
Access to Healthcare system in Spain as an EU/UK citizen


Hi there,

I am a UK/German/Israeli citizen having lived for the last 23 years in the UK. I suffer from Arthritis and thus am intending to move to Spain, initially in a campervan I am also intending to live in. At least for the foreseeable future until I find my place there. I am currently 55 years of age. Here in the UK I am registered disabled and am receiving state benefits on healthgrounds. On those grounds however, I have decided to move to Spain.

I am holding a UK European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), still valid until the end of 2023. I do not think I could receive such a card from Germany, since I haven't lived or worked there within the last 25 years.

As a result of Brexit I managed to claim British Citizenship, but I still hold the German (EEA) as well.

I am not thinking that I could be employed in Spain, but am hoping to live on the proceeds of renting out my house in the UK, though that would be a rather meager income and I will be forced to live a simple live.

How would my situation entitle me to gain access to the public Spanish Healthcare System (Seguridad Social)?

I someone could shed a light on my slightly complicated situation I'd be more than grateful!



See also

Healthcare in SpainMedical emergencies in SpainHaving a baby in SpainType 1 Diabetic Moving to SpainMedical care in Spain

The U.K. EHIC will not be valid in Spain after 31/12/20. However if a person is on a visit it will be valid until the end of the trip.  Of course one cannot visit for longer than 90 days.

Even if you are entitled to an S1 (free medical cover in Spain) that too will be available to new applicants after 31/12/20.

Also be aware that some allowances which a re tax free in U.K. may not be tax free in Spain

I would suggest if you want to live in Spain you do so as a German National.


Thank you Johncar,

Of course I was thinking to live there as a German citizen, as much as I despise Germany...

But still how would I gain access to free healthcare? What is the S1?

Thanks again!


I am reading up on the S1, but am still unclear how to gain access to free healthcare as a German citizen..


Sorry I cannot be much help.

I was registered in spain as a U.K. national, which I changed to Irish 10 years ago.  It was a straight change over so no special requirements.

My health cover is provided by U.K. as that is where I paid into whilst working.

The S1 is I believe an EU wide form which is issued when one is eligible for free health cover, paid for by the U.K. or wherever.

Usually it would be those who have a state retirement pension. Although some people on certain benefits are also eligible.


Thanks again!

Sorry, what is U.K. ad? I also paid National Insurance Contributions whilst working and am as a matter of fact still paying them.

However, please note that I am still far away from retirement...


This link will take you to the UK Gov website with information explicitly related to Spain.


Once you get here and apply for residency and get a card, you can get on the Spanish health system. However, you may have to buy private health insurance in order to get residency. We are Americans, and the requirements for us to get residency are different than those for people from EU countries. Of course, Brexit is complicating everything for UK citizens. Two months ago a UK friend of mine got her residency (she is a retiree) and did not have to have private health insurance. Last week another UK friend of mine got her residency, and she had to have private health insurance. Things are changing so fast for UK citizens. Our private health insurance is reasonably priced, and I believe some people even got a better price on theirs than what we paid. Even though we have the private insurance, we have, and use, the Spanish public health care system.  This website is for the process of getting residency.
https://sede.administracionespublicas.g … anguage/en


Yes and obviously I have done that! But because of Brexit I have to live in Spain as a German citizen (no matter how much I hate Germany...). Germany will not give me an EHIC because I haven't lived or worked there for 25 years. One also has to be registered at an address there, and boy do they check!!! So it is a little more complicated... Thanks though!


Sorry, that last reply was aimed at Cynic...

I am new to this forum thing.....


Maybe I missed something.  Are you not eligible for an EHIC  from uk.  Being German does not in itself make that impossible

As I said, I live in spain as an Irishman but my EHIC  and ‘free’ health cover in Spain is paid for by uk


Thanks Zdravich.

I was wondering if anyone knows how to get onto the Spanish free health system as an EU citizen of a European country one hasn't lived in for many years. If I take out private health insurance, then there will not be enough for me to live on, considering my meagre income from renting out my little house in the UK, on which btw I might also be taxed on in Spain, which is yet again another story.

