
Marketing course in Lille

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HI there i'm a student from Ireland looking to travel to Lille.
I am wondering if anyone can suggest a college that offers an english speaking course in marketing in Lille?
I have been looking online but so far haven't found much.
I would be grateful if anyone has a suggestion.



See also

Study in LilleStudy in FranceWhat should I do in my first TEFL lesson?Universities in ParisLearning French

Hey Karl and welcome :)

Can I ask what's with the interest in Lille or France if you don't mind? If you give a little more details maybe other members can help you more?

Wish you all the luck in your findings.

Expat Team


Lille is a wonderful place! I was thinking to move there at some point of my life. But later plans have changes and I stayed in my country. Talking about the university, I’d recommend you to search colleges’ web page. I’m sure they post information for foreign student there. If you aren’t make it, try to email the foreign student department for more information. Wish you luck with your future enrolment.


Hey Renita, Thank you so much for your helpful insight!
It looks a very cool place for sure so I hope I can find a course that suits me.
I will most definitely use the information you have provided.
Thank you once again, All the best,



SimCityAT wrote:

Hey Karl and welcome :)

Can I ask what's with the interest in Lille or France if you don't mind? If you give a little more details maybe other members can help you more?

Wish you all the luck in your findings.

Expat Team


I am more or less of the same opinion as you. I don't see the point for an English-speaking student to come and study a course in English in France ...

The advantage of studying abroad is precisely that it also allows you to learn another language ...

It's really like for me who am French speaking, I am looking for a course in French in China ...


Hi there,
While I can see why you have this opinion, I do disagree that the only reason I am going to Lille would be for my studies. It is good for a person to be emerged in a different culture where they may pick up something while staying there or maybe even experience a different way of living. In my opinion, a French speaking course in China would be great to experience Chinese culture while at the same time continuing studies in your own language, two birds one stone, but hey, each to their own.

Thanks for your response all the same.


I studied Mandarin in Taiwan and lived with a Taiwanese family for about a year and was totally immersed in the language and my Mandarin became fluent. Same for France, I had a GSE O level in French from when I was young but after moving to live in France I picked up the language really quickly because I was only speaking French and hardly any English at all.

However, as you say, each to their own. There are plenty of universities in foreign countries that hold courses in English which does prove your point that you don't necessarily need to attend a french speaking course.

Good luck with your searching.

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