

Last activity 16 April 2022 by goodolboy

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Andybris2020 wrote:

Definatly a different sound in their voice when they contact us, my GF sister contacted us in tears did not have work and can not go get food now, could we save food scraps for her!  we went straight out and met her at checkpoint with supplies and cash, she was a total wreck as we handed the supplies over, so was my GF on the drive back at the thought of her sister eating food scraps.

Communication and management of Covid by Vietnam is catastrophic, it is the example in the world not to follow.

"The PM has also asked authorities to look into the possibility of relocating people away from certain areas to reduce population density within a given area. Military camps, schools and other facilities could be used for such relocations"
I am speechless in front of so much intelligence.

And weekend of panic to buy food, because nobody trusts militaries can deliver food for 13 million people. More contaminations this weekend!
People in Ho Chi Minh City poured into the street to buy necessities … vn_thumb=1

Erikji wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:

Definatly a different sound in their voice when they contact us, my GF sister contacted us in tears did not have work and can not go get food now, could we save food scraps for her!  we went straight out and met her at checkpoint with supplies and cash, she was a total wreck as we handed the supplies over, so was my GF on the drive back at the thought of her sister eating food scraps.

Communication and management of Covid by Vietnam is catastrophic, it is the example in the world not to follow.

"The PM has also asked authorities to look into the possibility of relocating people away from certain areas to reduce population density within a given area. Military camps, schools and other facilities could be used for such relocations"
I am speechless in front of so much intelligence.

And weekend of panic to buy food, because nobody trusts militaries can deliver food for 13 million people. More contaminations this weekend!
People in Ho Chi Minh City poured into the street to buy necessities … vn_thumb=1

My GF is scared they may miss many people who need food, me being ex military do hope that the local officers and soldiers can avoid the chaos that usually comes down from the top brass who are in their tiny bubbles.  Thats a global military issue not pointed towards VN in anyway.
Ive seen it in UK, NATO, AMERICA planning before.

Erikji wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:

Definatly a different sound in their voice when they contact us, my GF sister contacted us in tears did not have work and can not go get food now, could we save food scraps for her!  we went straight out and met her at checkpoint with supplies and cash, she was a total wreck as we handed the supplies over, so was my GF on the drive back at the thought of her sister eating food scraps.

Communication and management of Covid by Vietnam is catastrophic, it is the example in the world not to follow.

"The PM has also asked authorities to look into the possibility of relocating people away from certain areas to reduce population density within a given area. Military camps, schools and other facilities could be used for such relocations"
I am speechless in front of so much intelligence.

And weekend of panic to buy food, because nobody trusts militaries can deliver food for 13 million people. More contaminations this weekend!
People in Ho Chi Minh City poured into the street to buy necessities … vn_thumb=1

Big C 8:30am today
[link under review]
Social distance? I 100% agree there will be a spike,,, Not wanting to criticise gov in any  way, i'll leave it there.

AndyHCMC … 838860313/
Big C crowd,,
I'm bad at posting links maybe this will work

Andybris2020 wrote:
Big C crowd,,
I'm bad at posting links maybe this will work

Use the chain link next to the smiley face in the box above your replies.

Andybris2020 wrote:
Big C crowd,,
I'm bad at posting links maybe this will work

Thank you for the link, Andy.  Here's the best comment following that link -- translation is mine:

"Never before has the line between life and death is so fragile as now; leaving the house once may equal bringing death home to the family. 

"The epidemic cannot enter our home when our door is closed, but it's outside waiting for us to step out so it can follow us into the house.

"Our family comes first; our lives come first.  As long as we're still alive, we're blessed.  No meat or fish?  Eat vegetables and fruits temporarily.  No rice?  Eat ramen.  Not enough food for 3 meals a day?  Eating once a day will not kill us.

"Just imagine how difficult it is for those who work in epidemic prevention and the medical profession, how much danger they must face each day for us, and then look at ourselves.  Our job at this time is much simpler: all we need to do is be calm and careful every minute of the day to get through this pandemic.

"For those who are forced to go out, let's pray for them to be safe!"

Ciambella wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:
Big C crowd,,
I'm bad at posting links maybe this will work

Thank you for the link, Andy.  Here's the best comment following that link -- translation is mine:

"Never before has the line between life and death is so fragile as now; leaving the house once may equal bringing death home to the family. 

"The epidemic cannot enter our home when our door is closed, but it's outside waiting for us to step out so it can follow us into the house.

"Our family comes first; our lives come first.  As long as we're still alive, we're blessed.  No meat or fish?  Eat vegetables and fruits temporarily.  No rice?  Eat ramen.  Not enough food for 3 meals a day?  Eating once a day will not kill us.

