

Last activity 16 April 2022 by goodolboy

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Looks like youre in the naughty boy corner, GOB!

colinoscapee wrote:

Looks like youre in the naughty boy corner, GOB!

Hey @GOB old boy!

What was in the principal's note to your mother?

Because, you know, so we can all learn from your terrible misdeeds, and martyrdom.

gobot wrote:
colinoscapee wrote:

Looks like youre in the naughty boy corner, GOB!

Hey @GOB old boy!

What was in the principal's note to your mother?

Because, you know, so we can all learn from your terrible misdeeds, and martyrdom.

It said read Code of Conduct, behave, be polite and stop fighting in the playground.


Posting private messages on the open forums is very bad form so should never be done.

gobot wrote:
colinoscapee wrote:

Looks like youre in the naughty boy corner, GOB!

Hey @GOB old boy!

What was in the principal's note to your mother?

Because, you know, so we can all learn from your terrible misdeeds, and martyrdom.

lol.png please be a goodolboy cos you are upsetting the other children!!


I watched a bit of a lefty news program from the US that explained what was happening with Omicron. The upshot was new cases were going through the roof but hospitalisations were far less that they have been in the past. However, still enough to totally mess up health services.
As it was a political channel, thus prone to lies, I checked their numbers out with people more likely to tell the truth.
It appears to have been a fair representation of the real world and very likely to follow a similar path in every country.
That means:
Get vaxxed
Wear masks
Avoid crowds
Don't get smashed out of your skull and bonk a ladyboy as intimate relations (Including kissing) might well increase your chances of getting exposed.

Fred wrote:

I watched a bit of a lefty news program from the US that explained what was happening with Omicron. The upshot was new cases were going through the roof but hospitalisations were far less that they have been in the past. However, still enough to totally mess up health services.
As it was a political channel, thus prone to lies, I checked their numbers out with people more likely to tell the truth.
It appears to have been a fair representation of the real world and very likely to follow a similar path in every country.
That means:
Get vaxxed
Wear masks
Avoid crowds
Don't get smashed out of your skull and bonk a ladyboy as intimate relations (Including kissing) might well increase your chances of getting exposed.

Good advice for TET

Fred wrote:

I watched a bit of a lefty news program from the US that explained what was happening with Omicron. The upshot was new cases were going through the roof but hospitalisations were far less that they have been in the past. However, still enough to totally mess up health services.
As it was a political channel, thus prone to lies, I checked their numbers out with people more likely to tell the truth.
It appears to have been a fair representation of the real world and very likely to follow a similar path in every country.
That means:
Get vaxxed
Wear masks
Avoid crowds
Don't get smashed out of your skull and bonk a ladyboy as intimate relations (Including kissing) might well increase your chances of getting exposed.

Thank god I stopped bonking ladyboys before this pandemic started.

colinoscapee wrote:

Thank god I stopped bonking ladyboys before this pandemic started.

No need to stop - Just don't get drunk as your mask may fall off

Fred wrote:
colinoscapee wrote:

Thank god I stopped bonking ladyboys before this pandemic started.

No need to stop - Just don't get drunk as your mask may fall off

Thanks for the advice ,Fred, always good to get info from people with previous experience.

colinoscapee wrote:
Fred wrote:
colinoscapee wrote:

Thank god I stopped bonking ladyboys before this pandemic started.

No need to stop - Just don't get drunk as your mask may fall off

Thanks for the advice ,Fred, always good to get info from people with previous experience.

Watching only - Did I mention part of my business in the UK was CCTV installation and repair?  yikes.png


Got boostered yesterday............come & get me Omicron. Usual battle with line jumpers but got there in the end cool.png Thank you Vietnam for taking care of this 'goodolboy"

goodolboy wrote:

Got boostered yesterday............come & get me Omicron. Usual battle with line jumpers but got there in the end cool.png Thank you Vietnam for taking care of this 'goodolboy"

Did they throw in a free digital prostate exam?


2 years ago, I decided to move to a safe place due to Covid-19 outbreak!
I proved that my decision was right even though I didn't get much income from business.
Again this year, I wanted to move back to center city (Co Giang, Q1, HCMC) for business, I searched many places and saw so many "Cho Thue mat bang" big_smile.png
This is not a good time to pay high rent and take shops!
Even though almost businesses broke down during these 2 years, just the real estate mafia growing with no change big_smile.png
Business people who rent out with high price has no money to pay rent monthly and close down businesses. That's why you can see the sign board 'Cho thue mat bang' everywhere!

This is an old thread we posted 2 years ago but I really want to know about all of you, especially business people.
Did you survived as you planned?
Did you come back to your old place if you moved from there like me?

In my observation, it's best time for a re entry if you are not aware of the situation in center city. I am here to help people who want to relocate to center city.
Sorry, I am not a real estate agent and I have no intention to do that big_smile.png
Just want to help if you really needed as an old expatriate with lot of Saigon experiences!


Sign of the times I suppose, topped up the old Mobylette with petrol this morning, 30k 1 ltr yikes.png



This weekend Aeon Mall parking lot did away with the nice ladies at the check in booths in their White shirts with chequered apelets & Black skirts & replaced them with Black & White machines with a press button to get your parking card. So that's at least 12 ladies in total out of a job I suppose. Still have them when you check your bike or car out though but for how long I wonder.

goodolboy wrote:


This weekend Aeon Mall parking lot did away with the nice ladies at the check in booths in their White shirts with chequered apelets & Black skirts & replaced them with Black & White machines with a press button to get your parking card. So that's at least 12 ladies in total out of a job I suppose. Still have them when you check your bike or car out though but for how long I wonder.


goodolboy wrote:


This weekend Aeon Mall parking lot did away with the nice ladies at the check in booths in their White shirts with chequered apelets & Black skirts & replaced them with Black & White machines with a press button to get your parking card. So that's at least 12 ladies in total out of a job I suppose. Still have them when you check your bike or car out though but for how long I wonder.



Took a run on the bike down Mekong Delta "Cai Be" been 3 years since I visited Cai Be town & just can not believe how big it has grown in 3 years! staying for 3 days at the Eco Resort here & so far only me as a paying guest (Ms My is staying at family home right in the depths of the Delta about 5km away).
If anyone is ever down this way this Lodge makes a nice change to a standard hotel.


My credit card renewal story. (Happy ending!!)

Dec 15 2021: Yes it was going to expire. in Mar 2022, so I called CapitalOne, can you send me a new one? They had to check with fraud, since the card has my old California address, but no problem they can send to my address in Vietnam. A week later I am contacted by the person who bought my house in Calif, they got my card. Oops.

Dec 22: Call #2: Ok, now they must cancel my card, then they will send a new one, new number. Cancelling means I can't use the old number for online stuff. Whatever. I have two cards for just this circumstance.

wait - wait -wait 1f644.svg

[I don't want to call CapOne again, they will cancel again]

wait ...wait  My backup card is fine. Forget about lost card. 1f644.svg

Feb 23 The card comes! Yay! But where was it for two months? 

Dec 24 2021 postmarked in US

Feb 21 central HCMC post code stamp

Feb 22 Dist 10 postal code stamp, annex near my house

No idea when it arrived in Vietnam. I am guessing it came in a week but was lost in customs or someplace, then finally mailed to central post office on 21st, then D10 annex on 22nd.  Envelope looked to be unopened, and the card is working fine.

Moral: Everything  works, just be patient, guys. It's not easy being an expat. 1f617.svg

Some new friends & flowers came to Celadon City Emerald



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