

Last activity 16 April 2022 by goodolboy

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Day 4 self imposed isolation in apartment :-
Today the lock down seems to be taking effect Q 12 Tan Thoi Nhat . All big coffee shops, BBQ etc now closed, Some small coffee shops & street eating places still open. Most Supermarkets & street markets still open but quiet now. Entrances to the park below my apartment are cordoned off using barrier tape & the park is basically deserted now with just a few people & kids jumping the tape. Exercise machines all wrapped in barrier tape, no badminton & the hot ladies aerobics now finished. sosad.png
All entry to our apartment block is covered by security taking temperature & compulsory spraying hands of people entering. top.png  Our apartment has had its communal areas & lobbies dusted with chemical now two times. yikes.png  Not sure if the face mask message is getting across 100% though. hmm.png
Big state junior school beside apartment been closed now since just after TET holidays. (forget exactly the date)

url=]park-2-2.jpg[/url] park-2-1.jpg


Wait you have an or had hot ladies aerobics 😮
Here residents committee say we cannot talk in common areas of building. Maybe excuse to stop talking to wives or husbands


Day 5 self imposed isolation in apartment :-

Update from yesterday, Q 12 Tan Thoi Nhat  the park below my place as noted in the morning was completely sealed off using barrier tape. By 12 noon the barrier tape to the main entrance had been stretched by people gaining access to the park & was basically now laying on the ground & the park was pretty well being used as normal by people playing football, families out walking the kids & some people exercising & very few with masks on. By 3 pm the barrier was torn down & the park was back to normal & the park attendants had decided that discretion was the better part of valor, did a strategic retreat & took refuge in their little hut till knocking off time. At dusk the picnickers arrived & settled down to an evening of eating & drinking & having fun, but hey ho on the positive side no karaoke.
This morning at about 6 am the barrier was still down & lots of people walking, playing kick the ball & that kick game using like a shuttle cock thingie, but still no badminton (might be because its windy) & no hot ladies aerobics or the old comrades ladies club doing the synchronized dancing. Time to box up my binoculars till its all over I think!
Now at 10am the barriers are up again, the park is empty & the park keepers are busy cleaning up all the plastic, trash & half eaten food left behind from the night before. These guys deserve a medal really. Must be the most sole destroying job ever coming to work every day to face that. Ah well thats how it is here I suppose.
Ms My got all masked up, gelled her hands & has made a keeping low dash to the mini mart to stock up on vegetables. 
Right now all is pretty quiet & that’s pretty normal here for a Sunday. As for me its just relaxing with a book, watching TV & a bit of gardening on the balcony. Bought some Water Lilly seeds on line & having mixed results getting them to sprout.
Was watching a documentary report on CNN about Japan & the spike in Corona cases since the Olympics were cancelled & now they are talking about announcing a state of emergency soon next week for Tokyo! How lucky are they cancelling the Olympics just before the spike! You just gotta have a laugh really.



Day 6 self imposed isolation in apartment :-

Update from yesterday, Q 12 Tan Thoi Nhat

Well on the positive side, the barrier tape at the entrances to the park did not get ripped down & was intact this morning. Still lots of new plastic, food etc appeared overnight so must be going over or under the barrier tape  but no one in the park this morning apart from the park keepers tidying up again.....big thanks to the parkies for their efforts keeping that park looking so beautiful, not easy for them. Oh & this morning the birds are back

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Still hear & see lots of planes taking off this morning so people or empty planes still flying.
Ms My got masked, gloved & glasses on this morning & headed for AEON Citymart for shopping top up. Many small coffee shops, stores etc still open here but big places all locked up. In the morning there is still a lot of traffic on the roads here especially the main road out towards Cu Chi & in towards the Airport & Q1. All the factories round here big & small still seem to be working for now anyways.
One thing I have noted though is that the smoggy haze in the morning certainly seems to be less as the lock down takes effect.



Day 7 self imposed isolation in apartment :-

Update from yesterday, Q 12 Tan Thoi Nhat

Barrier tape on main entrance to the park below my place torn down again this morning, park pretty busy, badminton people back, kick the shuttle cock thingy people back, mum's with kids out having a stroll, pretty much back to normal at the park really & not much signs of social distancing message getting through. I miss the morning hot ladies aerobics display though, ah well cant have everything.
Ms My made a run to AEON CITYMART yesterday (double bonus points 30th) she was  all masked up & said everyone entering the shop had to have temperature taken now.
Gonna keep an eye weekly on the air pollution levels just as a matter of interest as the lock down her gets more intense or relaxed whatever & however it pans out.
Opposite the apartment work goes on unabated on a nice house being built & have watched its progress with interest, start to finish will be less that 6 months I think. … consulate/

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Have spent the best part of the morning in hand to hand combat with a chunk of steak that has been in the freezer so long it needs to be carbon dated. Had the title American Tenderloin but I think actually came out of the BF Goodrich tyre factory, probably an 'All Terrain' reject.  Never been a fan of American steak, Angus Steaks are far superior and certainly don't need to be attacked with a road drill to make them edible. Finally lost on  a technical knockout in round 8 when my steak mallet broke.

