

Last activity 16 April 2022 by goodolboy

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tallmankaa wrote:

How do black Americans fair in Vietnam? Has anyone seen any black American male teachers? Id like to find their perspective on life for them in this country.

If you don't get many responses here, try posting your question on Facebook groups. Search "English teacher Vietnam", "English teaching Vietnam", "expats Siagon", etc.. is the best forum for info about living and culture in Vietnam with many long time expats, retirees, English speaking Vietnamese, whereas Facebook teacher groups skew younger working people.  smile.png


The owner of and principal at my son's kindergarten is Ethiopian-Yemeni with some roots in the US. She moved to Hanoi a few years ago and started a French-English kindergarten which many expat kids and local kids go to. We have mutual friends from the small circle of expats here in Hanoi. She's an awesome person and seems to be living a vibrant and fulfilling life. She seems to be extremely happy.

I hope this helps.


December could be an interesting month. UK will start vaccinations next week!!



Passed by the US Consulate General Compound on Le Duan this morning. No queues to get in, no people milling around on the opposite of the street side clutching files, folders & forms.
Sign of the times I suppose.

goodolboy wrote:

Passed by the US Consulate General Compound on Le Duan this morning. No queues to get in, no people milling around on the opposite of the street side clutching files, folders & forms.
Sign of the times I suppose.

I had to go for notary service twice in November. No queues and few customers. Inside the first time, just me and two others. Second time 10 people, I actually had to wait 5 minutes.  yikes.png 
The cashier lady said the staff was reduced. I didn't see any Vietnamese being processed for visas, maybe that's stopped or else done during other times.

BYW all visitors have to wear masks. The embassy staff in their glass room - nope, none.  hmm.png

gobot wrote:

BYW all visitors have to wear masks. The embassy staff in their glass room - nope, none.  hmm.png

Remember that their boss, Sec. of State Mike Pompeo, is one of those who denies the seriousness of the disease and is frequently seen in public without a mask.   dumbom.gif


Masks, cloth and surgical styles, do not work like you think they work.  sad.png
Good for virtue signaling and feeling safe, though.
"Like mosquitoes and a chainlink fence" - Alex Berenson

gobot wrote:

Masks, cloth and surgical styles, do not work like you think they work.  sad.png
Good for virtue signaling and feeling safe, though.
"Like mosquitoes and a chainlink fence" - Alex Berenson

Scientists disagree. 

You seem to believe the false meme that because the virus particles themselves are tinier than the holes in the masks, they will surely get though, but in reality the viruses are encapsulated within liquid and those much larger droplets are impeded by a good mask, resulting in a large reduction of droplets and aerosols from a carrier's breath and a reduction of particles inhaled by people wearing a mask.


paulmsn wrote:
gobot wrote:

Masks, cloth and surgical styles, do not work like you think they work.  sad.png
Good for virtue signaling and feeling safe, though.
"Like mosquitoes and a chainlink fence" - Alex Berenson

Scientists disagree. 

You seem to believe the false meme that because the virus particles themselves are tinier than the holes in the masks, they will surely get though, but in reality the viruses are encapsulated within liquid and those much larger droplets are impeded by a good mask, resulting in a large reduction of droplets and aerosols from a carrier's breath and a reduction of particles inhaled by people wearing a mask.

And once you step inside a mall that serves food hundreds rip the masks off to eat and help to spread any possible source if the virus.

Im not a fan but wear one to be safe, but i get pretty tired of seeing the mask dodgers, made worse by the fact anyone with a cough doesnt cover their mouth when coughing


Christmas decorations at my apartment D12 & the Christmas Eve party & you know something?? the karaoke dont seem half as bad after 12 beers & some rice whiskey!! yikes.png








Some Happy Christmas scenes around where I live in D12




If cloth masks don’t work, why do surgical teams wear them? Hint: it’s not because they fear infection from the patient on the table.

Reid Blickenstaff wrote:

If cloth masks don’t work, why do surgical teams wear them? Hint: it’s not because they fear infection from the patient on the table.

