anyone ever deal with squatters? eviction?
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i own a house maybe 20 feet from the ocean at high tide, we own the lot all the way to the ocean. some guy built a "temporary house/shack" in front of my house, about half of it is on my property . it has no foundation but is built on cement filled plastic pipes for columns. its been a year now and instead of saving up to get a lot or whatever he now has a girlfriend and 2 kids living there and his shack is GROWING, he now has a dish TV hanging on it and has extended it on 2 sides and piled big rocks to protect it from the ocean,poured a concrete stoop and is now parking a boat there !
my wife and i cant even park our own boats in front of our house (we have 2) and must park them down the beach. he stands in front and pisses and dumps buckets of poop in the ocean where my kids swim and gives my family dirty ,mean looks every day, as does his girlfriend, except my young daughter, he smiles and glares at her.
the brngy captain here is of no use,she hates my wife and will assist anyone who is disrespectful to us.
the police said they do not get involved in "land disputes"?
we wish we stopped him when it was just becoming a small nipa hut but now my terrace overlooks a slum mess instead of the beach we built here to enjoy.
he walks around like a big bully and wears a shirt that says "silent but deadly" at least 4 days a week.but i know he has lots of other shirts,i see them all hanging across my front lot on their clothes line blocking my beach view every day.
whats the best way to rid my life of this problem?
any experience with squatter issues?
Why did you allow the build in the first place?
You're going to have to wait for mother nature to take his building away then do not allow him back. Or, buy him out. You can sue but be ready for a long flight and risk of harm from the person. I hope you have a lot of friends in your neighborhood.
i do pray for a slow moving cat 2 typhoon to linger here long enough to "clean the area of debris."
we should have built a small seawall or some type of barrier from the house to the ocean so "signify it belongs to us" and discourage squatters etc.but we have houses on both sides of us and people need to be able to walk past our house, it would kind of cut the brngy in half if we had a total wall there.
i really didn't think anyone would be so stupid or rude to build a shack in my front yard!..seeing its only 20 feet from the ocean every typhoon will batter it.
the kicker is- we heard thru the grapevine- they complain about US and say THEY don't get any privacy ! because my family looks off the terrace and i have CCTV mounted on front of the upstairs terrace.
Seriously..they built a shack 6 feet from my front door,right under my 2nd floor terrace, and complain they dont get privacy!
originally it was only a bamboo shack, and it was only 2 or 3 feet onto our was temporary, but like lice or rats ,its only one and you don't notice it but soon it becomes an infestation.
Jackson4 wrote:Why did you allow the build in the first place?
You're going to have to wait for mother nature to take his building away then do not allow him back. Or, buy him out. You can sue but be ready for a long flight and risk of harm from the person. I hope you have a lot of friends in your neighborhood.
Pretty much the best thoughts on it I think. The problem is SR has apparently had other issues and an extortion attempt by the locals. Did he start building while you were living away? Legal action will take time and increase resentments further. Buy the guy out and word will get around and the next one will be building before the existing squatter has his bags packed.
If what your wife is telling you is true about the local sentiment, I'm not sure you have many options. What we see as egregious behavior such as using the ocean as his toilet is not a big deal to them. He's just a poor guy trying to survive, in their mind.
On the other hand, have you invested in the community in any way, other than paying locals to build your house? Certainly they see you as rich. Maybe you need to hire a couple to "maintain the beach" or whatever.
Maybe you can come up with a creative solution administered by the barangay captain (so she owns it and gets credit for it) that involves your funding an annual lechon party and maybe some funding for the local road or school, in exchange for the locals keeping the beach cleared of debris in accordance with municipal regulations. If they don't keep up their end they lose the funding. Yes it's bribery but probably wouldn't take that much. Then everyone gets something out of the deal.
The only other option I can think of is to sell it at a discount to a Filipino buyer who will deal with the squatters appropriately. Hopefully it's not your entire life savings in the house, but in any case it's not worth your life to fight it out. Try and find a peaceful win-win solution, as aggravating as it may be.
