
Voluntary Deportation - Anyone have experience or knowledge?



I am from the UK and have overstayed since 2007.

I know I am in the wrong and have been reading as much info as I can on this, but I am still unsure as to how to go about rectifying my stupidity and getting out of the Philippines.

My understanding is that so long as you pay up to the BI, its really not that bad.

My issue is that I cannot settle what I owe. I thought I had this covered only to find out my long term partner decided to 'lose' all the money I had stashed to cover these expenses earlier this year. Its not the first time she has done this and although I should have learnt the last 2 times...well 3rd times the charm I guess.

As it stands, due to her actions and Covid (and mine obviously), I have been stuck with her in a condo, festering about the whole thing, dragging time out and essentially making things worse...I think now is the time to face the consequences...

My question is, what can I do to make it as painless as possible?

I lost my passport in 2008 and at that time, really didnt think i would ever leave this beautiful place or my partner.

I havent been in contact with my embassy at any point and I havent broken any other laws other than immigration ones. Is there a route out of here via voluntary deportation whereby I could escape without paying the fines and fees? I have no family or friends that could come up with that kind of money and the time it would take for me to try and put it together again, ive no idea and to be honest, I dont want to be here any more.

I can scrounge together my air fare but thats about it.

I read somewhere that deportation cases are now dealt with within 30 days...if thats all I have to spend in the BI jail, I can handle that for my freedom and sanity, but I dont fancy staying there until I can pay in full for my indiscretion as I fear that may be a very long time, if not forever.

Again, I know this is my own fault and I am aware that the visa extensions are easy and not that expensive, but I cant turn back the clock and make better decisions, I wish I could.

I am just hoping someone here might have some previous knowledge or experience in this instance and is willing to share.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Any finger wagging bashers will be accepted given this is entirely of my own fruition, although my missus has definitely not helped matters.

Thanks in advance...

See also

Work visa for the PhilippinesVisas for the PhilippinesMysterious requirement when renewing my permanent ACR card...Relocation to PhilippinesSRRV agent: cost and recommendation?


They do not care for reasons.

If you did not commit any crime you will need:

- to pay 500 penalties per month from 2007 to now (around 78000 pesos)
- ACR card for each year from 2007 to 2020. Cost around 1000 per year (around 13000)
- unpaid visa extension fees from 2007 to 2020. Cost around 1500 per each month. (around 234000 pesos)
- possible some deportation costs.

It will cost you at least 350k. And of course blacklist.

Better do not show up in immigration office without 500k in cash.

If you cannot pay, you will go to jail.


Thanks Eduardo for your reply.

Your directness was appreciated.

From my online research, I thought my fines etc would exceed 600k so I am somewhat surprised at your calculations. I hesitate to say they are welcome as at this time 350k is still out of reach.

'If you cannot pay, you will go to jail'.

This appears to be the key point for me at the moment.

In your experience/ opinion...Do you know how long for or is it the case that your there until it is paid...even if you can arrange your own flight out? 



I do not know really. For each day in jail they will deduct some amount from your debt, but I have really no idea how much.

Better do not show up in immigration without serious amount of money and ask for their understanding. They will not understand.

You might call your embassy to see what is your options and what you can expect.



Contacting the embassy makes sense, I was just avoiding that first step until I understood as best I could what the exit process may be.

Thanks again,

Have a top evening!


I feel your pain. Take care buddy.


Think of it this way. With the pandemic, the government is in need of money. My thought is they will ask you to pay the fine. Jailing you would cost them money and risk of you getting infected with Covid. You probably need your embassy's assistance to negotiate your exit.


The priority for you is to have your passport first. Without it you can not leave the country, whatever your situation


Exiting the Philippines may not be the worst of your problems. If the missus is really angry at you, uh-oh.


Best to 'Face the Music' one note at a time mate!
To your Embassy/Explanation
/Passport 1st
Jail/Fine/Exit 2nd
Missus 3rd
All of which sure sounds v.expensive!
Wish you the best.


LOL @ Jackson4...

Whilst we still cohabit, I think she can see the writing on the wall. We had a good innings and she has done alright out of the whole escapade, basically lounging about for over a decade...nice life if you can get it!

Ce la vie.

With regards to the passport, my plan is to use the emergency documents route as there may be even further delays getting a replacement given the current health fiasco. Might be handy avoiding the nasty 'red stamp' too...

Anyways, appreciate the comments fellas, more helpful than you know.

Time to crack on and try and get this sorted!

All the best.

paula bartolome

Hey my husband is currently in blacklist due to overstaying .but he was granted as refugee so basically his name shouldve been lifted from blacklist but its still in the system . We wrote a letter to the commisioner of immigration to lift it up so he can leave the country .
My question is did. Wrote a letter to comissioner too? And how long did u get a respond?


"You might call your embassy to see what is your options and what you can expect."

allworknoplay wrote:


Contacting the embassy makes sense, I was just avoiding that first step until I understood as best I could what the exit process may be.

Thanks again,

Have a top evening!

British Embassy are a complete waste of time, their attitude is "Don't go to the Philippines, if you do then whatever happens it's your own fault.


it's a old thread, Aug 2020.

I recall this, man basically overstayed like 13 years or something. I wonder what finally happened to allworknoplay?

Hey Bruh, You Still There?  :dumbom:

Lotus Eater

Perhaps the  OP should put in a collect call to Carlos Ghosn in the Lebanon ;)


The british turned their backs on their royal family member. I wonder if you can get help from their embassy.
@allworknopay: Wo bist du?

Lotus Eater

It's not clear that the guy is a Brit. A contributor mentioned the British Embassy. If he is a British national he can go (I suspect he has already done this) to the embassy and they will pay the fees and confiscate the passport on his return to Blighty in lieu of repaying the loan.
Ironic that you mention a member of the Royal Family. Its a mirror image of what happened to the OP - got suckered by a third rate American actress. And why should the British taxpayer bail 'him' out, the guy's loaded.