
First impressions after moving to Cambodia


Hello everyone,

You probably have vivid memories of your first weeks as an expat in Cambodia. Indeed, moving to a new country is a milestone in someone’s life.

Today, we invite you to share with the community how you experienced your first steps in this country.

Excitement, joy, worry: What was your main feeling when you arrived in Cambodia?

How has your state of mind changed over time?

Have you called upon expatriate support associations? If so, what was their role in your local integration?

What was the impact of your new environment (climate, setting, professional environment) on your mental health?

Is it easy to socialize in Cambodia? What advice would you give to newcomers to meet people, make new friends and build a strong professional network there?

Thank you for your contribution!

Have a nice day,

Diksha, team

See also

Living in Cambodia: the expat guideNew members of the Cambodia forum, introduce yourselves here - 2025How to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in CambodiaPpctv no communication at allTransferring Money

Dear All.

Cambodia is truely a good country for retirement. But stay away from the city. go to the country side.Living cost is so cheap. 1000 usd could allow a person to survive for a year with food and room rental for just only 30 dollars a month.

It will not be easily for any foreigner to look for a job with high income same like back home.

You can set up your own bussiness easily in cambodia without so many restrictions rule and regulation.

Any further enquire or more information. Feel free to send me a mail for more detail discussion .
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Good luck and all the best.


Max Soong. ( Singaporean )


Hey Max, that sounds really cheap. But what sort of place would you live in for that price? You mean live in a village like the ordinary people in the countryside? I think it would be difficult for a foreigner who could not speak Khmer.


I must agree with hdgh29, the countryside, or it’s called the province in Cambodia, the fact that you call it the countryside, is a indication that you don’t understand how difficult it is to live in the province! Not for your average expat, very very difficult to integrate into society  , I would guess knowing my own American culture 99% of Americans could not  live in Cambodia, and of that 1% , 99% of those couldn’t live in the province. It sounds  romantic, living out in the countryside, no traffic etc, but the reality is it’s not quaint little villages! It’s brutal hot wet, muddy , a very lonely hard boring life for a expat, that’s not a good idea, I’ve lived in cambodia almost four years, and I definitely would not recommend it!! Stick to the city you can find entertainment, friends that speak your language, and more things to do with your time , living in the province might kill you with the boredom, but you are correct, it’s very cheap, but not worth it. Don’t do it you will end up in the city in 30 days .


G’day Twins Guy & Hdgh 29.
Are you blokes still in Vietnam, last I read you were stuck here. 

I was contemplating a move to PP since I had major Visa issues in VN , but luckily sorted that out but was still looking for a change.

It’s funny you see on forums people looking for the “idyllic “ quiet location in the Asian country side or a near deserted beach to settle down.   But they simply don’t realise that as a foreigner it HIGHLY likely the minute you leave your abode to go to the nearest market or shop , you’ll be burgled.

In the 10 years I’ve been here I’ve met so many that’s happened to.  They honestly believe they can live in a cute little “cabin” and get set up with all the creature comforts , TV, Laptop, phone , & just walk down the road or visit the nearest city for a few days & come back to everything still there. 

Security is the No 1 priority for any place I’ve lived here .

As for lifestyle ,  if you like peace & quiet ,  just visit these little out of the way places for a few days & get back to your Base abode.   If Max thinks he can “live” on $85 a month ( $30 rent $55 food) it’s possible but that would be basic fruit & Vegs,  Tea and NO  creature comforts like Internet, Beer & wine, eating out, TV.....maybe no electricity, so No fans or AC,,,but it could be done.   Hope he likes the heat & got a good mozzie net because a can of Insect repellant would blow the budget.

Each to their own,,,but you can live a good life here for a low budget & eat out every day.    Nha Trang vIetnam has a glut of apartments here & it’s easy to find beachside studios for $150 a month.   There’s new 2 bedroom apartments going for $250 a month ,,things are cheap & likely to be that way for ages.

If you can live that way at a good budget .....why go into the jungle .

BTW...are apartments in PP getting lower in price,,id assume so given the lack of incoming foreigners.


Well you said it well, as you could do it , but why? Things are getting cheaper for sure I personally believe that it will take a few years to get back to normal rent prices , which are cheap at its highest, but now it’s just cheaper, still in Vietnam,  personally I would love to return to Phnom Penh for a month, then come back to Vietnam,,,,,, like the “ old days” when that will happen, that’s the big question? In the 3  1/2 years I’ve been in cambodia I never was robbed , the whole time I was living in Phnom Penh.


Dear team

yes if any would like to come to kps and stay as the same locals life in my friend house charge only 120$  a month with place and easy for you to walk around and just few minutes


This is exactly the kind of crap that attracts people with no money to come to Cambodia and get into trouble!  As stated much better than I can here, the thought of living in abject poverty with head lice and the rest of the "charm" of provincial living, with plenty of vegetables to eat but not much else - and no real selection of meat, fish etc. on such a budget would get old fast.  If people have no money - and don't know the language or customs with no budget for emergencies they will get what their poor planning dictates.


Isn’t it funny,,,,you get people thinking they can go & live somewhere remote like Robinson Cruso or Grizzly Adams.   Just like little house on the prairie.😆

You can do that in a developed country where you have  access by car to the nearest town .

But here ,,,,,remote here is an entirely different thing.


I’m totally guilty of this 6 years ago, but it’s one of those things you have to personally experience, living remote “ off the grid” is a whole different thing here!


I lived on a farm about 15k from a small coastal town in Australia.    Great lifestyle,  plenty of space , grow your own vegetables & chooks etc.

But you still had the creature comforts.  TV, electricity, nice house , electric stove, fridges & appliances .
To sit on the back verandah looking at nothing but rolling hills & trees is relaxing & peaceful.

It’s simply not practical here ......that TV is worth maybe 6 months wages here .  Getting robbed in the country side is likely.    A guy here built a nice house about 10k outside Nha Trang.  Put in security cameras , barbed wire ,chains & padlocks.    After the locals watched him move all the furniture & appliances in ,,they simply walked in & cleaned the place out  while he was away.

Threw a towell over the camera, and used a sledge hammer to knock a whole thru the wall & simply walked in & carried everything out.   Nobody saw a thing (apparently). 

By the way.....for those those thinking of growing their own vegetables 🍅 do you know when your tomatoes are ripe.??
When they are $1 a kilogram in the shops.