Annoying & frustrating, Common courtesy & decency is lost on them.
That’s why in this part of the world (and many others) I’d never buy anything, no skin in the game. If you were renting that place , just up & leave & let the owner deal with the crap.
I’ve always had the feeling that once you “buy in” your in a position to be extorted . Even buying a car , expensive bike Or relationships can be twisted into a rort of some kind.
Basically, if you’ve got something they think you NEED your vulnerable.
pnwcyclist wrote:Maybe you can come up with a creative solution
Yes the creative solution:
(1) Is ther anyway you can deny access to the property? if not try the following:
(2) For php you can hire a lot of muscle or more some even with badges & guns.
(3) Strobe lights aimed at at his shack.
(4) Loud music when you're not at home. (Worked on Noriega ex ruler of Panama)
i used to do things to "invest in the community" i donated the building of the community water tank in front of my house for everyone to wash clothes and dishes etc. , but now the squatter and his girlfriend use it daily as if its their personal kitchen and i almost never see anyone else use it anymore...after the typhoon last dec. 24th i paid for a strong seawall along the front of the "one nice" neighbors house that was hit particularly hard and repaired the damaged tank and platform in front of it.. i used to give away extra plywood and sacks of cement and gravel and sand etc to neighbors, sometimes i would buy a jug of tuba and send to them if i saw they had people over etc.. but those are the same people who are harassing and vandalizing now.
i lost my mood to "give back" now. things seem to have turned south about the same time the squatter moved in actually. we really had no issues here before his arrival.we also had a different brngy captain back then,this one hates my wife because she is friends with the mayor and evidently the brngy cap. and mayor dont see eye to eye.
the guy intimidates people here because of his size and attitude, he walks around acting like he"s ready for a fight all day. when boats come in he runs down to them and walks away with a handful of free fish..i think many people side with him because they dont want him as an enemy.maybe his "silent but deadly T-shirt" helps him in this endeavor thats probably why he wears it 4 days a week.
does anyone have experience with legally evicting a squatter ?
Somebody in your barangay is eying your land and placed a paid squatter on it. Either it is a member of the family, a friend or simply an acquaintance. Professional squatters is a national sport. If the eviction is not done immediately it will a very very long legal process (since 1990 squatters have nearly all rights and free legal counseling). Try to have a maximum of information on them, interview the school where the children go (if ever they go to school) or the local DSWD if they don't go to school. To find the vulnerable spots... maybe he is escaping justice etc. If your wife is a friend .of the mayor she should talk about it.
My indirect experiences with eviction:
1) The radical way : the grandmother hired a bully who was very efficient against the leader of the squat, all other members left somewhere else. It is of course a dangerous way ...
2) The conciliatory way : another friend working abroad found a colony of squatters on his land when he came back. He brought the barangay and city hall on his side for a the conciliatory move. The city hall bought a part of his land at a good price and developed the area for the squat. Win-win solution.
3) Litigation way : a brother in law is in litigation with a group of squatters well organized. 15 years of litigation and still not finished and a lot of money spent on Atty fees etc. The lose-lose solution.
Another point : the city hall has probably a zoning of risks and hazards with a red zone indicating that it is forbidden to build too close from the beach. If they have, police can come and see and stop building
Is it too late to start building a stone pavililion or bamboo kubo & let the contractor (hired local muscle) to negotiate & find out how much he needs to vacate the place?
May cost a little bit more.
Is this the same house that you’ve been advertising to sell? I didn’t recall seeing any disclosure of that in the sale post. Hahaha
Do what the locals do. Get in touch with a motorcycle tandem.
Tim_L wrote:Do what the locals do. Get in touch with a motorcycle tandem.
That's a good idea.
Leo Durocher an old time baseball manager and member of the hall of fame said "Nice guys finish last"
Well it seems you're the nice guy, it's time to change your ways. Give them warning to move out, hire a back hoe and leave it next to your house. At the appropriate time destroy their dwelling, better buy a shotgun just in case.