Indices wrote:

Have spent the best part of the morning in hand to hand combat with a chunk of steak that has been in the freezer so long it needs to be carbon dated. Had the title American Tenderloin but I think actually came out of the BF Goodrich tyre factory, probably an 'All Terrain' reject.  Never been a fan of American steak, Angus Steaks are far superior and certainly don't need to be attacked with a road drill to make them edible. Finally lost on  a technical knockout in round 8 when my steak mallet broke.

Tough!  dumbom.gif


Steak mallet? Get yourself a 2 lb hammer. Has more uses. Huge spiders, huge cockroaches, rats of unusual size, curls, aluminum cans, social distancing to name a few.
Don't throw it, it won't come back.

Indices wrote:

Have spent the best part of the morning in hand to hand combat with a chunk of steak that has been in the freezer so long it needs to be carbon dated. Had the title American Tenderloin but I think actually came out of the BF Goodrich tyre factory, probably an 'All Terrain' reject.  Never been a fan of American steak, Angus Steaks are far superior and certainly don't need to be attacked with a road drill to make them edible. Finally lost on  a technical knockout in round 8 when my steak mallet broke.



If you used to visit Ben Thanh market (night market), you know well how it looks like in between 7pm-10pm
Below image is taken yesterday night



When Nation is in apprehended danger and the government agencies running to help residents by imposing some simples rules, I really don’t understand what these minority of people thinking and doing!
[img align=c]ttps://[/img]

Ignorance of law is not excusable !
Attention Misuki Park management and ward police!
It’s better to give a circular officially to all to abide by law and co operate with this COVID- 19 mission!
Law is for all !!!
There is no discrimination whether rich or poor !



Day 8 self imposed isolation in apartment :-

Update from yesterday, Q 12 Tan Thoi Nhat


As of midnight the Vietnamese government have introduced the much stricter restrictions & guidelines to try to get on top of the virus that they say could possibly see some significant increases in the Vietnamese figures.


Round here from what I can see from my balcony & apartment block roof, it looks like life pretty much goes on if not as usual at least nearly as usual. The park keepers have given up replacing the barriers round the park entrances & basically “said sod it I give up & waved the white flag” & who can blame them! They have not given up trying to keep the park clean & tidy every morning so I can still look out on this beautiful garden every day. Today as from 5.30 the park was nearly back to normal with lots of joggers, badminton players, people kicking the shuttle cock thingie, football kicking & by 6 am  the families with kids were out too having a stroll. I really envy them their walks but I am sticking to the directive & keeping low!!
From the roof I can see like thousands of motos, hundreds of cars & trucks heading into & out of town on Truong Chinh & hundreds of motos heading to the factories on Duong CN1
Forgot to mention but as from 4 days ago I have been updating my health status on line on the government website every day.
Watched the movie...”The Omega Man” yesterday was one of my favourites long time ago, but has some relevance to my situation here I felt. Haha & started reading the Dan Brown book “The Lost Symbol” Jeez talk about doom & gloom eh?
Really happy how my Water Lilly seeds are all sprouting (about 50/50 success rate) & transplanted 3 now to the pot. Ms My is especially happy, she is right into flowers & nature, she talks to them. After 2 weeks of lock down I might just be doing the same!




OceanBeach92107 wrote:
charmavietnam wrote:

If you used to visit Ben Thanh market (night market), you know well how it looks like in between 7pm-10pm
Below image is taken yesterday night

Cool pic! Tells a huge story for anyone who knows of what you speak:

I played around with it a bit...

[img align=C][/url]

Posting 'played about with' pictures is an inaccurate and doctored untruth.
Not allowed under your own admission.


The streets of Vũng Tàu at around noon today:





I only saw 1 taxi in about an hour walking to the bank, to a grocery store and back home again.


