
When can i visit my \french Holiday Home

Last activity 29 May 2020 by SimCityAT

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Help advice required please

No doubt i am not the first person to make this enquiry - so apologies in advance/....

I own a holiday home in Brittany. I am a UK citizen and currently in lockdown in UK.

I note Brittany Ferries are resuming passenger sailings from 15th June onwards. I thought that must mean I can visit my house from 15th June. A UK  friend who now permanently lives in his french house has advised me I am class as a tourist and not eligible yet ...

To solve the query I have tried on many occasions to contact B.F customer enquiry section to ask a simple set of questions - there is nowhere on their website that answers any of my questions and does not give me any facility to enquire;

1.When can i legally arrive at Roscoff, get through customs and drive the 64 kms to my house ?
2.From that date - can i legally drive to local supermarkets for provisions and diy depot for materials ?
3.Do i need to self isolate for 14 days upon arrival at my holiday home ?
4.Does the self isolation allow me to work on my garden or must i stay indoors ?
5.After the 14 days of self isolation (if applicable) can i go to places in Brittany for pleasure purposes ?

Would greatly appreciate your views and thoughts on this or perhaps an idea of where i can get accurate up to date current information.

TIA Graham


Hello Tia and welcome to

I'm Loïc from the moderation team and I will try to answer your questions wink.png

1/ According to the french officials, borders will be closed until June 15th and with a complete opening on July 1st (approx)
2/ The 100 km restriction should be lifted on June 2nd.
3/ It will partially depend on how UK process with the french at the border. Nothing has been decided yet.
(source, in French)

I, unfortunately, cannot really answer to the two last questions and I will let our expat community in France.

Also, I advise you to take a look at France Diplomacy website which contains very useful information.

Wishing you a great day & stay safe.


Loïc Team


Here is a list of what changes and what restrictions are still in place until June 21:

The 100km travel limit in France will be lifted from June 2, though border restrictions will remain in place until at least June 15;
The government will accelerate the reopening of schools, collèges and lycées;
Cafes and restaurants can reopen in all areas of France. All venues must maintain a 1m gap between tables. Staff will wear masks and groups will be limited to 10 people. Customers will be required to wear masks while moving around, but can remove them at their tables. In Paris and parts of Ile de France, meanwhile, only outdoor seating will be permitted in the first instance;
Groups are still limited to a maximum of 10 people in public spaces;
Working from home is still recommended;
Parks and gardens can reopen across the whole of France from this weekend. Beaches and lakes will reopen on June 2. Local authorities retain the right to impose mask-wearing as a precautionary measure;
Gyms and swimming pools can reopen in green zones as of June 2 and in orange zones as of June 22;
All museums and monuments can reopen on June 2, as can beaches, lakes and water bodies. Wearing a mask will be mandatory;
Theatres, concert halls and sports halls will be able to reopen in 'green zones' on June 2 and on June 22 in 'orange zones'. Cinemas can open from June 22. Again, wearing a mask will be mandatory in all these spaces;
Contact sports and large indoor gatherings will remain prohibited during phase two. Nightclubs will remain closed;
Paris and Ile de France will face a more gradual easing of restrictions due to the additional pressures of coronavirus on local healthcare

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