

Last activity 16 April 2022 by goodolboy

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My GF reports lots of complaining within the many groups she is in about food or the lack of it.

Today big racket in street as lady told she cant go out street to go supermarket she was oblivious to lock down she thought she just needed to scan QR code and walk in, she was from the house with 8 people who always wander around no maskes with their baby, the men in house sit outside on their phones all day no idea how they didnt know about it -  amazing!

The street drunk/crazy dude has been sitting outside drinking 333 with 2 guys from next door since 12noon and now is walking up and down the street in the rain, jeans no shirt,  beer in one hand phone in other singing like he is on Vietnam's Got Talent  - yep no mask, which could have cut the bordom if the idiot could actually sing!

Andybris2020 wrote:

My GF reports lots of complaining within the many groups she is in about food or the lack of it.

Today big racket in street as lady told she cant go out street to go supermarket she was oblivious to lock down she thought she just needed to scan QR code and walk in, she was from the house with 8 people who always wander around no maskes with their baby, the men in house sit outside on their phones all day no idea how they didnt know about it -  amazing!

The street drunk/crazy dude has been sitting outside drinking 333 with 2 guys from next door since 12noon and now is walking up and down the street in the rain, jeans no shirt,  beer in one hand phone in other singing like he is on Vietnam's Got Talent  - yep no mask, which could have cut the bordom if the idiot could actually sing!


Andybris2020 wrote:

My GF reports lots of complaining within the many groups she is in about food or the lack of it.

Today big racket in street as lady told she cant go out street to go supermarket she was oblivious to lock down she thought she just needed to scan QR code and walk in, she was from the house with 8 people who always wander around no maskes with their baby, the men in house sit outside on their phones all day no idea how they didnt know about it -  amazing!

The street drunk/crazy dude has been sitting outside drinking 333 with 2 guys from next door since 12noon and now is walking up and down the street in the rain, jeans no shirt,  beer in one hand phone in other singing like he is on Vietnam's Got Talent  - yep no mask, which could have cut the bordom if the idiot could actually sing!

Sounds nice.... luckily dont get many piss heads herre and Karaoke has been closed so now its probably me playing loud music


Well, it's not in Vietnam but my local lovely liberal mayor just reinstated a mandatory mask mandate everywhere including private businesses for everyone over the age of two, regardless of vaccination status, through September 30.  Somehow she was albe to get it for the whole county, not just the city even though she has no jurisdiction over the county.  Meanwhile, the largest city in the state, Omaha, more than triple our size which is less than an hour away, sees no reason to institute any mask mandates.  Fortunately I'm going to Canada to go fishing 9/1-9/11 so that will eliminate 30% of the stupidity.

I know this pales with what you all are dealing with but it's still kind of stupid.  At least here anyone that wants a vaccine can just walk in any pharmacy and get it so now they supress everyone to protect the people that choose to not protect themselves.  That's the problem I have with it.

SteinNebraska wrote:

Fortunately I'm going to Canada to go fishing 9/1-9/11...

Sounds like a great idea.  You are lucky that Canada opened up to vaccinated US travelers this month .  Hopefully they won't close again before your trip.  When your nearest dearest neighbor shuts you out, you know you are doing something wrong.  Don't forget to bring your CDC card.   top.png

Andybris2020 wrote:

My GF reports lots of complaining within the many groups she is in about food or the lack of it.

I have so far received 0 food and the 2 only shops we can order (via Zalo groups) are overloaded and stopped to received orders for some days.

A friend told me they told her to wait again for 1 week to receive the combo she ordered 4 days ago (only 1 shop allowed in her ward's group).

Officially, no problem, HCMC has enough food  big_smile.png "stay calm, don't stockpile"  cool.png

Erikji wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:

My GF reports lots of complaining within the many groups she is in about food or the lack of it.

I have so far received 0 food and the 2 only shops we can order (via Zalo groups) are overloaded and stopped to received orders for some days.

A friend told me they told her to wait again for 1 week to receive the combo she ordered 4 days ago (only 1 shop allowed in her ward's group).

