
Watch the Bundesliga in Germany


Good afternoon, everybody.

I just moved to Germany and I was wondering how to watch football games in here.

I was used to watch football games on free tv back in my country. But today that I tried to watch a game (I'm a Bayern supporter) here in Berlin, I just realized the games are not on free tv. And didn't want to watch it though a stream because I understand it's illegal here in Germany.

In this sense, how do you usually watch them?
Sky? (is a bit expensive though)
Any other platform?
Pubs and bars would be a great option in any other occasion, but I don't wanna go to them until al this Corona thing finishes.

Thank you all and have an excellent week ahead!

See also

Living in Germany: the expat guideTrouble finding Apartment for Family reunificationFor international studentsLearning German LanguageMoving to Germany on an Opportunity Visa

There is no free TV in Germany. Even for the publicly funded stations (which do not show some soccer games, as they would have to pay extortionate licensing fees for it), you must pay the compulsory fee of €17.50/month.


Hallo, thanks for the reply.

Of course, I know there is this €17.50/month fee. I was trying to figure out where to watch the games, since they don't transmit them in this publicly funded stations.

Have an excellent week and thank you once again.


SKY or DAZN are the only legal ways to watch.


Thank you very much for your reply, SimCityAT. It was really useful!

I didn't know about DAZN. I will be subscribing :D

Have an excellent rest of the week ahead!


I haven’t tried such a thing for a couple of years but there used to be a number of legal online possibilities. Downloading copyrighted material is problematic but some online portals pay the necessary fees to channels and pay those fees through advertising; totally legal.

Some have lots of content stored but also live broadcasts – but maybe not premium channels that are usually pay for ones like Sky sports… So I doubt they would have live Bundesliga games.

Did a search and come up with www.joyn(dot)de which steams many channels live.

There seems to be plenty more possibilities if one googles it, but again, premium channels are not likely to get involved with such things and lose revenue.


Thank you very much, TominStuttgart!

I don't usually watch tv (only football games), but to be honest I got really surprised by this Joyn site. I will save it for later :D

Thanks for the explanation about the games and the Premium channels. I understand better now and can take a better decision. DAZN might be a good option for me then.

Thank you all once again and have an excellent rest of the week!