Good question. I googled "why do surgeons wear masks" for you. The 1st and 3rd links are interesting.  It turns out the practice is not without modern scientific review.

WHEN introduced a century ago, the purpose of the surgical facemask was to provide protection for the patient from surgical wound infections. But is there evidence that face masks prevent wound infections? A recent review concluded that it is not clear whether face masks prevent surgical wound infections, and the scientific evidence for this practice is weak and insufficient.

Is Routine Use of a Face Mask Necessary in the Operating Room?
Anesthesiology December 2010, Vol. 113, 1447

Facemasks have long been thought to confer protection to the patient from wound infection and contamination from the operating surgeon and other members of the surgical staff. More recently, protection of the theatre staff from patient-derived blood/bodily fluid splashes has also been offered as a reason for their continued use.
However, overall there is a lack of substantial evidence to support claims that facemasks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious contamination

Journal of Royal Society of Medicine 2015 Jun; 108(6): 223–228.
Unmasking the surgeons: the evidence base behind the use of facemasks in surgery

I'm sure surgical teams will continue to mask up because, inertia, it doesn't hurt to do so, plus keeps nasty squirts off their faces. But now ask, why aren't they wearing hazmat suits? Patient or doctor might have ebola, you never know.


Any badminton enthusiasts out there Saigon's number 1 facility has just had its Grand Opening in D12 today right beside my apartment. Very impressive 16 courts 10 for general use & coaching & 6 for competition. Just back from it & many competitors from all over Vietnam here today including the Vietnam International team. There is a restaurant with koi pool, gym & parking. The manager is the now retired team Vietnam Coach Mr Nguyen Anh Hoang who took the Vietnam team to the London Olympics. Some pics attached & I wish I could post some videos of the competitions taking place.






goodolboy wrote:

Any badminton enthusiasts out there Saigon's number 1 facility has just had its Grand Opening in D12 today right beside my apartment.

Great informative post!

It would probably make a good new thread too as well, since there have been occasional inquiries about badminton in older threads.


Several of my middle aged neighbors played badminton for morning exercise, mostly husband-wife mixed doubles.  They actually had pipes pressed into the asphalt on a side street so that they could insert slightly smaller pipes as the net uprights.  Their play was clearly amateur but very intense and energetic.  It sounds like this center is for the next level up.  Another 20 something neighbor, who was the HR head at the company that built our condo,  used to play seriously.  He had a custom strung racquet that he took with him to play.  I don't know where he went but I sensed that he was serious about it.  Clearly Vietnamese love badminton.

OceanBeach92107 wrote:
goodolboy wrote:

Any badminton enthusiasts out there Saigon's number 1 facility has just had its Grand Opening in D12 today right beside my apartment.

Great informative post!

It would probably make a good new thread too as well, since there have been occasional inquiries about badminton in older threads.

I did check but most were quite if not very old so as it was part of my daily life I thought.....ah I will put it under daily life & Covid is still here after all!!....
JUST BACK FROM THE OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONY.......Man some cash being thrown at this place!! Lady Boy singers & VIP prize draw, hot girls & boys like cheer leaders dancing, Superstar singer, Dragon Dancers. Number 1 badminton player number 7 in the world I think & all free eats for VIP's etc so that's supper taken care of! Being an old Westerner has definitely got its bonus points. Just wish this forum could download videos.


goodolboy wrote:
OceanBeach92107 wrote:
goodolboy wrote:

Any badminton enthusiasts out there Saigon's number 1 facility has just had its Grand Opening in D12 today right beside my apartment.

Great informative post!

It would probably make a good new thread too as well, since there have been occasional inquiries about badminton in older threads.

I did check but most were quite if not very old so as it was part of my daily life I thought.....ah I will put it under daily life & Covid is still here after all!!....
JUST BACK FROM THE OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMONY.......Man some cash being thrown at this place!! Lady Boy singers & VIP prize draw, hot girls & boys like cheer leaders dancing, Superstar singer, Dragon Dancers. Number 1 badminton player number 7 in the world I think & all free eats for VIP's etc so that's supper taken care of! Being an old Westerner has definitely got its bonus points. Just wish this forum could download videos.

