Employment and new work practices in India

Hello everyone,

In diverse sectors, employment in India has been tremendously affected by the current crisis.
We invite you to share your experience on these changes in the professional world in India.

Did new work practices emerge over the last few months?

Is working from home becoming the new normal or is it still marginal?

What about recruitment in companies located in India?

Were there new laws passed regarding work? If so, what were the consequences on the labour market?

Finally, what is your personal experience on that matter and on your own job specifically?

Thank you for your contribution!

Expat.com team

Good Morning Cherlyl,
Employment in India has been tremendously affected by the current crisis due to Covid-19. Economic Growth rate, GDP, Demand of the products, People spending capacity and export are quite slow especially 1st and 2nd quarter of 2020. Especially in 2nd quarter indian economy gradually goahead due to government effort and new policy making. Employment trends are also decreased due to pandemic situation particularly industries have temporarily stop the production. Recruitment companies in India started their recruiting process through online and most of the professional started their work in online. In my personal observation and according to the experts this pandemic situation would happen until october afterwards slowly it will fall down. Then everything would become normal and according to world economic outlook Indian GDP growth rate would reach third position in the world in 2024.

Hello jeyaraj,

Thank you so much for taking time to share this with us.


Expat.com team.

Its my Pleasure Cheryl