
Returning to Italy

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Hi Everyone,

My name is Nadia Lina and I have a student permesso there. I am currently in the US, but really need to return to italy in about two weeks. However, before i buy my ticket i really want to ask some questions first because i am quite worried about re-entering italy.

Firstly, how is the situation there? I thought everything is better, but then I read all the warnings for travellers and all the bureaucracies. So i am worried.

Second, I have been coordinating with the Italian Consulate here in Boston and asking if I will be allowed to re-enter the country and I even called the Fiumicino airport, they all said I should be allowed to. Do you guys know anything about this?

Third, I read some of the warnings and they said there will be forms I need to sign and I can't take public transport and stuff. However, I need to take the train to go back to Bari from Rome. How strict are they in monitoring people's movements?

Please please I need help and am nervous, the one thing i'm most worried about is whether i;ll be allowed in once I arrived because I only have an expired permesso with the ricevuta, although my new permesso is already issued and is partly the reason why I need to return so I can pick it up. Please any answer will be very helpful.

Thank you!

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Hope this helps:
As of Wednesday 3 June, we are free to go anywhere we want in the whole of the country without restrictions - in theory. This can be subject to changes though, at any time and in any part of the country, depending on local conditions.
If for example there is a new outbreak of the virus, a town or even a Region could be put into lockdown again*. So it is essential to check on the local conditions for wherever you are going.

Now that people from areas of the country where the virus hit very hard will be coming into Umbria, it is worth remembering to be extra careful to keep to the rules and regulations set out in the last decree. We have been very lucky, and may have relaxed too much.

Here are some general guidelines

If you have to make reservations for anything, like a restaurant, etc., the details you provide will be kept for 14 days to be able to trace you if there have been any Covid-19 contacts. You may also find that you will have your temperature taken.

You must still always keep at a distance of 1m from other people – 2m if you are doing sport or gym.
Embracing and kissing is still forbidden, except for between those who live under the same roof. It should also be avoided with older people or those who have chronic illnesses.
Crowds are still not allowed.
There is no limit to the number of friends that can meet outside or inside, but those who do not live under the same roof must keep 1m apart.

In all Regions you must always wear a mask in closed locations open to the public, on public transport and in the open air, when you cannot for some reason keep at a distance from other people.
In some Regions (such as Lombardia, Trentino, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Campania, and also in Genova), you may still have to wear a mask all the time.
Masks do not have to worn when practising sports of all kinds.
Tip: always keep your mask with you, in your bag or pocket … you never know!
Within Italy
As from Wednesday, 3 June, we will be free to travel the length and breadth of Italy, from Region to Region. There could though still be restrictions in some Regions in the south of the country, such as Sicily Campania and Sardegna. The governor of Campania is talking about spot tests.
*The Italian government has stressed that restrictions could be re-imposed if infections spike or there are problems keeping to the few remaining regulations. Travel could still be limited again in parts of the country (Lombardia, Liguria and Piemonte, for example) at any time, so check very carefully before booking any trips.
Who can travel to Italy as from 3 June?◄◄
As a general rule, from 3 June, people arriving from the following countries will no longer have to quarantine for 14 days, unless they have a temperature or, of course, have the virus. In such a case the local doctor must be informed.
The  other 26 members of the European Union
Schengen Area members
The United Kingdom
Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican City
People arriving from these countries will not face any restrictions upon entering Italy but may find that they have to quarantine when they go back home.
If you are travelling from one of the above countries, but were in a country that is not on this list less than two weeks before you departed for Italy, you may be subjected to restrictions.
Tourists from countries not on the above list will have to wait until 15 June for decisions to be made.
Travelling from Italy to other countries►►
You may travel to any of the countries below, but not to any not on the list – except in an emergency, for work or for health reasons.
The 26 other members of the European Union
Schengen Area members
The United Kingdom
Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican City
Be very careful to check on this, country by country, as the rules seem to change day by day. Your embassy should be able to give you the answers you require.
Any restrictions imposed are based on where you depart from or are travelling to, not on your nationality. The usual visa requirements apply of course.
Access to bars, restaurants, shops, etc.
Outside shops, bar, restaurants etc., there will be notices explaining what you must do before you go in and how things work when you are inside. There will also be symbols to help you if you do not understand Italian. Reservation details will be held for 14 days.

