
Moving back to Puerto Rico, looking for an after school program

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I was born and raised in PR, moved to IL 8 years ago. Been a single mom with 3 kids is difficult here in IL but I had help from my mom until she moved to a Section 8 senior apartment. Since I moved, been in a shelter 3 times! Right Now, I am staying at a hotel (a shelter's agency put us here). I want to come back home, I have my parents house and a job. My kids will go to public school. I'm wondering if there's any after school program where they can stay until I pick them up from work.


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I can understand why you want to go back home! Will you live in Vega baja? I'm not sure if there is an After School program in Vega Baja although I do know there is in Dorado.

I do want to mention that because of the Pandemic. At the current time the future of School is uncertain the same as in the states.  They are waiting for the Governor's decision. The department of education has developed this website for Virtual Public School due to different situations such as Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and the Virus.
Here is info from the DE:

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