Day 9 self imposed isolation in apartment :-

Update from yesterday, Q 12 Tan Thoi Nhat


All quiet on the Western Front, life goes on pretty much as normal, barrier tape back up at the entrance to the park & is now being used as part of the exercise regime of the keep fitters here buy jumping over it. On the posative side at least they are not tearing it down now (touch wood).
Got all masked up & made a quick run up to the bank this morning, appointment with relationship manager 8.30 am, very impressed with how they are handling the situation there now. At entry temperature taken, hands squirted with gel, no mask no entry, all the the assistants have PPE on, see photo Relationship Manager at her desk, ready for action!!
Baked some Scottish Short Bread biscuits yesterday to break the monotony so had a nice afternoon tea & biscuits & scoffed the lot!! Will do another batch tomorrow & some Oat Cakes too.
Mini Water Lilly pond is starting to come together with all 3 plants taking root & looks like they are thriving. Ms My did some pruning & talking to the plants in the balcony garden & now she is praying to the Buddha every evening for about an hour for the people all over the world effected by the virus.







OceanBeach92107 wrote:

The streets of Vũng Tàu at around noon today:
I only saw 1 taxi in about an hour walking to the bank, to a grocery store and back home again.

Isn't it fantastic! (unless you own a business) For the first time since I moved here two years ago, I can get on my motorbike without having to prey (and I'm not religious).  wink.png

Still constantly hyper vigilant/aware when driving though. Even if there are way fewer people on the road, you NEVER know what the other idiots are going to do...

cruisemonkey wrote:
OceanBeach92107 wrote:

The streets of Vũng Tàu at around noon today:
I only saw 1 taxi in about an hour walking to the bank, to a grocery store and back home again.

Isn't it fantastic! (unless you own a business) For the first time since I moved here two years ago, I can get on my motorbike without having to prey (and I'm not religious).  wink.png

Still constantly hyper vigilant/aware when driving though. Even if there are way fewer people on the road, you NEVER know what the other idiots are going to do...

You still based at Vung Tau cruisemonkey? still a lot of traffic here on the main roads but small round about the immediate area my apartment though.

goodolboy wrote:

You still based at Vung Tau cruisemonkey?



Husband was out riding the bike this afternoon, sticking to the order to stay within one's ward.  Upon return, he said the entire 6km area between Back Beach and Front Beach -- oceanview and inland streets -- was completely empty and eerily silent with the look and feel of the movie On the Beach (Brian Brown & Rachel Ward).


Day 10 self imposed isolation in apartment :-

Update from yesterday, Q 12 Tan Thoi Nhat


So today there is a security guard posted to the park & now instead of dozens there are just one or two twats totally ignoring his requests to leave!! WTF!
This morning there seems to be a reduction in the smoggy horizon & from the roof I can actually clearly see see the Bitexco Tower & past it!! Cant think I have ever seen that before during the day time.
So yesterday afternoon we went onto the apartment block roof & did a complete clean up, plastic, beer cans & bottles, half eaten food packs etc etc etc. Been trying for months to get the management company to get their act together about this but just get blank looks! But hey it was something to do & a bit of exercise too!
Last night 8pm we got masked up & decided to go for a sneaky walk round the neighbourhood, lots of young people hanging out together & some houses had all men get together beer drinking parties but all in all was pretty quiet, some pharmacies open, minimarts & actually found a street duck & noodle soup place open so bought a take away for tonight’s supper!
Funny how things turn around, watching TV yesterday it was all about how China is helping other countries now but Ms My showed me a news thing from Taiwan pointing out it was China that caused all this mess in the first place!!….hummmmmmm. … consulate/ 



goodolboy wrote:




[Post under review]


Never enjoyed that.. well apart from Miss Sharapova appeared on the scene. Like most sports back in the UK way too much coverage u less your were an F1 Fan which then got dropped .

I see Bojo is still suffering with the effects of the virus.. (oh no what a shame) so why hasn't Trump got it ???


Ooo new signage up at Lexington. Big blue box marked on the floor in reception. Not allowed to step inside the box when talking to security.... Social distancing rules.

However, what happens if you need to give the guard something? Desk is out of arms reach.

Also if decided to be. Naughty just stay outside this box and the guards won't try and stop you 😜

goodolboy wrote:

Day 11 self imposed isolation in apartment :-

Update from yesterday, Q 12 Tan Thoi Nhat


Ms My & me went up on the roof last night & counted 37 stars or planets easy to see even if there was a bright half moon. That’s a record for us, best before was about a year ago & counted 12 one night. Think will do another count when its new moon & darker.
Bit of a blow today, just found out that the Grand National (due to run today), boat race & Wimbledon all cancelled! Have watched all of them every year on the telly basically since I was a kid & cant remember any of them being cancelled ever. Must have been on the telly 55 years plus, sort of was things the whole nation stopped to watch. Ah well that’s life these days I suppose.
Big tidy up in the park below today & the security guard seems to be having some effect only about 12 people jumping the barrier & totally ignoring his request to leave!
Lots of swallows flying in the park too, must be because of the tidy up & bush pruning stirring up the insects. We are so lucky to have a beautiful park like this right here on our door steps & its a joy just to look at it even from the balcony (after all the plastic & trash has been cleared every morning of course)
Water Lilly pond taking good shape now & started a second one.
Baked some Scottish oat cakes this morning to eat with pickle beetroot & Stovies for supper. hummmmmmmmm on second thoughts will just scoff the oatcakes right now  whistle.gif

Loving the daily post .. i log in just to reward the next post and check out the photo updates.