Officially, no problem, HCMC has enough food  big_smile.png "stay calm, don't stockpile"  cool.png

We got ours on Tuesday as did a lot of people we know, at the same time we have also seen video's of people at large supermarkets rushing and panicing get get food, GF sister reported sitting for 3 hr to be told food over.

So it looks like a mixed view from place to place.

The delivery side seems to be the nightmare with many people online having food but can get it delivered and if they can the price is 4 times higher.

On the good side the combo we ordered cam with 2 whole chickens (3.5kg) which were 81k for the pair  top.png

Andybris2020 wrote:

So it looks like a mixed view from place to place.

Maybe, I'm in P.25 Binh Thanh, my friend District 8, both red zones.
If they extend after September 6, it will be starvation for many people, especially old people who do not know how to use zalo, not sure it will help immune defense against covid  huh.png

Erikji wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:

So it looks like a mixed view from place to place.

Maybe, I'm in P.25 Binh Thanh, my friend District 8, both red zones.
If they extend after September 6, it will be starvation for many people, especially old people who do not know how to use zalo, not sure it will help immune defense against covid  huh.png

In Australia N.S.W. they have said lock down until 70% 2 x jab covered which will be mid Sept,,, sources say more like 18th Nov, I can only imagine if it goes like that here, i'm not sure how the food chain will hold up long term if it's showing cracks now.

Erikji wrote:
Andybris2020 wrote:

So it looks like a mixed view from place to place.

Maybe, I'm in P.25 Binh Thanh, my friend District 8, both red zones.
If they extend after September 6, it will be starvation for many people, especially old people who do not know how to use zalo, not sure it will help immune defense against covid  huh.png

Just read this on VNEXPRESS
"Prime Minister: People are still confused about who to call when needed
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh asked the leaders of wards and communes in Ho Chi Minh City to learn from experience and provide a full phone number for people to call when they are short of food or need an emergency.

The above request was said by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh , Head of the National Steering Committee for Covid-19 Prevention and Control at an online working session with leaders of Ho Chi Minh City and 312 wards and communes on the situation of strengthening social distancing and measures. epidemic prevention and control in the area, the afternoon of August 26. The meeting was held after the Government leaders did a physical inspection of a number of safety points and hostels in the morning of the same day.

Prime Minister recounted, this morning when he went down to check in the ward, he asked people when they ran out of food, needed emergency care, who to call for medical care, people were still confused. "This must learn from experience, must immediately paste the phone number in each hostel, each house so that when hungry, when sick, need to support people to know where to contact. Call this ward, not call 1022 switchboard. Because when the 1022 switchboard is still congested, it means that the work in the communes and wards is not good, so they focus on the city, "said the Prime Minister."

Thats a good sign he is on the ball, hopefuly people listen and give the number out, we have our ward committee lady's number plus she knocks on the door daily passing info out, every one knows her house so they just call or knock on her door.



Moderated by Diksha 3 years ago
Reason : Unnecessary
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Starting Friday 27th here in Oregon you need a mask outdoors.  State agencies have give a mandate to get vaccinated or get fired.  Many private companies are giving mandates that are similar.  Venues require proof of vaccination.  Insurance companies are hiking premiums for those who are unvaccinated.  Lots of changes going on.

SteinNebraska wrote:

Well, it's not in Vietnam but my local lovely liberal mayor just reinstated a mandatory mask mandate everywhere including private businesses for everyone over the age of two, regardless of vaccination status, through September 30.  Somehow she was albe to get it for the whole county, not just the city even though she has no jurisdiction over the county.  Meanwhile, the largest city in the state, Omaha, more than triple our size which is less than an hour away, sees no reason to institute any mask mandates.  Fortunately I'm going to Canada to go fishing 9/1-9/11 so that will eliminate 30% of the stupidity.

I know this pales with what you all are dealing with but it's still kind of stupid.  At least here anyone that wants a vaccine can just walk in any pharmacy and get it so now they supress everyone to protect the people that choose to not protect themselves.  That's the problem I have with it.


80% of posts are off topic here, many people speak about USA. Americans in America please.

Erikji wrote:

80% of posts are off topic here, many people speak about USA. Americans in America please.

Occasionally such posts do give a point of comparison to long time expats who have lost track of the situation at home.  Besides that did it tire out your eyeballs to spend a few seconds reading it.