Needless to say that, if I leave the UK, I will lose all my state benefits I currently receive in the UK. I am at least 13 years away from retirement...

Thanks for all your replies though!!!!


Hi Johncar,

Well, as you mentioned earlier, the EHIC from the UK runs out on the 28th December due to Brexit. I will not be able to move to Spain before then. And in order to live in Spain hasslefree, I will -unfortunately - as you also suggested, have to move there as a German citizen. Germany will not issue me with an EHIC card, because I didn't pay contributions there and am not registered there at an address. (They know I don't live there and you can't fool the German system)!

I don't know how strict the Spanish are about all this. Are you happy there?


When I came to spain aged 48 I was on invalidity benefit, that entitled me to the equivalent of an S1, so aí have had free medical cover ever since.

Those on S1 cover will not be affected by Brexit.


When I came to spain aged 48 I was on invalidity benefit, that entitled me to the equivalent of an S1, so I have had free medical cover ever since.

Those on S1 cover will not be affected by Brexit.


Yes thanks John. You were lucky. I don't seem to qualify for this S1.  :(


catwashkat5781 wrote:

Yes thanks John. You were lucky. I don't seem to qualify for this S1.  :(

Hi again.

No, you don't qualify for an S1, the entitlement for Expats stopped in April 2015; the only people that qualify today are those in receipt of a UK state pension and some classes of government workers who are temporarily based overseas.


Hi yes, thanks again. What to do eh? Seems I need private health insurance. In that case I might as well move to Mexico....


Hi Kat,

This is my knowledge from my recent personal experience: UK to Spain- healthcare. I am not receiving my UK State pension yet (same as you)- will start at 66yrs old.

As an UK citizen moving to Spain, you have to do the following (I did it):

1. Get a Spanish address.
2. Get a NIE- it is TIE from now on. This is something like National Insurance Number.
3. Open a Bank Account in Spain- it will be "non-resident" account.
4. If you will not be working in Spain- you need a private Spanish Health Insurance if you are not drawing your UK State Pension yet.
5. If you will be working in Spain, get a Social Security Number here- to get your salary paid, and taxes deducted.
6.  If you are working here- you can register with local Cento Salud (Surgery).
7. If not working here, and not receiving your UK State Pension, you have to keep having a private Spanish Health Insurance till you start receiving your UK State Pension.

If you are already claiming your UK State Pension, ONLY THEN you can apply for S1 form from International Work and Pensions in UK. You have to ring them. Get number from internet for S1 form. They fill it in and will send it to you. With this S1 form you can register in a local Centro Salud.
This is not your case, so this is just for info.

If you live here for longer than 183 days, you are classed as a Spanish resident, and a Spanish tax payer. So you have to apply for Residence here. The above documents are needed, also to show a certain amount of money, or a monthly income above a certain figure. This vary from place to place.

Also- you have to check about exchanging your UK driving licence for a Spanish one. For that you have to be a resident.

NB: All the above information is for information only, and "useful" till 31.12.2020.
Keep following the UK, Spanish gov's updates. And most important- GET a RECOMENDED "GESTOR" to do all the above for/with you. They have the know-how, and many speak English, or are British! Don't waste money on solicitors here. And don't believe everything on social media, we are not experts.

I may have bored you with my "essay", but i hope it helps you, and may be others here with similar questions...

Good luck, and best wishes!


Cat, Antonia here again.
Sorry for misspelling your name.

And as for the UK EHIC card- it ends 31.12.2020. People have mentioned some allowances- check!

And as for traveling abroad from Spain, you will need a Travel Insurance until you qualify for a Spanish
EHIC- check requirements.

Kind regards,


Thank you so much, Antonia!

No, you haven't bored me at all! I wonder if there is any difference because I am also a German - thus EU - citizen. What is a Gestor???

Will check out how much private Health Insurance is at my age of 55.. Can you recommend one?

