COVID-19 and expatriation in Qatar

Hello everybody,

The COVID-19 crisis inevitably impacts Qatar, between closed airports or periods of containment in some cities or even the entire country .
We would like to hear from you during this unusual period, to find out what the consequences of this pandemic are on your expatriation or expatriation project in Qatar.

Does the current crisis call into question your long-term expatriation project?
If you are already settled in Qatar, do you plan to return to your home country?

How are you living through such an uncertain period, especially if you are far from your loved ones?

Have any of you ended your expatriation in Qatar unexpectedly?

Paradoxically, has this crisis brought you closer to some people?

What are your plans for the future?

Thank you very much for your feedback.

Hope you are doing well.


I lost my job, but prior to lockdown i received an offer from other company. There is a certain circumstance happened that my visa need to be downgraded as per MMUP requirements.  Sadly to say our HR is a little bit late to process it till lockdown came, government agencies and some private companies are already closed. I was given 2 weeks grace period to join the new company.. Now, they rejected me cause its already 2mos and my visa downgrade is not yet progressing. Im still hunting for a chance to find new one that willing to consider the situation we are facing right now.
   Anyway if not been lucky to find any opportunity over here again, I will just go home first and will stay with my family while the world is facing this pandemic and healing as well.Avenues will open soon when everything runs to normal.
   This is a very tough times for everyone around the globe, but i believed this pandemic is also a reminder to us to unite no matter what race and color we are wearing. To love and care to one another despite of differences and no matter how heavy we are carrying as long as we are join hand hand then everything will be lighter.
   And as a bonus we have GOD! Whatever our religion is, the fact that we believe in every creation around us, is the fact fact that we only have one GOD in different names and forms....Keep up our faith to HIM and rest your worries to HIM.Evrythig will be fine soon...God bless everyone....

Exactly same scenario and plans here too...but this locked down make to waits here more than 1 month. Bad luck

First of all, I have to thank you for this question.
I really wanted to come to Qatar and start working
My specialty is medical-bioelectrical engineering.
With this disease, I stayed in Iran and at home.
But in Iran we have an example that says: an engineer either finds a way or builds a way.

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The hard part was accepting the reality.
Like most working people of Qatar, my life evolves around my work. I had my rituals like everyone else; socializing with friends, going to my favorite coffee place, gym; and not having my routine was the hardest thing to accept.

Once I realized and accepted my new reality, it was easier from there. 

Right now I am also working from home, doing several courses online, helping a student or two, trying to be for people I have come to call friends. I cook a lot, sleep weird hours, took up watching TV for entertainment again. Although I have moved my bookshelf next to my work area at home, I have not picked up a book to read. It has always been difficult to pick a book randomly, it is like a commitment for me; books and I have always had a special relationship. With so much going on, I feel like I will wait until later to catch up on my reading.

A lot of uncertainties at the moment; what is going to happen to our business when we go back, how things will re-start. However, we can focus on one thing at a time and carry on from there.
One thing that calms me is that we are all in this together, people are very understandable and supportive.

The optimist in me sees a bright side, which is focus on yourself for now, look for new skills and grow from there. People say things happen for a reason, and I believe it.

And yes, thank you for the question!

Hi I am looking to work in qatar as a radiologist

and me,looking to work in Qatar as a biomedical engineer.