Moderated by Priscilla 3 years ago
Reason : insults
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Another 17,428 cases of Covid-19 reported for yesterday, not looking good for lifting lockdown.  sosad.png
Hopefully there is no connection to the shopping spree last weekend  dumbom.gif


well, as previously mentioned, in a moment of complete madness/stupidity, they let/encouraged thousands upon thousands of people go in packed crowds to the supermarket before a strict lock-down

too late then the damage had been done - permitted and encouraged, and almost mandated, by 'them'

what would anyone expect?

it would have been 100 times better idea NOT to have the strict punitive house-bound lock-down (that encouraged/forced panic buying) in the first place, and instead strictly enforce distancing and masks, and a limit on travel to say 2-3k

(but btw they should (have) absolutely allowed unlimited solo or couples outdoor exercise within 1k of house - for mental and physical health)


Its COVID test 4 for us at Celadon City Emerald today or tomorrow, this time its by call to each individual apartment to go to the gardens BBQ site where they have set up to do it & not a mass gathering at the school which has got to be a step in the right direction.


Something needs to change,  instead if the usual four shops inside my building today we have just one small vinmart maybe 60 sq provide for 1200 apartments.

Online food groups inside are also hit and miss, some sellers take orders and never deliver.

Nearest big shop Topps at Cantavil now has a checkpoint to stop you going there. If you live next door great.. have many choices..

So yes hard times are only going to get harder.

BUT right outside... Three taxis... Couple of cars labelled grab all parked up hoping for customers while drivers sit with feet out the window, smoking and drinking.

Neighbours (family if 6) get PCR test results back.. 5 have covid.. other one is clear. Nothing more than a bit if tape across the door. Annoyingly woman living next door didn't mention her test results or worries the day before quick test when she share the same lift..

This kind of thing is the reason for the growing  numbers.

Jlgarbutt wrote:

Something needs to change,  instead if the usual four shops inside my building today we have just one small vinmart maybe 60 sq provide for 1200 apartments.

Online food groups inside are also hit and miss, some sellers take orders and never deliver.

Nearest big shop Topps at Cantavil now has a checkpoint to stop you going there. If you live next door great.. have many choices..

So yes hard times are only going to get harder.

BUT right outside... Three taxis... Couple of cars labelled grab all parked up hoping for customers while drivers sit with feet out the window, smoking and drinking.

Neighbours (family if 6) get PCR test results back.. 5 have covid.. other one is clear. Nothing more than a bit if tape across the door. Annoyingly woman living next door didn't mention her test results or worries the day before quick test when she share the same lift..

This kind of thing is the reason for the growing  numbers.

OMG! we used to live in tower block, first covid (sounds weird saying that) it's bad enough muppets out in the street now wearing masks can only imagine the stress of getting in and out a lift when you never know if someone has it standing next to you.
Take care,,,

Jlgarbutt wrote:

Something needs to change,  instead if the usual four shops inside my building today we have just one small vinmart maybe 60 sq provide for 1200 apartments.

Online food groups inside are also hit and miss, some sellers take orders and never deliver.

Nearest big shop Topps at Cantavil now has a checkpoint to stop you going there. If you live next door great.. have many choices..

So yes hard times are only going to get harder.

BUT right outside... Three taxis... Couple of cars labelled grab all parked up hoping for customers while drivers sit with feet out the window, smoking and drinking.

Neighbours (family if 6) get PCR test results back.. 5 have covid.. other one is clear. Nothing more than a bit if tape across the door. Annoyingly woman living next door didn't mention her test results or worries the day before quick test when she share the same lift..

This kind of thing is the reason for the growing  numbers.

Not arranged for the Army to deliver there in your complex yet mate?

Here now Monday to Friday its all set up with the Army deliveries from AEON. We have a 2 full page list of what they call "grocery combo bundles 1 to 10" with what I suppose is their take on an average shopping lists & with prices from 100,000vnd to 500,000vnd. Only thing is you cant cherry pick & mix & match between bundles if you know what I mean. You just hand it in to reception in the morning all filled in & get it that afternoon. One page example attached.



