
Whopper Stimulus Check (Not Mine)

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Enzyte Bob

In my local paper in the states, a volunteer fighter checked at an ATM to see if his stimulus deposit had arrive, he check his balance and it was $8,200,000.

Stimulus is a mixed bag some will not get theirs and some will get millions hahahaha.

On a side note: Many websites are not available to us in the Philippines. To get around this you need a VPN.

Or if you download free Panda Dome anti virus software, you also get a stateside VPM good for 150 megs daily.

See also

Living in the Philippines: the expat guideAmerican ex-pats social security payments.Returning to Baguio and Ilocos SurAuto InsuranceBuying condos as investments?

At least when get your cheque it will had Donald Trump's name on it........ now that's something to be really thankful for hahaha.

Enzyte Bob

FindlayMacD wrote:

At least when get your cheque it will had Donald Trump's name on it........ now that's something to be really thankful for hahaha.

It could have been Hillary's or maybe Biden's. hahahaha


W9XR wrote:

In my local paper in the states, a volunteer fighter checked at an ATM to see if his stimulus deposit had arrive, he check his balance and it was $8,200,000.

Stimulus is a mixed bag some will not get theirs and some will get millions hahahaha.

On a side note: Many websites are not available to us in the Philippines. To get around this you need a VPN.

Or if you download free Panda Dome anti virus software, you also get a stateside VPM good for 150 megs daily.

I used several sites, IRS and TurboTax including the one that allowed non refund filers to enter their account numbers.  I never needed to use a VPN.

My ATM balance is much higher than $8,200 and that is without any stimulus deposit.

Enzyte Bob

AaronAardvark wrote:
W9XR wrote:

In my local paper in the states, a volunteer fighter checked at an ATM to see if his stimulus deposit had arrive, he check his balance and it was $8,200,000.

Stimulus is a mixed bag some will not get theirs and some will get millions hahahaha.

On a side note: Many websites are not available to us in the Philippines. To get around this you need a VPN.

Or if you download free Panda Dome anti virus software, you also get a stateside VPM good for 150 megs daily.

I used several sites, IRS and TurboTax including the one that allowed non refund filers to enter their account numbers.  I never needed to use a VPN.

My ATM balance is much higher than $8,200 and that is without any stimulus deposit.

A VPN allows you to visit banned sites that some Philippine isp's won't allow you to visit.

Your ATM balance may be over $8,200 but that Fire Fighter balance was over $8.2 million.


Sorry, I can't count.

I know what a VPN is.  I just would be surprised if an ISP  would ban the IRS but I guess anything is possible.


[Post under review]

Enzyte Bob

Philippine Destiny wrote:

They would ban a vpn if its IP was blacklisted and that does happen because people use vpns to hack US government sites.

I use a VPN to read The Pittsburgh Post Gazette or sometimes if  I want to research someone and with my a Philippine ip address I am  blocked from entering the site.

I only mentioned it because it is free with no advertisements plus the ip address shown to the various websites is an American ip. For a fee you can choose an ip address from many different countries.


Its the web site that blocks you from abroad. TV stations are the biggest bitches about that. I can't watch US shows like survivor etc. NO I will not be getting a VPN.


Hey Munchie! May I ask what software do you use to protect yourself online? I can't imagine not using a VPN! Also for those of you going to IRS site that using a VPN will keep you off the site as it looks at you as a robot! Most gov sites here also block you for the same reason! I can't imagine doing any online banking without at least the full Bitdefender sweet including the VPN!


"I can't imagine not using a VPN!"

One reason for not using a VPN is that they slow your data down.  I have tried 10 or more different ones and they all slow you down to varying degrees.  It is not a big hit if you start with good internet but if your starting point is bad, a VPN will make it unbearable.
In my case I start off with a speed of 2.5/.6, so even a 10% slowdown is a killer.


Free VPN's.......or are they

There are a lot of techy articles out there about the hazards of using a free VPN.  Here is just one article with reasons why you shouldn't use a free VPN. … ont-exist/


I never use any free stuff for computer lol
Avast anti-virus is the only one that was good but now they have pay version!
I use the best grade Bitdefender and the VPN is still fast! But of course only as good as your server speed. When I want privacy i use my Tor browser

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