
Can you explain the immigration process to me like a dumb American?


Hi everyone,

With the current state of the US, I've been researching how to migrate to Canada (among a few other possible destinations) and frankly, there's so much information that I'm a bit overwhelmed.

I'm interested in two possibilities. One is finding work as a product designer for a Canadian company and obtaining a work visa, the other is enrolling in a grad school program and migrating to Canada as a student. I *think* I understand these two processes well enough, but I'm constantly discovering new quirks that make me second guess how much I actually know.

The big question mark for me though is understanding the travel ban and if it will be lifted any time soon. How common are travel exemptions for tech workers or students? And assuming I were able to obtain a travel exemption as a student, what's the general feel for what's going to happen with Canadian universities over the next year or so? Is there a reluctance to admit new American students right now? Will most programs be conducted remotely?

There's so much content marketing garbage out there that it's practically impossible to find reliable answers to these questions using Google.

See also

Study permit for CanadaCanada transit visaWorking Holiday Visa in CanadaWork visas in QuebecTemporary residence in Canada


Going by what is happening in Canada especially in Ontario at present, I doubt you'll be escaping what is happening in the US since we'll soon be in the same or probably worse situation.

I don't presume to tell you I know much of anything about the immigration ins and outs BUT I do believe our borders never did close (they told us they did but they did not) Maybe you should head for one of our border crossings and just walk in as a refugee, you'll get our RCMP to carry your luggage and if you are non white and a mozlem, it helps a lot as they, next to communists are trudeau's favourite people, then we, the Canadian tax payers will pay your way till we haven't a bean left.

Please do excuse me if you're not of either of the above persuasions but since there doesn't seem to be any restrictions on who can or can't come into the country trying to walk in from a border crossing may be your best option. I'm sure you'll get all the help you need after.

Just remember, the grass is withering here too ***. Good luck and God help us all.


Moderated by Priscilla 4 years ago
Reason : no political comments please

Hi Jeesebasham;

I was only trying to explain to you that we have similar problems here, I, too, was considering escape to my birth country, Malta but it's the same the whole world over so may as well save ourselves the trouble.

Good luck anyway,