If not, he wins, you finish last.
Didn't you say the neighborhood is mostly your wife's relatives? Let her deal with it.
well the next door neighbor is the sister of the squatters girlfriend...she had the bully guy in her house for awhile with her sister and she didnt like having him around too much so they ended up moving in front of her house to squat but he built over onto our lot by 3 feet or so, since then like i said his shack has grown considerably , as a matter of fact after we had an engineer come out and measure our lot and place markers making it obvious he is on our land he has gone into a building if the more permanent he makes it the more he wont have to leave!
as far as my wifes relatives they are all on no speaking terms and mostly cousins or cousins of cousins etc..
he molested his girlfriends little sister a few years back and was supposed to not return to this brngy as part of that deal, but they shipped the little sister off and he re-appeared. i have heard one guy who is the girlfriends brother mouth off to them about that a couple times when he was angry at her for not giving him rice on credit. i asked the police captain about that and he didnt seem to be aware of it, maybe it was before he was stationed here.
as for building anything right now ,that would put us in direct physical conflict as i would have to remove half of his shack. he's 3 times my size and half my age. i dont see that working out unless i use an equalizer.
The idea about Zoning is a good one , i think he is way to close to the sea, dec 24 2019 typhoon had his house leaning inland at a sharp angle and he and his kids and girlfriend running around out in it looking to hide somewhere, he tried to break in the back of my house kitchen window to escape the typhoon but i screwed plywood over my windows to prep for the typhoon.
we were inside and heard them out there, my wife banged on the plywood and they ran off.
by the way the child molester thief squatter's girlfriend...her uncle stole the property markers as soon as the engineer finished, we had cops come out and they took pictures of the holes where markers were gone and they found 2 of the markers by the next door neighbors porch, the sisters house. they took them as evidence and after a few days had my wife come sign some "charges?" and then told her to give a copy to the brngy captain to sign and deal with it. NO JAIL, NOTHING..
well the brngy capt. hates my wife (because she has an american husband and all 9-10 americans she has had left her?-whole other story)) so she refused to sign or receive the charges from the police, instead she went to the thieves houses and made up summons for them to have US come to brgy hall to answer- "why we didnt ask permission from the marker thieves and the squatter to hire an engineer to measure our lot !"
we were told by the police to just ignore it and dont sign it or attend since she didnt sign the charges against the thieves ..
so we didnt go to any brngy meeting, we got another summons basically saying the uncle says 10 square meters of our lot is claimed by him and if we didnt go listen to him bitch all afternoon while the squatters and brngy captain laughed then it means he magically does own ten sq meters of our which our lawyer laughed, she said just ignore these people they are ignorant, since then i have gotten many summons including failure to appear, but the brngy is not part of the judicial system in the philippines, it is arbitration or moderator to ease the burden on the actual judicial system...after 15 days if no resolution is reached then it revert to the actual court system.
there is no "failure to appear" in brngy. an arbitrator is by definition someone both parties agree to be arbitrator in settling a dispute, which we dont since she so obviously is biased and using the brngy summons system as a form of harassment.
geeze...i'm supposed to be retired and relaxing....i wish i didnt know any of this...
Sounds like your dream house evolved into a nightmare.
For the next house.......
Tall fences make good neighbors.
This is true whether you're in the Philippines or in North America.
You don't need this headache. Fighting it may be a risk to your well being. Remember, you're dealing with people who has nowhere else to go. I'd sell the property to a local at an attractive price and move somewhere else. I know it is hard to let go of your "treasure". Move somewhere far away from this island and your wife's relatives. (Easier said than done). If you can afford $200/month in rent, you may be able to live next to the ocean, stress free. (Almost stress free)
Turn the dude into a dependent drunk .. This is the cheapest way.. Start to befriend your enemy by offering a drip feed of Red Horse on a daily basis . Increase the dose by two liters everyday.. Make sure he gets it in the morning , you need to exhaust his energy ... I know !!! in the beginning it will be slow but after a year his teeth will decay .. So way up the options Pay a lawyer or feed him Red Horse. You can use the coup de grâce from time to time to test him while he journeys down that path.