"Just imagine how difficult it is for those who work in epidemic prevention and the medical profession, how much danger they must face each day for us, and then look at ourselves.  Our job at this time is much simpler: all we need to do is be calm and careful every minute of the day to get through this pandemic.

"For those who are forced to go out, let's pray for them to be safe!"

People berate and joke about the services who are the Ambulance crews, Firemen, Police, Army, Nurse's & Doctor's but when push come to shove they are the ones doing the heavy liftiing while couch jockey types are on social media giving them a hard time, as the saying goes "those who cant do are the loudest whingers".

I was just talking to my GF who was looking at facebook, some girl was moaning that she hopes the ARMY goes and buys what she wants and she not have to eat just anything because she cant go out, how narcissistic are these idiots, I told her:- tell her answer the door get the bag of food say thank you and be lucky you got food to keep you alive.


Daily Life in the Pandemic is taking a turn.   yikes.png





Ciambella wrote:


Sure looks real to me....

Andybris2020 wrote:
Ciambella wrote:


Sure looks real to me....

That's why I deleted my comment.

Ciambella wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:
Ciambella wrote:


Sure looks real to me....

That's why I deleted my comment.

if its fake they need to send it to hollywood they sure have a future in visual fx lol
They would need a bloody big green screen.


News in from VNexpress
News: Saturday, August 21, 2021, 16:11 (GMT 7)
People in the 'green zone, yellow zone' can go to the market once a week
HO CHI MINH CITY People in the "green zone" and "yellow zone" are eligible to go to the market once a week, those in need will receive a support package.

According to Mr. Hai, after the city informed that it would continue to strengthen and improve anti-epidemic measures, due to anxiety, this morning people went out to the streets in large numbers, shopping and hoarding goods. This causes disorder, the epidemic spreads easily, if not stopped, it is difficult to control the epidemic.

"Ho Chi Minh City's Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control has confirmed that it will not implement a blockade of the city in the next 2 weeks ,"

My GF and I now have no idea if we can go out not go out, go out if we need food, or wait until a knock on the door by Army.

We are in Phu Nhuan so shippers deliver still deliver? but red tape and streets closed everywhere.

Edit just found the zone map,,,

Covid Zone map

yellow color in middle,,, I zoomed in and OMG it's Phu Nhuan red everywhere else.


Covid map

with or without http?


Hopefully someone can sort it out so it works

This one has positive case location (select on left hand side)

((((((((( … qGKiOV6TBW)))))))))))

overlay map of covid info

Budman1 … trictions/

They have been softly trying to enforce the social distancing and restrictions in Saigon.  Very few people it appears paid attention.The hammer is going to come down Monday. My only hope for you folks up there in the big city is that they don't put untrained Soldiers on the street to enforce it.

Budman1 wrote:

They have been softly trying to enforce the social distancing and restrictions in Saigon.  Very few people it appears paid attention.The hammer is going to come down Monday. My only hope for you folks up there in the big city is that they don't put untrained Soldiers on the street to enforce it.

Read 3 posts up,,,

Ho Chi Minh City's Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control has confirmed that it will not implement a blockade of the city in the next 2 weeks ,"

That was posted today

Andybris2020 wrote:
Budman1 wrote:

They have been softly trying to enforce the social distancing and restrictions in Saigon.  Very few people it appears paid attention.The hammer is going to come down Monday. My only hope for you folks up there in the big city is that they don't put untrained Soldiers on the street to enforce it.

Read 3 posts up,,,

Ho Chi Minh City's Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control has confirmed that it will not implement a blockade of the city in the next 2 weeks ,"

That was posted today

If that's true, why all the military.

colinoscapee wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:
Budman1 wrote:

They have been softly trying to enforce the social distancing and restrictions in Saigon.  Very few people it appears paid attention.The hammer is going to come down Monday. My only hope for you folks up there in the big city is that they don't put untrained Soldiers on the street to enforce it.

Read 3 posts up,,,

Ho Chi Minh City's Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control has confirmed that it will not implement a blockade of the city in the next 2 weeks ,"

That was posted today

If that's true, why all the military.

Well the plan seemed to be lock down use Army & Police etc to go and feed everyone, I think the comment about people panicing and all going out may have changed the plan?

It says something about the different zones who can go out who gets food delivered, 60 medical teams with a doctor and medical students from military checking F0 case and people at home.

Seems there is a range of plans/ideas who knows what will happen from Monday, sit and wait I guess.

