steps.  The next day, I got 10,346.  Then I added walking up and down the stairs to the routine, one flight at a time. 

Today, I did 1474 stair step plus 21,040 regular steps:

I've also lost 3.5 kg.  (No, I didn't starve myself.  We actually spent 3 times more on groceries now than before the lockdown.)  Another 1.5 kg to go and I'll be set.

If an old klutz can do that in one month, anybody can do the same or more.

My husband only does about 5,000 steps but he does a lot more sit-ups, push-ups from kitchen counter top, ab crunching, and stationary bike than I do.

The day you posted your last screen grab i started walking
So far ive done:-
& 9274 so far today
It started with me then GF joined in then one boy then the other so now there is 4 of us doing it, still cant get the 14 year old out bed before 10am but hey its a start lol

My average was around 14,000 untill they close most places I liked to walk to..😭


Anyone notice all these adverts in the internet here selling home oxygen concentrators ? So I thought that's interesting, might fancy one of them if I got Covid. Then I Googled it & WOW lots of dangers using them on a long term basis or giving yourself too much. All said they should be used under a doctors guidance. Mind you with all these what we would call prescription drugs that are available over the country I suppose it should not really surprise me!

goodolboy wrote:

Anyone notice all these adverts in the internet here selling home oxygen concentrators ? So I thought that's interesting, might fancy one of them if I got Covid. Then I Googled it & WOW lots of dangers using them on a long term basis or giving yourself too much. All said they should be used under a doctors guidance. Mind you with all these what we would call prescription drugs that are available over the country I suppose it should not really surprise me!

Yes.. one of my friends quit her sales job in shipping to sell these things. No training or qualifications and has sold about 50 of them so far..

All sounds very dodgy to me.. from what I have read it sounds like a budget ventilator that they were struggling to build enough cheaply last year..


Can be usefull when the normal pollution will come back after the lockdown.
Enjoy the lockdown, we can breath!

goodolboy wrote:

Anyone notice all these adverts in the internet here selling home oxygen concentrators ? So I thought that's interesting, might fancy one of them if I got Covid. Then I Googled it & WOW lots of dangers using them on a long term basis or giving yourself too much. All said they should be used under a doctors guidance. Mind you with all these what we would call prescription drugs that are available over the country I suppose it should not really surprise me!

Two months back, filled up oxygen cylinders and oxygen concentrators were roaring business in India.

Erikji wrote:

Can be usefull when the normal pollution will come back after the lockdown.
Enjoy the lockdown, we can breath!

Before lock down I had to clean the ceiling fan blades once every week, like a film of black oily residue with dust clinging to it. Since lock down its still there but only needs cleaning once every 2 weeks. Winner Winner!



Please note that some posts of a political nature have been removed from this thread.


Diksha team


Ah politic is forbidden on this forum.


But deciding what is political is highly political!

Maxep wrote:

But deciding what is political is highly political!

Yes but any posts that are potentially defamatory or critical in anyway could be construed as a negative take on things.

Fin balancing act.. and don't get me wrong there are some odd goings on that I struggle to understand the logic to. But hey we chose to live outside your home nations.. love with it

Jlgarbutt wrote:
Maxep wrote:

But deciding what is political is highly political!

Yes but any posts that are potentially defamatory or critical in anyway could be construed as a negative take on things.

Fin balancing act.. and don't get me wrong there are some odd goings on that I struggle to understand the logic to. But hey we chose to live outside your home nations.. love with it

It's certainly much easier to recognize something as being political when it's also totally off topic.

For instance, it's one thing to be talking about how to get a driver's license, and then slip into a political discussion about the government.

It's a totally different thing to be talking about shopping for fruit in Danang and then someone starts talking about a subject halfway around the world involving two governments, neither of which is the Vietnamese government.

A really good test of whether something is political is to start a new thread.

If the subject is so important to the poster, there is nothing stopping them from creating a new thread about that particular subject.

At least then it's not off topic and it's slightly less likely to get pulled.

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    We know there's a lot of attention on the drinking culture in Hanoi, but what about the options for a healthy ...

  • Internet in Vietnam
    Internet in Vietnam

    Vietnam is currently ranked 39th internationally for internet connection and has an average download speed of ...

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