Nuckinfuts wrote:Turn the dude into a dependent drunk .. This is the cheapest way.. Start to befriend your enemy by offering a drip feed of Red Horse on a daily basis . Increase the dose by two liters everyday.. Make sure he gets it in the morning , you need to exhaust his energy ... I know !!! in the beginning it will be slow but after a year his teeth will decay .. So way up the options Pay a lawyer or feed him Red Horse. You can use the coup de grâce from time to time to test him while he journeys down that path.
😂🤣😂🤣this idea shows great creativity (and is possible the best if not the only solution)
Hmmmm....Brngy capt. hates my wife (because she has an american husband and all 9-10 americans she has had left her?-whole other story))
geolefrench wrote:Somebody in your barangay is eying your land and placed a paid squatter on it. Either it is a member of the family, a friend or simply an acquaintance. Professional squatters is a national sport. If the eviction is not done immediately it will a very very long legal process (since 1990 squatters have nearly all rights and free legal counseling).
Hmmmm....The plot thickens!!!
dirk c wrote:DIRK C: This idea shows great creativity (and is possible the best if not the only solution)
MANWONDER: Hmmm....The plot thickens!!!
Both of you are correct poor Soonretired is the 10th American victim of wife wife. I believe Soonretired is delusional and suffers from Bipolar.
If you click on his name and get to his bio page, then click on past postings. On several, other than his own threads he comments or repeats tales of woe of some Filipina that has worked over some poor Expat.
Soonretired I believe you have been Fucked Over. Where and how did you meet this woman? On some Love Nest Website?
His tales would make a nice movie or a best seller. Better yet, somebody could write a book on the misfortunes of Expats on this Forum or people who lonely men who want to come to the Philippines. Each chapter would be a tale of woe or foolishness.
Soonretired you were a preselected target, they found you and you and reeled you in.
Hahaha Bob. Oh well, at least it’s somewhat entertaining. Not much else exciting happening during the quarantine here. 😂
As Enzyte Bob said.....he’s getting fked over.
SE Asia is full of desperate & dateless simpletons. They all look the same don’t they. Suckers.
You can live a very good life here provided you stick to the plot. Keep your money in blue chip safe havens, don’t marry anyone, don’t buy shitty property with shitty documentation that’s not worth wiping your ass with & get yourself neutered before you get here.
Renting a place gives you independence & flexibility. If that fat prick built in front of the Local Lessors premises he’d have issues for sure. But the foreigner has “skin in the game” he has to put up with it. If your renting , just throw the owner the keys & move to a better place.
As for women,,,,,do you really want them hanging around you 24/7. They’ll want houses , cars & shiney things 😆. You can get pay4play operators that don’t want kids, houses & businesses bank rolled by your investment fund. Seriously,, most of them are one trick ponies,,and if it wasn’t for that,, you’d be throwing rocks at them.
A lot of retirees that come here are slow learners,,dumb shits. They come here from failed marriages or investments , and what do they do....Marry someone they’re incompatible with , buy them a house , get them pregnant and go thru the same procedure all over again.....and usually it all turns to shit.
It’s a great life in this region if you stick to the plot.
Anyone ever deal with squatters? eviction? HELL, YEAH. I'll relate here what my parents had to go through. (My husband and I don't have this problem. We live in a gated community where guests and deliveries, like Lazada, Grab, etc., had to be cleared first with the homeowner.)
Soonretired wrote:i own a house maybe 20 feet from the ocean at high tide, we own the lot all the way to the ocean. some guy built a "temporary house/shack" in front of my house, about half of it is on my property . it has no foundation but is built on cement filled plastic pipes for columns. its been a year now and instead of saving up to get a lot or whatever he now has a girlfriend and 2 kids living there and his shack is GROWING, he now has a dish TV hanging on it and has extended it on 2 sides and piled big rocks to protect it from the ocean,poured a concrete stoop and is now parking a boat there !
