
CBSE School Admission


hello every one

This is raghavan from Delhi and moving to Muscat in nxt mth and would like to know  the best schools in Muscat for 6th std CBSE. would be grt enough if sum1 guide me as i am mvg  aftr summner vaccation in Muscat

See also

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Welcome to Muscat Raghavan !
There are enough and more Indian Schools following the CBSE system here in Muscat. But the problem is getting the admission.
It is a big pain as most schools are badly understaffed and uncomfortably overcrowded with children.
However, since many Indian expatriates are leaving the country for good since of late, you just might be able to find admission.
There are also a few western syllabi based schools like the American-British Academy, The American-Indian School in Muscat etc., but they are prohibitively expensive.
Good luck !


Hello raghavan!

I hope that other members will soon help you.



Dear Sumitran

Thax a lot , would like to know american indian school follow CBSE syllabus ? even its expensive k 2 me..

Undertood that lot of Indian schools are in muscat (Alghubra,wadi,muscat.....etc), out of these would be grt if u prioritize having most popular and which school taking spl care to kids


None of the Western schools follow the CBSE format like I've already mentioned Raghavan. I do not have first-hand information about which is the better of these Indian schools. But from what I've heard ISG (Indian School Al Ghoubra) is good, followed by the ISM (Indian School Muscat) at Darsait and then the Indian School at Wadi Kabir. But it all depends on where you'll be residing. Meaning, you can’t put your children in ISG if you’re going to be residing at Al Ghoubra.


I strongly agree with Sumitran, the best school is ISG and ISM, out of which ISM will be better if you go for more economic education.  If you choose some place near darsait for residence, which is often considered as an Indian village, it will be totally convenient for your children

All the best


Thaks a lottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt   annoj & Sumitran.

Sunitran......some thing s catching....i shuld not stay in Al Ghoubra if i need to get admit in ISG...


ISM is the best school in Oman.b's its directly under indian embassy.ISG ,eventhough  the high collection of fees,fecilities  and staffs are not upto the level.As a parent of two children ,one is in ISM and the oter is in ISG I personally feel ISG is really lacking dedicated teachers.Also they   are not giving any importance to VALUESin life.


Hello neelambari -> Thank you for the info. Just to note that this thread is dated 2011. ;)

Thank you,


I do agree with Neelambari, my son is joined in KG for this year and the quality of education is tooooo bad.


Hi shifting to muscut...,ruwi december 2014......i heard ISM darsait is nearby kid is in kg1......will i get admission in between.....n how is life over a gynecologist n my hubby is surgeon......please let me know........,thanks in advance....


There is no doubt that ISM is a good school but getting admission is a real hurdle, meanwhile you can check with other school in and around ruwi


Currently we are residing in Dubai and my son has just started his new session from April in Grade 1. I have got a new job in Muscat and my family will be shifting from September after Summer vacation only even though I will start from July.

Which are the best Indian School in Muscat preferably ICSE and what is the admission procedure and whether it is easy to get new admission for Grade 1. When the new school sessions starts in Muscat. Eagerly waiting for the advise as I am very tensed regarding this now. Kindly advise.


Hi bikash1979,

Just so that you are aware, admissions for this academic year in all Indian Schools in Muscat was closed a couple of days back.

For the parents waiting for admissions for their wards, it was an experience no less that a living nightmare.

Getting admissions, particularly for the smaller sections was a huge challenge simply because the demand for seats was far more than the combined capacity of all the Indian Schools put together.

This year, only to make sure that no child was turned away for want of a seat, in four schools new afternoon shifts have been introduced. That has helped the 2000 odd children to get admissions, in schools near and far.

Google all about it in the local newspapers (like Times of Oman) for you to get an idea of the hardship parents had to go through and endure during this very stressful period.

Suffice to say, admissions for small children in any Indian School in Muscat is a horrendous experience for the parents.


Oh that's a big problem. Is there any other option then. Aren't there any other schools under Indian syllables or CBSE - International where admission is possible. I searched and found some schools other than Indian Schools like Dawn International and Bhawans. Is admission not open in these schools even? Kindly suggest.

Also I heard that there is 6 month restrictions in bringing the family. So if I join there in June mid then I will not be able to bring my family till December. Is this restriction even applicable for professionals like Chartered Accountant and Managerial level jobs.

Kindly suggest. I am really in a fix now whether to accept the offer or not.

I really appreciate that you are so active in this blog and the effort you are taking in helping the expats.


Hi bikash1979,

There's a 'Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan' or something like that. But contrary to my previous reports, I gathered from this forum that the school sucks big time. And there aren't any other around - except the international schools, who charge a king's ransom as monthly fee.

Sometime back, I remember writing a very detailed and thorough comparison of the fee structure between all internationals schools. I think it should still be somewhere within this site. If you can manage to locate it you will get enough and more information you would need on that subject. Perhaps you could add a certain percentage more to the tuition fees now, to what is given there as my post is a couple of years back.

I've never heard of either the Dawn International School or the Bahwans school which you have referred about.

About the 6-month waiting period for family joining visa, there is some confusion and certainly a lot of disparity. A few have been waived this wait period, while for most it stays. But there is no fixed criteria. It would all depend on which side of the bed the visa issuing guy woke up on the morning your application was sent !


The above is the site for Dawn International School, not sure how is the review for this as no information is available on this. How about the day Indian School, are they good. Is it possible to get mid term admission in this once my family residence visa gets done hopefully by December. By then I may plan to get private tuition during the Visit visa.

Kindly advise.


Hi Hi bikash1979,

Have never ever heard of this Dawn International School till you mentioned it. Glanced at their website. Seems like some new one. Any school that puts out its contact as '', should set your alarm bells ringing ! Better watch out.

Even Bharatiya Vidya Bahvan came with much fanfare, but now has proved to be a damp squib.

You simply cannot take chances with your children's education. And even though the overall quality of education that is available in Oman is way sub-standard than what is available in India, the Indian Schools here are perhaps the best choices.


Thanks for your reply. Just want to ask you again if admission can be made available in the day session in the Indian School and will that be easy to get in December. Also I came across the below article regarding six month issue although its old. … s-ROP-2jrp


Hi Bikash,

Happen to read your tweet when searching for good schools in muscat. We are based in Dubai and looking to move to Muscat soon. Was wondering if you had any luck finding a good school in Muscat?
My daughter goes to Gems Modern Academy here and we are trying hard to find a good indian school but with  not much luck.Have you checked out any of the international schools?

Heard ABA with IB curriculum is good. Would be good if you could share some info.
