
Enjoy the forum.

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All good W9XR, breathe. We have to remember that this is a public forum with rules and protocols, lately there have been many posts that have wandered far from the original thread through ignorance of "rules and protocols" or self serving agendas if that's the right word. I to am guilty and oft times wander off on different tangents. The moderators rightly so have slapped me and I'm learning to pull my head in "not the only site" and try to abide by the rules, if my thoughts are too far off track I will start a new thread and always in the back of my head is no to the following: Religion, politics, language, defaming other members, criticising the country I am a guest in or another country unless factual and yes wandering too far from the OP's topic, I, lol do this often and try to apologise when I remember.
Good luck and hang in there.

Cheers, Steve.

See also

Living in the Philippines: the expat guideAmerican ex-pats social security payments.Returning to Baguio and Ilocos SurAuto InsuranceBuying condos as investments?

Well Said Bigpearl and i agree.

This is a public forum for people to gather insight and ask questions about the Philippines.   

It is meant to be informative and insight full, insight comes from people's outlook and experience, they may not align with mine, but i respect them, even if i don't, I do not debate them here.

It has of late turned into a chat room.  If I want to argue with someone the best way is to do it in private messages.  It then means that the every one else doesn't have to read two people arguing about something.

Keep up the good work admin, not an easy job.


pej1111 wrote:

Well Said Bigpearl and i agree.

This is a public forum for people to gather insight and ask questions about the Philippines.   

It is meant to be informative and insight full, insight comes from people's outlook and experience, they may not align with mine, but i respect them, even if i don't, I do not debate them here.

It has of late turned into a chat room.  If I want to argue with someone the best way is to do it in private messages.  It then means that the every one else doesn't have to read two people arguing about something.

Keep up the good work admin, not an easy job.

Yep admin here have a tough job, pat on the back to all even when I am pulled up from time to time.

Private msg's are the best way to air grievances as you and another member taught me a long time ago, we are never too old to learn.
Thanks for your input pej.

Cheers, Steve.


'Argue' also means its a reply from someone who has acknowledged reading your post and has something to add or say or even disagree with.
(Offcourse with our very best effort to keep in line with OP post excluding the slurs/political bias/BS ...Isn't that how or the best way we all learn more about something?

Just my humble opinion!


I've had years of listening/working with people all in 'group think/safe mode' and have had my fill!....thank you very much.
What I am looking for here, is learning something new/interesting perspective/yearning for deeper knowledge and digging just a little deeper into other peoples perspectives...there is no knowledge to be gained in 'sterile' environments.
Again my humble opinion!


Following an outbreak of the bubonic plague, NEWTON was forced to move back to his childhood home, in Cambridge in 1667 that was when he was in the orchard there and witnessed an apple drop from a tree .....the rest is history!



Sounds good, perhaps a new thread devoted to this?

Cheers, Steve.

Enzyte Bob

pej1111 wrote:

Well Said Bigpearl and i agree.

This is a public forum for people to gather insight and ask questions about the Philippines.   

It is meant to be informative and insight full, insight comes from people's outlook and experience, they may not align with mine, but i respect them, even if i don't, I do not debate them here.

It has of late turned into a chat room.  If I want to argue with someone the best way is to do it in private messages.  It then means that the every one else doesn't have to read two people arguing about something.

Keep up the good work admin, not an easy job.

I'm afraid the purpose of this public forum for people to gather insights about the Philippines is moot because  what's happening in the world.

If that is the current guidelines there would be no posts to this forum. Has there been questions about moving to the Philippines?  Scamming girlfriends found online? Finding soulmates in the Philippines?

Maybe it should be the opposite for now, Philippine Expats gathering information and insight on what's happening in the world and how it affects us.


I intend to read the history of the Philippines and report about on here.  I intend to continue to report on the Luzon Lockdown and how it affects daily life and what it takes to travel to Manila and get on an airplane.  Do not intend to pontificate about the political, social and economic events all over the globe


W9XR wrote:
pej1111 wrote:

Well Said Bigpearl and i agree.

