
Reasonable rent


Any suggestions on places just outside of Cuenca or Quito that have reasonable prices for full-time renting?

See also

Real estate listingsAccommodation in EcuadorAccommodation on the coast of EcuadorAccommodation in QuitoAccommodation in Cuenca


Go to have dozens of rentals which are very inexpensive.  Some for 3 months, some for 6 months and of course, some for years.

We are moving to Cuenca the last of October and went there in April for 12 days.  We found so many nice and reasonable areas where we would feel comfortable and safe.

Check it out. And if you would like to stay in a lovely and charming "hotel", look up "The Villa Nova", managed by people from the US and overlooks the Tomebamba River.  Inexpensive at $33.00/night and includes a free breakfast next door.

Good luck,
Carole & Ray Walter
Jacksonville, FL


Check out Valle de los Chillos for Quito. It is 15 min by car or about 30 min by bus from Quito. You can get a just built town house for as little as $150 (we rented one for that much in Armenia, exit 2), although for this price you will be living among middle - low class. We have a friend who rents a big house in San Rafael for $450. BTW: define reasonable...