Delivery on visit visa

My husband is on work visa, and i am on visit visa through my father in dammam. I was supposed to get a family visa through my husbands company but due to the covid situation, i cant go back to my home country, and the process has been delayed. I am due in 5 months, have extended my visa for 3 months, after which i cannot medically travel. These are my queries
1. Can i deliver baby here while on visit visa, issued under my fathers name.
2. While extending visa, they ask if i am expecting and the insurance is calculated much does thia insurance cover?
3. Can i get personal insurance on visit visa from the insurance companies in dammam?

1) Yes.  At your own cost
2) This insurance DOES NOT cover delivery or indeed, even normal medical expenses like OPD etc.  This is ONLY for emergency e.g. if you get in an accident
3) No you can't.  Not without an Iqama.  And if you get it from any international provider (outside of KSA but with coverage for KSA), as an individual, there WILL be a waiting period of a year before you can use some benefits like medical and dental

Thank you for your reply. I am just wndering that the regular insurance that i have had to pay in the past mnths for visit visa around 30/100 riyals covers emergency.
However, now before insurance they ask if i am expectinf and how many months due likewise they gave an amount of 5032 to 9000 saudo riyals for insurance that i have to pay to extend the visa. Are you saying that even after paying thia amount, nothing is covered? Thats a little shocking. I hoep thia isnt true ..will try to get an appoinmnt with an insirance cmpany to find out

It is not covered.  The reason they ask about pregnancy is that if you have complications and require hospitalization to save your life, that is categorized as emergency which they will cover.  But it will not cover normal medical checkups or normal delivery.