
Marriage Paperwork Issue


Hi hope someone will give me an advice on this problem.
I am a Filipina and I am engage to a US Navy Sailor. I am 6 months pregnant and we have been working on our paperwork since the last 2 months. But due to pandemic it was causing delay on finishing the paperwork to get married in the court of Bahrain.
My fiancé’s legal office inside the base said we just get married outside In Montana USA.
I will deliver on Dec 20, 2020 . We are planning to leave second week of January 2021
My question is:

1.  Will the MOFA attest the Marriage Certificate here. I am working and living here but we got married abroad.

2. For the Philippine Embassy will they require me still to get a No Objection Letter ( NOC) when i will register our marriage. I know i have a work visa here but do I need to even if we did not get married here?

3. Can i get the newborn baby a passport right away? Or i need to wait a few months more. We are planning to leave on January 2021.

Hope someone is will enlighten me on this.

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Simple, don't give birth without being married inside Bahrain. Engagement is not recognized by Bahrain law.

My advice is to get married in the USA before birth, get marriage certificate there attested by Bahrain embassy there and then MOFA Bahrain.  Or leave and give birth outside Bahrain.


Hi Xtang.
So we got married outside Bahrain last week and currently waiting for the Certified True copies of MC and Apostilled Marriage  Cert From USA.
Is it okay now to deliver the Baby here in Bahrain because we have to come back here to work.