
Looking for Work Permit

Asim Raza Cheema

Dear Sir/Madam,
Can you help me finding a work permit to your country please.
Because I read the instructions on the official website that you must have an employer to apply for work permit and I find your email there, please help me for finding a work permit, I assure you I will remain be honest, loyal, and sincere to the company offering me the job
Please share me the companies who wish to hire Pakistani workers or they have job vacancies for us, and they allow us for work permits. I am willing to do any type of job, basically I am a son of a farmer, I have a vast experience in agriculture, forestry, and farming, although I am a Mechanical Technician working for last 10 years.
I am willing to do in house or in company jobs. I am able to speak and write english as well.
Please help me finding those companies who hire non EU worker please.
I shall be very thankful to you

Best Regards,
Asim Raza

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See also

Job offers in MadridFinding a job in MadridWork culture in MadridThe Madrid labor marketStarting a business in Spain


There are not special company for non-European citizen because all is managed by immigraiton service of the countries.

Without high qualification or specialist in a specific skills, no chance to get a work visa...