Andybris2020 wrote:
colinoscapee wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:

Read 3 posts up,,,

Ho Chi Minh City's Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control has confirmed that it will not implement a blockade of the city in the next 2 weeks ,"

That was posted today

If that's true, why all the military.

Well the plan seemed to be lock down use Army & Police etc to go and feed everyone, I think the comment about people panicing and all going out may have changed the plan?

It says something about the different zones who can go out who gets food delivered, 60 medical teams with a doctor and medical students from military checking F0 case and people at home.

Seems there is a range of plans/ideas who knows what will happen from Monday, sit and wait I guess.

The areas that are an issue should be locked down. Areas with minimal infection should be able to operate as usual. Its all a friggen mess.


From VNNews:-
according to Mr. Hai, the city will zoning, each region will have different regulations. In the "green zone" (safe zone) and "yellow zone" (low risk) the city is divided into 2 groups. For people with conditions, who do not need support, they can go to the market by themselves once a week. People with difficult circumstances will receive a support package.

The city has 2 million welfare support and maybe more, along with support packages according to Resolution 68 of the Government, Resolution 09 of the People's Council of Ho Chi Minh City to help people in need. The special working group will distribute these support packages to the people once a week.

In the "orange zone" (high risk) and "red zone" (very high risk), the city is also divided into two similar groups. For people who do not need support, the working group will go to the market to help, people pay, once a week. The rest, for those in need, will receive support packages.

"The city has provided the wards and communes with nearly 3,000 addresses to supply goods. In case there is a shortage of goods, the city will send mobile trucks to bring food and food for people to buy," Mr. Hai said. .

According to Mr. Hai, after the city informed that it would continue to strengthen and improve anti-epidemic measures, due to anxiety, this morning people went out to the streets in large numbers, shopping and hoarding goods. This causes disorder, the epidemic spreads easily, if not stopped, it is difficult to control the epidemic.

"Ho Chi Minh City's Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control has confirmed that it will not implement a blockade of the city in the next 2 weeks ," Hai said and affirmed that the city will continue to strengthen and improve measures, commensurate with the nature of the city. , the level of spread with the disease with 4 factors.

Firstly, the police, army, and health care are the forces the city already has, this time reinforced by the Central Government; secondly, to increase equipment, machinery, equipment and drugs in accordance with the rapid increase of the epidemic; thirdly provide more food and food, continue to take care of people's lives and fourth, strengthen and tighten distance because this has not been done strictly before.

Clear as mud,,,


If this article is correct, whether or not you can get deliveries depends on what district you live in.

Shippers to halt services in eight HCMC districts … 44235.html

"From Aug. 23 to Sept. 6, all shippers who utilize tech apps would need to suspend operations in Thu Duc City, Districts 8, 12, Go Vap, Binh Tan, Binh Thanh, Binh Chanh and Hoc Mon, according to a document issued by the municipal People's Committee on Saturday."

7 of those 8 districts are high on the list of case numbers on your map, except Go Vap.  According to that map we have less cases in Go Vap than 1, 4, 7, 10, and Tan Binh.


OMG things gettiing crazy now,, this was Coop D1

gobot wrote:

Daily Life in the Pandemic is taking a turn.   yikes.png


I'm both quite excited to see some military vehicles but also concerned about the growing risks

I'm lucky that we are just outside red zone so have the chance to shop once a week.

Jlgarbutt wrote:
gobot wrote:

Daily Life in the Pandemic is taking a turn.   yikes.png


I'm both quite excited to see some military vehicles but also concerned about the growing risks

I'm lucky that we are just outside red zone so have the chance to shop once a week.

From what I can see & read orders online can still be delivered providing the shop & shipper are within your own district......right?.........& again from what I see & read here at Tan Phu we are not in the Red zone........right?

goodolboy wrote:
Jlgarbutt wrote:
gobot wrote:

Daily Life in the Pandemic is taking a turn.   yikes.png


I'm both quite excited to see some military vehicles but also concerned about the growing risks

I'm lucky that we are just outside red zone so have the chance to shop once a week.

From what I can see & read orders online can still be delivered providing the shop & shipper are within your own district......right?.........& again from what I see & read here at Tan Phu we are not in the Red zone........right?


No, the green/yellow/orange/red zones are by wards, not by districts.

Erikji wrote:

No, the green/yellow/orange/red zones are by wards, not by districts.

I dont see any yellow or orange zones, I see Green, sort of Redish Purple & Purpleish Pink. From what I can make out Phuong Son Ky is in the Purpleish Pink what does that imply?

goodolboy wrote:

so what does that imply?