This is getting a bit episodic like a star trek log entry,,, day **,,, this morning we cooked bread cheese sticks and garlic bread, nothing to report nowhere to go except the excitment of waiting for out combo to turn up,,,,,

Hey Colin you have any sleeping tablets   sleep.png  with your stock of valium?

Not for me - for the 3 boys that are climbing the walls and runing around on the roof bashing each other with empty plastic coke bottles  dumbom.gif

I'd put them out with vodka or whisky but someone would report me to child services  lol.png


combo example that went "under review"



Haha not yet, An Phu committee is known for its lack of organisation...

I get the impression part of the problem with shops is the staff. Today they have delivery of around 50 cases of oil and sauce.. but nothing else.

I'll look at pairing the short video of Vinmart just now.. if you want soft drinks and candy.. you're in luck.

Meat.. nope
Fruit.. nope

On a plus note the woman who take Bahn mi orders than vanish for s few days actually delivered today 😁

Andybris2020 wrote:

This is getting a bit episodic like a star trek log entry,,, day **,,, this morning we cooked bread cheese sticks and garlic bread, nothing to report nowhere to go except the excitment of waiting for out combo to turn up,,,,,

Hey Colin you have any sleeping tablets   sleep.png  with your stock of valium?

Not for me - for the 3 boys that are climbing the walls and runing around on the roof bashing each other with empty plastic coke bottles  dumbom.gif

I'd put them out with vodka or whisky but someone would report me to child services  lol.png

Besides glass vodka bottles would hurt..


Over cooked cheese sticks sad.pngfter the over cooked bread sad.png


Overcooked Cheese Bread sad.png20210828-134329.jpg

Andybris2020 wrote:

Overcooked Cheese Bread sad.png


So it's a bit crunchy..😜


well they say a photo is worth a thousand words, not sure about this one though....pretty crap but the point of it is.........

So testing again (my 4th) started at Celadon City Emerald this morning & what a difference & well managed. No clamber of people shoulder to shoulder like last time, people well spaced out very orderly, bit of a relief that & now can go get it hopefully without worrying about "am I going to get the test & get Covid just going for the test"


goodolboy wrote:

well they say a photo is worth a thousand words, not sure about this one though....pretty crap but the point of it is.........

So testing again (my 4th) started at Celadon City Emerald this morning & what a difference & well managed. No clamber of people shoulder to shoulder like last time, people well spaced out very orderly, bit of a relief that & now can go get it hopefully without worrying about "am I going to get the test & get Covid just going for the test"

Haha looks like the people in the photo dont need to sign a waiver


Sad to see a video on facebook about a ward peoples committee person in Binh Chanh got huge stock of rice President gave out and didnt share it, people very peeved off and police came, showed the doors open and piles of bags of rice,,,,,,    sad.png

Andybris2020 wrote:

Sad to see a video on facebook about a ward peoples committee person in Binh Chanh got huge stock of rice President gave out and didnt share it, people very peeved off and police came, showed the doors open and piles of bags of rice,,,,,,    sad.png

Yeah, sounds about right. Happens all the time. No morals and no ethics.

Andybris2020 wrote:

Sad to see a video on facebook about a ward peoples committee person in Binh Chanh got huge stock of rice President gave out and didnt share it, people very peeved off and police came, showed the doors open and piles of bags of rice,,,,,,    sad.png

I haven't seen the video from Binh Chanh, but saw the video of a group of renters in a budget motel repeatedly making claims on social media and chat platforms saying they did not receive help, that the local authority did not give needy families any support, the government abandoned their citizens, and the sponsors were all empty talkers.

When the sponsors, the neighbourhood leader, and the landlord came to the units to check, they found 5 or 6 quintals (500 - 600 kg) of rice in one unit, 50 kg of potatoes in another unit, and 32 bottles of fish sauce and cooking oil of 1-5 liters each in the 3rd unit.

Those were the only 3 units they were able to enter; the others all had their doors locked.  The woman in the video was laughing the entire time her room was checked as if it was a joke, but there were curses in the background from other renters who said they have the right to keep everything they can get their hands on because they're poor, they need to sell what they get for money, and they only do what everyone else does.