The squatter set up near my parents' house. He was my parents' neighbor's wife's relative. They requested to live temporarily in the empty road lot to help our neighbor's wife and keep her company as her husband just passed away. Their house started as a like a tent -- a shack with tarpaulin walls and roof. Then later on they cemented their floor. Somehow, they got in contact with a representative of the developer, who created a title to the road lot, and but it from him. Then they got their own electricity and water connection and built a wall around their property.
Soonretired wrote:my wife and i cant even park our own boats in front of our house (we have 2) and must park them down the beach. he stands in front and pisses and dumps buckets of poop in the ocean where my kids swim and gives my family dirty ,mean looks every day, as does his girlfriend, except my young daughter, he smiles and glares at her.!
My parents now have a hard time parking their car in their car port because the road was now narrower.
Soonretired wrote:the brngy captain here is of no use, she hates my wife and will assist anyone who is disrespectful to us.
the police said they do not get involved in "land disputes"?
we wish we stopped him when it was just becoming a small nipa hut but now my terrace overlooks a slum mess instead of the beach we built here to enjoy.
The barangay captain ignored my parents, because in the past, they filed a complaint against him for building a plaza in the subdivision's park without consulting with the homeowners. He probably got a huge kickback from the builders.
Soonretired wrote:he walks around like a big bully and wears a shirt that says "silent but deadly" at least 4 days a week.but i know he has lots of other shirts,i see them all hanging across my front lot on their clothes line blocking my beach view every day.
The squatter is a thin wimpy guy but can be unpredictable when he's drunk. At one time, another neighbor argued with him about the squatting issue. The squatter aimed his gun at him. He missed his target big time and shot his own foot. LOL.
Soonretired wrote:whats the best way, to rid my life of this problem?
any experience with squatter issues?
My parents and other affected neighbors filed a complaint / wrote a letter to homeowners' association, barangay captain, QC city hall. When nothing came out of that, they tried mediation and even offering to pay them to leave. Didn't work. (The squatters actually own a house somewhere in Caloocan City. They don't want to live there because they're renting it out.)
They filed a complaint to the Ombudsman for graft and corruption against an employee of HLURB (Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board). for conniving with the representative of the developer (the corporation is now inactive; almost all of its members have passed away). The lot should not have been granted a title, as it is a ROAD LOT. They also forwarded a letter to DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources). Hoo-hum. All that led to nowhere. Eventually they hired a lawyer.
The first one was useless. I would have written a better argument and summary, as I had worked for a lawyer when I was in the states and attended paralegal classes.
The second lawyer was a lot better but also charged a higher rate. A complaint was filed against the squatter, the representative and their cohorts at LRA. The case is in the courts. The case has been dragging on for almost 3 years now. Judge was often absent / unavailable to hear the case.
I hope you have better luck with your squatters.
I would advise that you do some research, including public easements. As one member here advised, see if they're violating any zoning laws. You have to tread carefully, as you too might be violating zoning laws. You wouldn't want your house demolished.
See if DENR would take pity at you regarding the poop situation on the beach. Hey, it worked for Duterte who complained that Boracay was a cesspool, and ordered that structures too close to the beach be demolished. But then again, you're not Duterte. Maybe have your wife run for the presidency of the Philippines. She could start as barangay captain then work her way up. And don't forget about us, especially the case with my parents' squatter, when your wife becomes president.
Enzyte Bob wrote:dirk c wrote:DIRK C: This idea shows great creativity (and is possible the best if not the only solution)
MANWONDER: Hmmm....The plot thickens!!!
Both of you are correct poor Soonretired is the 10th American victim of wife wife. I believe Soonretired is delusional and suffers from Bipolar.
If you click on his name and get to his bio page, then click on past postings. On several, other than his own threads he comments or repeats tales of woe of some Filipina that has worked over some poor Expat.
Soonretired I believe you have been Fucked Over. Where and how did you meet this woman? On some Love Nest Website?