There you go again with those lady boys, you have to stop this.

goodolboy wrote:

Just wish this forum could download videos.

You are well practiced in posting YouTube links.

Just open a YouTube account (if you have a Gmail account, you already have a default account) and you can share links to your non- business promotion videos.

The forum moderators allow all kinds of proper links to be posted, as long as we are not crossing the line of promoting a business or disallowed subjects such as politics and religion.




Just back from the money changer shop, just cant believe it.....23.560 to the dollar, just let the good times roll!!!


Please present your medical credentials for making such a statement.

Mojoman wrote:

Please present your medical credentials for making such a statement.

Your reply means squat unless you use the quote button.


I just posted in another thread about the most recent positive COVID-19 case (in new-arrival quarantine) here in HCMC.

Not a lot of concern apparent here in District 1.

Many people observed being lax about wearing masks, except in buildings where masks are mandatory.

Some spas are legally open again, though most remain closed due to lack of tourist traffic.

Some Bến Thành Market merchants are reopening their stalls, even though there is very little foot traffic.

Within a 1 block radius from where I'm staying, four different Circle K stores have permanently closed; meaning all signage has been removed and notices are posted that the properties are available for leasing.

I'm personally sad that the Sax N' Art Jazz Club has permanently closed at its 28 Đ. Lê Lợi location.

According to their Facebook page, Tran Manh Tuan hopes to reopen in the not-too-distant future at a location yet to be determined.

I'm really glad that Nhà Hàng Cỏ Nội Vegetarian Buffet at 61 Hai Bà Trưng (8th floor) has remained in business.

My hotel continues to discount rates about 50% from pre-COVID times.

Looking forward, I'm having a first rehearsal with a Russian jazz pianist this evening.

She has a great talent for improvisation, and my sense is we will have an easy time jamming on American Songbook jazz tunes.

We have hopes of traveling the country together as a duo, to wherever gigs may be available at any given time, but unless we land a steady  situation here in HCMC, I'm likely returning to Quy Nhon with my significant other, after I have a routine checkup with a cardiologist here in Saigon.

Life goes on.

It just looks and feels different.


It's also fair to mention that it only takes a little travel away from the tourist friendly areas into areas mostly used by Vietnamese people.

Many businesses are thriving in those areas.


I you do hit the road and Danang is one of your stops, make sure to let us know. I'd love to come listen.

jodocus wrote:

If you do hit the road and Danang is one of your stops, make sure to let us know. I'd love to come listen.


Actually, if we (me & S.O.) don't stay here in HCMC, our plan is to use a rescheduled flight award ticket I have between HCMC & Danang (it's the only way I can use those miles) and revisit Huế, Đà Nẵng & Hội An before heading south to Quy Nhơn.

In your area I sometimes sing with the Hat Jazz Band.

I'll send you a P.M. if that's going to happen.


Sounds good. Looking forward to it.


Gonna kick this one off again as it looks like we  could be in for a long haul this time & I suppose as the post heading is DAILY LIFE IN VIETNAM DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC 2020 might be I should start a new one for 2021 to cover 2022 as well.
Anyways here at Celadon City Tan Phu as of about a week ago things are getting a bit more serious. Lots of barrier tape everywhere (although they  dont stay in one piece too long), The garden/lake park which is part of the complex is all cordoned off with lots of warning messages telling people its out of bounds for what its worth cos still people wandering round it predominantly old grannies pushing babies around looking like they have not a care in the world . Now this morning got a message from my regular Pho door to door delivery lady that due to Covid restrictions she is suspending the service (& she cooks it in here apartment here inside the complex) lucky I stocked up at Big C the other day, lots of cans of Tuna, Spam & Corned beef should last me a couple of weeks & have a good supply of toilet rolls too, dont want to be caught short in that department yikes.png

