Worst season -allergy season

How to relieve allergy symptoms avoid medecine

Hi and welcome to Expat.com arbuz!

Can you be more explicit please?


Hi, it complicated for people without allergy.I'am suffer from
pollen through allergy season-April to July

Just a tip, don't avoid medicine, this can be very dangerous. But you can combine medicine with natural products and some helpful utensils. I drink calcium every day (some people this helps ;) ) and try to avoid allergens, in your case, you should stay at home as far as possible in the worst times and take a shower every day before you go to bed, because have pollen in your hear at the end of the day. If you also have dust mite allergy you should take anti allergy bedding and if you're out on business very often you should carry anit mite spray with you (I use acarosan, that's really ok), that also helps. I know how hard it is to have an allergy when you like to spend much time in nature, but without medicines you won't find a solution. ... Oh, and acupuncture also seems to be a very good help!

Thanks Kaluste,have you ever heard about local honey ,if take every day a tablespoon, your body starts rebuild  immunsystem?