His tales would make a nice movie or a best seller. Better yet, somebody could write a book on the misfortunes of Expats on this Forum or people who lonely men who want to come to the Philippines. Each chapter would be a tale of woe or foolishness.
Soonretired you were a preselected target, they found you and you and reeled you in.
"well the brngy capt. hates my wife (because she has an american husband and all 9-10 americans she has had left her?-whole other story))"
I believe what SoonRetired was saying is that the Barangay Captain had 10 Americans but got no hubby - they all left her - hence her bitterness at his wife who is married to an American (him).
Haha I have been sucked into this sad tale of misfortune, a tyipcal Filipino melodrama. SoonRetired I feel bad for you, if all this has in fact unfolded as described. It is my worst nightmare, and one reason I keep all my investments in the US, where property rights are (mostly) respected and enforced. I think your best bet is to either ignore the squatter until he is swept away or sell to a Filipino and let them deal with it. I suspect Geolefrench may be right about someone eyeing your property and planting a professional squatter on it. Too many weird things going on there.
How does one become a 'squatter' here in the philippines?
The more I read about it, the more it sounds like a very viable long term land acquisition/investment prospect!
Maybe i'll start a recruitment agency hiring 'squatters' to claim land/public roads/carparks/beach fronts of beautiful homes and the like.
Maybe i'd include the "irrevocable deed of conveyance" to protect my interests!
You have already criminal organizations doing that But majority of squatters are poor people who build where they can, often in dangerous places, near creaks for example
So sorry to tell you this, Soonretired, but you and those replying to you are sadly mistaken.
You do not own the land down to the ocean.
In Philippines it is the government that owns all beach.
It is called foreshore.
You seem to have never seen your map that shows the boundaries of your lot, but if you look at it you will see that the land at the beach in front of your lot has a lot number of its own that is different from your lot number.
that is owned by DENR
so no one is squatting on your land
Jesse777 wrote:So sorry to tell you this, Soonretired, but you and those replying to you are sadly mistaken.
You do not own the land down to the ocean.
In Philippines it is the government that owns all beach.
It is called foreshore.
You seem to have never seen your map that shows the boundaries of your lot, but if you look at it you will see that the land at the beach in front of your lot has a lot number of its own that is different from your lot number.
that is owned by DENR
so no one is squatting on your land
Good point Jesse but not always true, only the OP can offer up his legal status with regards to his property. Perhaps he should also consult with DENR with regards to his predicament.
For us, we own a 1,700M2 titled lot and an 800M2 tax declared lot that goes to the high tide mark. The developer (an astute Filipino) is well aware of squatters and their rights so when he carved up the property, some 20 odd lots the 10 beachfront lots all got tax declared lots to stop this situation. This was done about 12/13 years ago and no squatters even with huge amounts of vacant land. We are not in a gated/regulated community. Nobody bothers any one else, the locals use the beach for fishing and swimming but stay well clear of the residences here, no crime, no relatives, no karaoke, no dogs barking, the occasional distant rooster crowing at 5 am,,,,,,, if you listen. The termites are a b*tch though.
I will add to this that the last vacant lot next to us, the same size as ours has never had a whiff of squatters according to the long term residents and at PHP 13M any one thinking that way knows they will have a fight on their hands,,,,, OMO.
To the OP I cannot fathom why you would build your house 20 feet (6 metres) from the beach nor how a squatter would fit in between that 20 feet and crashing waves, our house and all the neighbours are 35 to 40 metres (120 feet) back. Regardless you are now caught between a rock and a hard place.
I think you need to go all out and fix your problems or you will never sell and only my lowly opinion a situation you let happen and only have yourself to reconcile with. Sorry to be blunt.
Cheers, Steve.
bigpearl wrote:To the OP I cannot fathom why you would build your house 20 feet (6 metres) from the beach nor how a squatter would fit in between that 20 feet and crashing waves, our house and all the neighbours are 35 to 40 metres (120 feet) back.