Re: Bình Chánh incident, here's the official explanation published on Người Lao Động, the online newspaper for workers and labourers of HCMC:

"Chairman of Bình Chánh District People's Committee Đào Gia Vượng announced that the commune police, the Commander of the District Military Force, the Party Committee, and the People's Committee of Bình Hưng Commune together have verified that the amount of rice shown in the video was sent to the house of the leader of Group 229, Hamlet 5, to store overnight. 

Due to the fact that the office of Hamlet 5 is small, humid, and was recently flooded from the rain, the commune has assigned Mr. Nguyễn Thanh Bình, Head of Hamlet 5 and leader of Group 229 to keep the 2 tons of rice overnight in the front area of his house.  Mr. Bình did not have any input on this matter because the rice was brought to his house by the People's Committee.

The rice was not part of government aid, but was donated by a sponsor whom the Hamlet contacted on behalf of the 300 construction workers who are stuck at the camp in Đại Phúc area.  The distribution to the workers was scheduled for the next day, Aug 29.

Bình Hưng Commune Police coordinated with Bình Chánh District Police Security Force have checked the record and verified the information."


Watching the video, it seems to me they're telling the truth.  The rice can be seen through the holes of the door being stacked in that empty area where motorbikes is parked at night, not hidden away.  After all, it's only there for one night; the next morning it would be sent to the camp.  It's not to be divided and distributed to the residents of that hamlet anyway, why bother to move.

From the explanation, I imagine the neighbours saw a vehicle dropping 2 tons of rice to his house so they waited to see what's going on, and when nothing happened, they raised hell shortly afterwards.  All in a span of a couple of hours.

The mob in the video say they haven't received any rice for many weeks,  That would be very easy to check, the same way it's easy to verify the 300 recipients for this batch of rice (6 kg per person).

Ciambella wrote:

Watching the video, it seems to me they're telling the truth.

A lot of westerners envision a Communist Party with an iron grip over the populace which is cowered into silence.   This little incident is an example that shows that is not exactly so.

THIGV wrote:

A lot of westerners envision a Communist Party with an iron grip over the populace which is cowered into silence.   This little incident is an example that shows that is not exactly so.

It's true in China, but not here where social media and social apps are not banned.  In this instance, however, those sources inadvertently helped to shame one person publicly for something he didn't do.

Ciambella wrote:
THIGV wrote:

A lot of westerners envision a Communist Party with an iron grip over the populace which is cowered into silence.   This little incident is an example that shows that is not exactly so.

It's true in China, but not here where social media and social apps are not banned.  In this instance, however, those sources inadvertently helped to shame one person publicly for something he didn't do.

the old saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" is sometimes true but a picture or a video can also be be made to look like something that is not actually true because sometimes it does not tell the full story & this looks like sadly its the case here. A video showing the leader of the hamlet getting & storing the rice then giving it to the workers would have got 100 hits, a video showing the leader stashing the rice & the subsequent protests will get 10,000. Sensationalism & fake news at its best I suppose.
Thank you Ciambella for the clarification & just hope the leader of the hamlet gets some sort of an apology from his neighbours but I doubt it.


Just remember when times are tough there is always someone in the world worse off & getting by as best they can.


goodolboy wrote:
Ciambella wrote:
THIGV wrote:

A lot of westerners envision a Communist Party with an iron grip over the populace which is cowered into silence.   This little incident is an example that shows that is not exactly so.

It's true in China, but not here where social media and social apps are not banned.  In this instance, however, those sources inadvertently helped to shame one person publicly for something he didn't do.

the old saying "A picture is worth a thousand words" is sometimes true but a picture or a video can also be be made to look like something that is not actually true because sometimes it does not tell the full story & this looks like sadly its the case here. A video showing the leader of the hamlet getting & storing the rice then giving it to the workers would have got 100 hits, a video showing the leader stashing the rice & the subsequent protests will get 10,000. Sensationalism & fake news at its best I suppose.
Thank you Ciambella for the clarification & just hope the leader of the hamlet gets some sort of an apology from his neighbours but I doubt it.

Well it certainly did the rounds, my GF was certainly peeved, just shows people arnt going to stand for anyones bad behaviour.
I bet no one goes back online and sends everyone a message sayimg the above info.

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