This is a public forum for people to gather insight and ask questions about the Philippines.   

It is meant to be informative and insight full, insight comes from people's outlook and experience, they may not align with mine, but i respect them, even if i don't, I do not debate them here.

It has of late turned into a chat room.  If I want to argue with someone the best way is to do it in private messages.  It then means that the every one else doesn't have to read two people arguing about something.

Keep up the good work admin, not an easy job.

I'm afraid the purpose of this public forum for people to gather insights about the Philippines is moot because  what's happening in the world.

If that is the current guidelines there would be no posts to this forum. Has there been questions about moving to the Philippines?  Scamming girlfriends found online? Finding soulmates in the Philippines?

Maybe it should be the opposite for now, Philippine Expats gathering information and insight on what's happening in the world and how it affects us.

& to well as the Philippines..YES we are ALL in it together!


A new forum is in order, who's up for it? To get that one going? One where we can tell it as we see it and be shot down in flames or retaliate ending up in a sh1t fight, ridicule a contributors opinion, flout ethical practices, condemn religious, political, humanitarian beliefs and no accountably, unlike here there are no rules. Keep us posted with your success story.
Only an opinion but I see this site very differently in the last few months compared to the last couple of years, perhaps the moderators noticed also and are now acting.


Cheers, Steve.


If I did private messages to respond to that particular individual, admin couldn´t have seen that to do the extended correction and so all of you. That problem had to be resolved as I´ve done in the past with other forums. I was very discontented anyway with what was going on so I took the opportunity the moment a window opened. And I did the minimum and not all the way out which could have been really really worse. Admin has always been very good in assisting me and I thank them a lot. They´re doing a very excellent job. There were times when I had to report people because they so deserved and there were times when I called the attention of moderators on an ongoing forum because of abusive people who wants to break laws of a country, do insulting remarks or hijack the forum for their own interests. Some smart alec people think they know it all and are dismissive of other people´s opinions. If you so state that you´ve grown up then walk the talk and not bullshit your way around. With your comments I see that this forum looks better - friendlier and more conducive for information sharing. So enjoy! I´m not really a regular here but I´m trying to gather more info so I´ll see you all around with the real stuff! Who knows I might be a resident of PI by next year. No bullshit! Just the facts!

Thanks a lot Diksha...



bigpearl wrote:

A new forum is in order, who's up for it? To get that one going? One where we can tell it as we see it and be shot down in flames or retaliate ending up in a sh1t fight, ridicule a contributors opinion, flout ethical practices, condemn religious, political, humanitarian beliefs and no accountably, unlike here there are no rules. Keep us posted with your success story.
Only an opinion but I see this site very differently in the last few months compared to the last couple of years, perhaps the moderators noticed also and are now acting.


Cheers, Steve.

I agree, or at least a separate section for those who want a chat room. All the idle chit-chat, comments on world affairs, links to songs and conspiracy theories just clog up threads and reduce the value of this forum to those who need it and have to wade through pages of fluff to find the information they seek. Nothing wrong with all that of course, especially now, let's just keep it separate.

I do think there are probably many people still seeking info on the Philippines, many now have time to ponder life changes, especially after seeing how world events and their own personal situations are unfolding. Let's keep the forum valuable for them and not devalue their questions and contributions with a bunch of noise.


There are other expat forums that offer what you suggest pwncyclist, locked sections within their forums available after a certain amount of posts and an invitation from a moderator. They seem to work keeping the general forum free of the problems we have been seeing.

Hijacking a contributors topic/thread does happen and needs to be stopped. Starting a new topic is the best way to go.
I have been guilty from time to time for wandering off track and try my hardest not to do it or if I do apologise for doing it and if I feel the necessity will open a new topic.

This is a great forum and I simply see the moderators trying to keep it that way, perhaps a locked section or two is a way to go for those that want to discuss controversial or delicate issues?
Stay safe every one through these difficult times.

Cheers, Steve.

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