I was wondering about that too. 20 feet is too close, which was why I commented that he should be careful if he wants to pursue filing a complaint / report, because it might be found that he is also violating zoning laws and rules on public easements. He might be ordered to demolish his fence / wall or even his house. I'm sure there are rules and regulations on these. Is the squatter's house like a stilt house?
Maybe the OP meant 20 meters.
Soonretired wrote:..they built a shack 6 feet from my front door,right under my 2nd floor terrace, and complain they dont get privacy!
Like he states ...."Its 20ft NOT 20m
& he's 3 times my size and half my age. i dont see that working out unless i use an equalizer."
What the hell does this pinoy eat should be the question being asked!
Some people have no idea of distance/measurements, My better half is guilty as are many people and deal with it we do for an outcome. Personally and as always OMO but I think the OP is trying to be the next ViceGanda on the expat sites, sorry soonretired but given your 10 years here in PH and your lowly perception of how things operate here, the situation you are/put yourself in I would/could suggest that you have nothing better to do than trawl/create sensationalism to what end?
Only my advice but if what you say is true both in this and other threads you need to run and should have done that years ago. Again OMO.
Cheers, Steve.
Soonretired wrote:we really had no issues here before his arrival.we also had a different brngy captain back then,this one hates my wife because she is friends with the mayor and evidently the brngy cap. and mayor dont see eye to eye.
Wait. What???
I'm backtracking on the past posts.
You say your wife is friends with the mayor and is enemies with the barangay captain. Am I missing something here?
Your wife actually has an advantage here because, in the grand scheme of things, mayor is above barangay captain. Isn't it the mayor who decides whether a barangay should be placed under lockdown in this age of Covid-19, and also how much relief goods to give barangays during lockdowns? And if the barangay cannot hand out relief goods, isn't it that the first person to blame is the barangay captain, who in turn might lose in the next election if his constituents are not happy?
Throw a little party at your house and invite the mayor.
Yep let him/her see the squatters and your situation. Agree FAM, get the powers that be around socially and let them see. to the OP throw lots of extra rubbish around the squatters residence to hopefully put the nailing the coffin.......
Cheers, Steve.
Help . . . . I enjoy this thread but you're losing me with mentioning of OP and OMO.
What does OP or OMO mean? Also while I'm at what about JD and WT?
pnwcyclist wrote:Haha I have been sucked into this sad tale of misfortune, a tyipcal Filipino melodrama. SoonRetired I feel bad for you, if all this has in fact unfolded as described. It is my worst nightmare, and one reason I keep all my investments in the US, where property rights are (mostly) respected and enforced. I think your best bet is to either ignore the squatter until he is swept away or sell to a Filipino and let them deal with it. I suspect Geolefrench may be right about someone eyeing your property and planting a professional squatter on it. Too many weird things going on there.
...could it be the smiling/friendly mayor himself?
Vice Ganda who now is unemployed (ever since : ABS CBN shut down)...would love to take up the leading role in this melodrama!
Enzyte Bob wrote:Help . . . . I enjoy this thread but you're losing me with mentioning of OP and OMO.
What does OP or OMO mean? Also while I'm at what about JD and WT?
OP stands for "original poster" or the one who started the thread.
Enzyte Bob wrote:Help . . . . I enjoy this thread but you're losing me with mentioning of OP and OMO.
What does OP or OMO mean? Also while I'm at what about JD and WT?
I think OP is original poster
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There are lots of renting options to choose from when relocating to Manila. Most expats in the Philippines live in ...
- Accommodation in Iloilo
Iloilo, nicknamed the 'Heart of the Philippines', is a province stretching over 4,663 km² in the ...
- Accommodation in Cebu
Located in the Visayas region, 750 km from Manila and West of the Negros Island, Cebu is one of the major ...
- Accommodation in Davao
Davao is an established metropolitan area with its capital, Davao City, catching up to the main Philippine cities ...
- Buying property in Manila
Buying a property is a big and exciting step, but navigating the rules and regulations in a new country can be a ...