
How to proceed to move to Belgium


Hey everyone,

I've some doubts about how to move to Belgium... I'm working in Portugal so I don't need a special permit to live/work in Belgium, am I right?

But here is where I get my doubts... Can I move to Belgium without any paper, just with a job contract and when in Belgium get the permits I need to stay in the long term? Or I only can move to Belgium after receiving the permits?

In case I only can move when I have the permits, how long it should take?

See also

Job offers in BelgiumWorking in AntwerpWorking in LiègeWorking in CharleroiFinding work in Brussels


Which is your nationality ? If you're Portuguese, you don't need work permit. But if you're non-EU nationality. Then you need to wait for your work permit.


I'm Portuguese. So in this case, I can move to Belgium and start working and when I arrive I can rent an apartment and fill the papers for long term living?


YES, of course. That's the meaning SCHENGEN European agreement. Any European can work everywhere without problem.

So you will just have to go to city hall to register your presence and depending the duration of your contract you will receive or not a Belgium ID card for European people.

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