
Gathering information on changes in Mexico post-COVID-19 crisis


Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well in Mexico.

We are putting together an article on the post-crisis changes in Mexico for to-be expats or expats looking to get updates. And no one would be in a better position to provide us with, not only up-to-date information, but also practical expat insights on the situation in Mexico.

We’ve set up a list of questions we thought would be useful, would you be willing to help us out with these? If we have missed anything, please add any information you think might be relevant.

What are the current regulations for entering Mexico? (quarantine, health checks, fees involved…)

Have there been visa changes recently? (new visas, cancelled visas etc…)

Is it easy to find work in Mexico following the crisis? (working conditions for foreigners, quotas, new areas of work, incentives for remote working…)

How would you view the local healthcare system in light of the crisis? (response to the COVID-19, how to get tested for COVID-19…)

Has anything changed regarding universities and schools? (safety for foreign students, changes regarding student visas or conditions…)

How is the real estate market following the crisis? (price, availability…)

Has the cost of living changed because of the crisis in Mexico?

Is there information relevant to expat retirees? (new measures for the elderly, visas for foreign retirees…)

How about lifestyle? Have there been major changes in habits following the sanitary crisis? (measures in public spaces, new habits to adopt…)

We will condense the gathered information in one and the same article and publish it in a specific section of our Mexico guide. Thank you so much for your help! The information you will provide will be of infinite help to someone looking to move to Mexico or to anyone living there but is not quite sure where to find these updates!

Have a glorious day and a glorious week!

Kind regards,
Editorial Assistant,

See also

Living in Mexico: the expat guideMexican mail order pharmacy, pharmacy in GuadalajaraPuerto EscondidoNeurologists in Quintana RooTransporting pets to Mexico

Planning on moving there next year. This would be useful!


Veedushi wrote:

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well in Mexico.

We are putting together an article on the post-crisis changes in Mexico for to-be expats or expats looking to get updates. And no one would be in a better position to provide us with, not only up-to-date information, but also practical expat insights on the situation in Mexico.

We’ve set up a list of questions we thought would be useful, would you be willing to help us out with these? If we have missed anything, please add any information you think might be relevant.

What are the current regulations for entering Mexico? (quarantine, health checks, fees involved…)

Have there been visa changes recently? (new visas, cancelled visas etc…)

Is it easy to find work in Mexico following the crisis? (working conditions for foreigners, quotas, new areas of work, incentives for remote working…)

How would you view the local healthcare system in light of the crisis? (response to the COVID-19, how to get tested for COVID-19…)

Has anything changed regarding universities and schools? (safety for foreign students, changes regarding student visas or conditions…)

How is the real estate market following the crisis? (price, availability…)

Has the cost of living changed because of the crisis in Mexico?

Is there information relevant to expat retirees? (new measures for the elderly, visas for foreign retirees…)

How about lifestyle? Have there been major changes in habits following the sanitary crisis? (measures in public spaces, new habits to adopt…)

We will condense the gathered information in one and the same article and publish it in a specific section of our Mexico guide. Thank you so much for your help! The information you will provide will be of infinite help to someone looking to move to Mexico or to anyone living there but is not quite sure where to find these updates!

Have a glorious day and a glorious week!

Kind regards,
Editorial Assistant,

These questions are in many ways a work in progress.  As long as the political attitudes change often there will not be a set answer to many of your questions.

Recently the border attitude seems that nothing has changed, but in practice, it can easily change from person to person and from one day to another. Crossing the border has always been in the hands of the individual Mexican agent signing or not signing your papers. Recently they closed the Sonora border because of reported infection rates in Arizona, but it seems they have opened it again. I would suggest checking up until your planned travel. If you are flying check and recheck on the flight status.

Yes, there have been big changes in lifestyles here just as there has been everywhere. Given the restrictions, in many places, it would not be easy to find a job. Citizens will always get preferential treatment for jobs.

Shopping is not fun, only one person per family is allowed in stores and everyone must have a mask. One store is discriminating against seniors.

It's doable, but for those depending on a spouse to help with shopping, it would not be easy at all. Some restaurants are open with perhaps 6 tables available in a large restaurant but most are not open. Some shops are open, but you will have to get your temperature taken and use the alcohol material in every store. Some of the towns nearby have been closed to all travelers.

I normally travel a lot but since the beginning of this situation, I have remained at home. I don't think of wearing a mask and alcohol wipes on the beach as a vacation. I can do that where I am. Also, hotels may or may not be open and may or may not have very many rooms plus they will have the same restrictions.