Thanks again!


Hi Cat,
Sorry for my late reply.

1. I do not believe that there will be much of a difference for the process of moving to Spain, at least till Brexit. It is still moving from EU country to another EU country, but a local gestor will know the requirements for your case, and also the rules- they vary from region to region in Spain.

2. Gestor ([Hestor - G=H in Spanish before E,I) is a person who deals with the needs/problems of foreign people moving to Spain. They usually have agencies, and for a reasonable fee, can sort out things, or/and can provide advice. The best way is for you to talk to some British people in the area that you decide to settle. They will recommend you a local Gestor.
Unfortunately, I cannot recommend you a Gestor, as they are localised, don't operate on national scale.

3. The same applies to Health Insurance, your local Gestor will recommend some for you to meet your needs.

I hope this helps, and for more information Re relocating look up the Gov websites- UK or German, whichever suits you, and don't forget we here in this, and similar groups just share experiences, not giving legal advice.

Good luck, and Best wishes.


Thanks Antonia,

I will look out for some gestor!




Hi Cat,

You can also look up a Gestor in your area on the internet!

Sorry, for not being able to help more. I am in Mallorca, and although it is a relatively small island, things are localised here too.

Kind regards,


Ok, thanks again. I did not know about those gestors before. I am still in the UK but considering moving to Spain in the nearer future.

Enjoy Mallorca!!  :cool:



I am sure you have all the answers by now, but I'll throw in my bit


You can only get an S1 if you are in receipt of a UK state pension and you can only apply for it a month before going to Spain. Call 0191 218 1999, the S1 helpline.

The EHIC becomes invalid on 31Dec 2020 and anyway, it becomes invalid when you get official Residencia, which you must apply for within 90 days if you intend to settle in Spain.

For most people not in receipt of a state pension, that means getting private healthcare.


These are people who usually work independently and help with the paperwork for 1) padrón 2) residencia/TIE/NIE 3) healthcare. They can fill in forms and even go along to offices with you, which may help if you don't speak any Spanish. Prices vary.

If you want all your paperwork done by 31 Dec 2020, I suggest you contact a Gestor/a. Otherwsie, you have 90 days to get the padrón and residencia done after you arrive. Remember, though, you need the padrón and residencia to register with a doctor's practice after 31 Dec 2020. Whatever happens, a gestor/a may be a wise choice.

You need to have your long-term healthcare (private or S1) sorted out before you go. That's your number 1 priority.



I already posted a reply, but having looked again at your post I'd like to add a couple of things

1. I think the camper-van is going to pose some problems because you really need a fixed address, especially to get on the Padrón (register with the Town Hall) because that's a key issue.

2. You say you are on benefits but you need to check if you can export these to Spain. You may not be able to at all, and even if for example you get PIP, you can only export the Daily Living part, and that's only maybe.

3. Remember, noboby really knows what will happen after 31 Dec 2020.

I suggest you contact a Gestor/a in the area you are going to. They speak English, so just explain as you have here and they will probably give you free advice on the basis that you will actually do business with them when you get there.

Also, most importantly, visit the Government Website 'Living in Spain'. Here is the link: … =immediate

Good Luck


Thank you so much, Dear. Yes, it all sounds more complicated than I thought. Is Spain a complicated country to live in with lots of laws, regulations etc? That's what I hated about Germany! I don't like that fact that the systems force one to immediately settle at one address. I would like to be free while I am still young enough to be so. All in all, could you advise to live in Spain? Is it worth it?


Hello, at least in southern Spain the key words seem to be patience and perseverance. (Keep on smiling!)

Administration here isn't especially difficult, at least for me coming from France which is renowned for its endless and convoluted red tape... and the people working in the local administration are generally very helpful. But, in Andalusia where I am planning to live many things take time, so you better be prepared for that. Don't give up, you'll get there!


Hello rangfar,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

However, you have commented on an old thread.

I invite you to participate in more active threads on the Spain forum.


Yoginee team