This map is not about the green/yellow/orang/red zones.
I have the link of a file, but it is not up to date, I saw some mistakes: … JJRxPyqhFQ


Don' trust the file I shared, it's just to explain the colors are by wards, I don't find the current official file.


For zone info go to facebook search Tôi là dân Tân Phú.

Just swap out Tan Phu for where you live.
It should show you what zones mean and list all info about your area green, red, yellow etc.

Yes Tan Phu has shippers,,,,

goodolboy wrote:
Erikji wrote:

No, the green/yellow/orange/red zones are by wards, not by districts.

I dont see any yellow or orange zones, I see Green, sort of Redish Purple & Purpleish Pink. From what I can make out Phuong Son Ky is in the Purpleish Pink what does that imply?

I just sent you example of info on facebook have a look try see if you can search for your area


Just got this SMS
"City People's Committee  Ho Chi Minh asked the people of the city to rest assured, not to collect goods.  People in high-risk areas will be provided with food and food.  People in safe areas will be allowed to go to the market once a week.  Poor people will be supported with social security bags.
It is recommended that people do not gather in large numbers to easily spread the disease, affecting health.  Hope the people will support and join hands with the city to overcome the pandemic."

Andybris2020 wrote:

Just got this SMS
"City People's Committee  Ho Chi Minh asked the people of the city to rest assured, not to collect goods.  People in high-risk areas will be provided with food and food.  People in safe areas will be allowed to go to the market once a week.  Poor people will be supported with social security bags.
It is recommended that people do not gather in large numbers to easily spread the disease, affecting health.  Hope the people will support and join hands with the city to overcome the pandemic."

Sounds like good advice

goodolboy wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:

Just got this SMS
"City People's Committee  Ho Chi Minh asked the people of the city to rest assured, not to collect goods.  People in high-risk areas will be provided with food and food.  People in safe areas will be allowed to go to the market once a week.  Poor people will be supported with social security bags.
It is recommended that people do not gather in large numbers to easily spread the disease, affecting health.  Hope the people will support and join hands with the city to overcome the pandemic."

Sounds like good advice

Any takers on there might be a spike in coid cases in around 5-7 days as just about the whole of HCMC went out to stock up?

As long as they dont blame the spike on the Army coming in to feed everyone....

Andybris2020 wrote:

I just sent you example of info on facebook have a look try see if you can search for your area

They even don't know themselves  big_smile.png  : "Ho Chi Minh City has not announced which is the 'green zone', 'red zone'"
(use google translate : … FQkJ2EC6OQ )

Erikji wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:

I just sent you example of info on facebook have a look try see if you can search for your area

They even don't know themselves  big_smile.png  : "Ho Chi Minh City has not announced which is the 'green zone', 'red zone'"
(use google translate : … FQkJ2EC6OQ )

Changing all the time . In safe zones we were allowed to go out but now it seems that has changed.. probably will again later or tomorrow

Erikji wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:

I just sent you example of info on facebook have a look try see if you can search for your area

They even don't know themselves  big_smile.png  :

As Jlgarbutt said, the status of a zone changes all the time, even from one day to the next.  A green zone would lose its green status as soon as a new F0 is discovered.

Based on your posts, it seems that you enjoy criticizing Vietnamese authority at every opportunity. Perhaps you want to give that hobby a rest now and then, especially when your criticism is based on the lack of knowledge on your part.

Ciambella wrote:
Erikji wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:

I just sent you example of info on facebook have a look try see if you can search for your area

They even don't know themselves  big_smile.png  :

As Jlgarbutt said, the status of a zone changes all the time, even from one day to the next.  A green zone would lose its green status as soon as a new F0 is discovered.

Based on your posts, it seems that you enjoy criticizing Vietnamese authority at every opportunity. Perhaps you want to give that hobby a rest now and then, especially when your criticism is based on the lack of knowledge on your part.

As a matter of interest..........................I can understand why HCMC & Binh Duong figures are so high, but how come Ha Noi Covid figures are so very low?


Read the link, even the officials seached the list. The zones green/yellow/orange/red have NOT YET be defined. Just some green zone recently, it has not been done for all the city, for example the yellow color.

Ciambella wrote:

Based on your posts, it seems that you enjoy criticizing Vietnamese authority at every opportunity..

I notice you don't accept the freedom of expression. I bring sourced information and debate. No insults, respect. I've been living in vietnam for a lot longer than you.
Probably you report my posts in order to be deleted for "omg, politic!!!"


.    I've been living in vietnam for a lot longer than you.         

You do realise she is Vietnamese.

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