Below is Celadon City life before the latest Covidrestrictions.


don't really need toilet rolls if you got the water hose  unsure.pnghmm.pngbig_smile.png


big_smile.png right, that's me sorted out as far as staying in during lock down & getting bored. Got a second hand Sonny PS2  delivered complete with discs ....Crash Bandicoot, Medal of Honor & Pacman World 2. Still trying to source Abe's Oddysee here in Vietnam (not easy).
Should keep an old guy occupied going down memory lane for a few weeks lol.png


What will we do  ... for the most part the wife, myself and dog will stay put in our home.
We have food, cable, internet, water hose and more.
We are near the big Cho Ba Chieu market. If need be.
The house actual has 4 walls with windows, 3 exterior doors, up & lower deck plus a small  retractable sun roof.  Sits in the midst of a 8000 sqft walled in garden.
Many fruit & banana trees, herbs, veggies and a lot of flowers and Jasmine trees.

We will try to make the best of the current situation.

jcsaunders wrote:

The house actual has 4 walls with windows, 3 exterior doors, up & lower deck plus a small  retractable sun roof.  Sits in the midst of a 8000 sqft walled in garden.
Many fruit & banana trees, herbs, veggies and a lot of flowers and Jasmine trees.

We will try to make the best of the current situation.



So as of this morning its pretty stitched up all round here & restriction 2 people in elevators at any one time. The barrier tape that had been ripped down & basically ignored was replaced during the night & even more restricted areas sealed off this time but the pathways round the gardens are still open but now you face the risk of being hit by a badminton racket or getting a shuttle cock in the eye as the walking paths now seem to be the exclusive domain of badminton people.
Every 30 minutes the complex tannoy system is blasting out like loud music that sounds like its live & the lady cant sing followed by Covid warnings.

Ms My had a run to the local Vin Mart store but did not hang about cos she said "many police & I scared"

On the positive side I have got to the second level of "Pac Man World" & by shear dogged determination I managed after many messages left on FB , Zalo & Google Map sites to get a really helpful young guy based in HCMC who had Abe's Oddysee & Abe's Exoddus in stock & they will be delivered today.

Just wonder when the mass Covid testing will kick off here?


Just wonder when the mass Covid testing will kick off here?

Well surprise surprise, thats it just announced that all Emerald residents have to go to the school Tr??ng THCS Tôn Th?t Tùng to get tested this afternoon. Could be in for a long wait in a queue I think!! there must be at least 3,000 residents living in Celadon City Emerald alone & that much again at Celadon City Ruby!!


So that was lets say an experience yesterday, just imagine in excess of 1,000 people showing up within an hour of each other on the time stated to get the mandatory Covid test all lined up 4 deep outside the school & then the heavens opened up & pouring down rain & no shelter! We were early & lucky & I suspect the testing went on well into the evening as people returned from work. There are 2,000 apartments just at Emerald & if you take a conservative estimate at 3 people per apartment & you will get an idea of the mammoth task that was undertaken.
The actual test was the easy bit, as for any social distancing.....forget it.


This is apparently in negotiation but it may be of interest to US citizens that the Consulate/Embassy could be giving vaccinations at some not too distant date.

  Vaccines at US Consulate

Apparently they are already vaccinating employees so vaccinating expats would not be too much of an extra effort.


I doubt it. There was already an email from the US consulate in Thailand.

The US gov't is ridiculous They will give it to Thai Government but not a thought for US citizens.

"The first 25 million of these doses will soon be released, with seven million going to countries in Asia, including Thailand.  We continue to advocate with the Royal Thai Government for fair access to vaccines by our citizens.  We are heartened by Thai government commitments to vaccinate Americans and other foreign nationals who reside here, just as Thai and other nationals are receiving vaccinations with ease in the United States.

Our government is therefore taking a methodical, equitable, and science-based approach to direct vaccine doses to the most seriously afflicted countries.

The U.S. Department of State is unable to provide vaccines to the millions of Americans who reside outside of the United States.  "

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