I noticed the other day that stars seem more visible..either that of never paid attention before. Wish I had a telescope 😟


[Post under review]


[Post under review]



charmavietnam wrote:

When Nation is in apprehended danger and the government agencies running to help residents by imposing some simples rules, I really don’t understand what these minority of people thinking and doing!

There is a large park two blocks from my house.  We go every night for a walk, along with a lot of other people.  The police were there day before yesterday.  They weren't bothering people about being in the park.  They were only there to ticket those who didn't have a mask per the directive.

Also in your photos, they are some very nice depictions of social distancing.  Rare to see only one person in a wide shot in HCMC.  I honestly and truly see nothing wrong in any of the photos that you posted.


[Post under review]


goodolboy, your water lilly post got me moving today.  I have several palm trees that I started from seed which dropped from the one big palm tree in my 1mx1m front "yard".  They were in small pots until I knew they would at least grow.  Largest is about 50cm tall, most about 25-30cm now so they justified a re-potting.


goodolboy wrote:
SteinNebraska wrote:
charmavietnam wrote:

When Nation is in apprehended danger and the government agencies running to help residents by imposing some simples rules, I really don’t understand what these minority of people thinking and doing!

There is a large park two blocks from my house.  We go every night for a walk, along with a lot of other people.  The police were there day before yesterday.  They weren't bothering people about being in the park.  They were only there to ticket those who didn't have a mask per the directive.

Also in your photos, they are some very nice depictions of social distancing.  Rare to see only one person in a wide shot in HCMC.  I honestly and truly see nothing wrong in any of the photos that you posted.

Did I say there was something wrong in the photos??

My apologies, I thought your rant about not following the stay at home rules was being flaunted by the people in your photos.


Googled hot ladies aerobics... No results 😋
When you put the bins away... Did you spare a thought for the rest of use who don't have such nice views ?? Like where is the webcam feed ??


[Post under review]

Ciambella wrote:

Husband was out riding the bike this afternoon, sticking to the order to stay within one's ward.  Upon return, he said the entire 6km area between Back Beach and Front Beach -- oceanview and inland streets -- was completely empty and eerily silent with the look and feel of the movie On the Beach (Brian Brown & Rachel Ward).

Boy, I hope you saw the 1959 original with Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Anthony Perkins and Fred Astair, far superior!

goodolboy wrote:
SteinNebraska wrote:
goodolboy wrote:

Did I say there was something wrong in the photos??

My apologies, I thought your rant about not following the stay at home rules was being flaunted by the people in your photos.

No no mate, the rantings are over now, moat of them rants were aimed at people just blatently breaking the what I thought was an ORDER by the PM. now I understand it was just a suggestio! Hey live & let live I say. I would never ever condem the park keeprs here they do a great job & against all odds,  by 9am all the previous nights trash left after their asses by the locals is all gone. Big thanks to the Vietnamese Parkies, what asole deetroying job but every day they just get on with it without ampan

Maybe you should take some homemade biscuits down to the Parkies and let them know how much you appreciate the work they do every day!


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[Post under review]


[Post under review]


Day 12 self imposed isolation in apartment :-

Update from yesterday, Q 12 Tan Thoi Nhat


Ah well this self imposed lock down is starting to get just a bit boring, its pretty much same same like day before. Get up, watch the news (BBC & CNN) not much good but at least Italy is now showing a reduction in Corona figures so that a plus. On the other hand UK & US on the up & up. Vietnam however still showing low figures of infections & no deaths, fantastic really considering a lot of the infections were imported to the country.
Ms My found a “bun bo hue” place still doing take away meals so I had a treat for supper last night, yummy.
Very very quiet down below now single figures people in the park & looks like the security guard is having some effect. No plastic appeared overnight!
Tried to do my daily on line health declaration but for some reason it wont save, says I have missed to enter a mandatory section but everything is filled in exactly like the previous daily up dates. Will give it another go tomorrow.
Highlight of my day will be the Queens Speech this afternoon………..I know! Sad really thats the highlight of the day!!
Need to go down the parking lot & turn over my bike today, hasent been ran up for 7 days now.


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