As set out in the previous update: wear masks until you sit down, use gel, keep at a distance.                           
As in previous update
Must book (tables in the open will be at a premium).
Payment should preferably be made by bank card to avoid handling notes and coins.

Each shop should have an entrance and an exit (entrata/uscita)
If the shop is very small, only one person may go in at a time
Follow the direction indicated by the shop
Disposable gloves and masks must always be worn
…particularly when trying on clothes
Hairdressers, barbers, beauty salons…
As in previous update.
Booking advisable.
The usual conditions apply.

Spas, Turkish baths and hydro massage tubs
Not open yet.
Masses, funerals and weddings and other religious ceremonies.
Religious ceremonies are allowed under the usual conditions. No water in the holy font, no shaking hands during mass, and no collection: offerings may be made at the door.

Now open again
The usual conditions apply.

Swimming pools
Now open again
The usual conditions apply.
You must shower your whole body using soap before diving in, and wear a cap. Check with the pool that there are no further regulations.
No events may take place in and around pools.
Lakes and rivers:  swimming is allowed in lakes and rivers.
**Some hotels, pensions, bed and breakfast establishments and agriturismi are open and can be booked. Others are waiting for more stable conditions. Tourist agencies are also available for bookings.

**Hotels, bed and breakfasts, agriturismi (please check and add and delete, etc.

Booking is of course compulsory, payment and registration details must be sent electronically in advance
Thermal scanners may be used
The usual rules about masks, gloves, disinfecting and physical distancing also apply to these establishments.
Lifts may be used, but people must keep 1m apart (so you may be alone!)
No buffets or self-service
Physical distancing in hotel restaurants. 
Room service is allowed if available
Sun loungers will be designated and cannot be moved
Social distancing  to be maintained round and in pool
Keys to be kept  by yourselves for the duration of your stay not returned to reception daily
Any client who shows signs of infection must self-isolate in a room away from the rest of your party and immediately inform the proprietor.

Beaches are already open everywhere except Sicily where they will open on Saturday 6 June.

Nightlife (la movida) may only be enjoyed sitting at a table, not standing around in groups.
The sale of alcohol to take away is forbidden after a particular hour which varies from city to city: this is to avoid the crowds that have been seen in the last few days. Bars can be open until late, but drinks must be served at tables.
Summer nights will be very different this year: in Sicily discos will open on 8 June, but dancing will be forbidden. People will only be allowed to stand still or sit and listen to the Dj. 

Cinemas, theatres and other similar venues can open on 15 June.
If the performance is to take place inside there may be up to 200 people (sitting at a suitable distance). If it is outside, then there can be up to 1000.

Museums and galleries
Booking is compulsory
No group visits
Gel, masks and gloves and distancing rules apply
Entrance and exits will be separate
Times and the way round the museum will be planned by the museum
Best to ring the museum or check on the internet to see if it is open, before planning your trip.
In the car
More than two people can travel in a car together if they live under the same roof.
Only two people who do not live under the same roof may travel in the same car; one in front and one in the back. Don’t forget your mask.
As it is the end of the school year, and next term in September lots of students will be going up to the next level of classes (scuola media, liceo, etc.) leaving many of their friends. It has been decided that, where feasible, classes are going to be able to actually meet, but only in the open air.

Flights will be restarted on the 15th June but check with the airline before booking.

The rules will be re-evaluated on the 15th and 30th June.


I don't think this what she asked, she could of found all this info somewhere and copy and paste.


My question would be are you allowed to enter Europe from the states at this present time, unless in important/urgent business/family matters . I had heard that this was not possible, due to the high rate of Covid in the US.
Have you e mailed your embassy in Italy direct rather than the airport. The airport maybe referring to business/health workers.

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