
Maid claiming my friends stole her money and phone


We had a new maid start with us late February. At the beginning of March we returned to Australia for a planned 3 week trip and got caught in the Covid lockdown.

We have been keeping the maid in work ( although she had no access to the house itself, just the garden.

We returned this week and in her first day she left her bag on an outside table. We had friends arrive just before she left. She claims her mobile was stolen  along with 800k Rp.

Her distress was genuine but she accused my friends who had neither been alone with her bag or would have stolen from her. It is of course possible that someone else came into the garden and stole from her bag but that would be extremely brazen.

We don't really know the maid well and 800k would seem a lot for her to bring to work, especially in these times. She also claims her phone was a top model.

I am unsure what to do and to be honest I find at least part of the claim unbelievable and I think trust will be an ongoing issue.

Any advice would be gratefully received.

See also

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Thanks Fred,

I appreciate your really helpful response.

This was my thought also regarding money and possessions a maid may have. I don't know much about defamation laws in Indonesia but that's good to concider.

Yes I believe my friends for two reasons. We know them well and they are honest and they were never alone in the area with her bag.

The search for a new maid begins.


I would side with your friends rather than a maid that you do not know well. And, I would terminate her employment with you as obviously you too sense something fishy going on and it seems there are already trust issues.

As for her claim, maids generally don't leave their handbags outside, they put them somewhere safe indoors. For the top model phone I find it difficult to believe her story. As for the Rp800k it's difficult to know for sure since she might have withdrawn it to pay for her accommodation or bills etc. In anycase, with Rp800k and a top model phone I would definitely not be leaving them around outside.

My advice would be to tell her to go and make a police report. A maid might feel she can get away with false accusations when dealing with a foreigner, but if she is making up the story then I seriously doubt that she would get away with lying to the police.




Hi Petermet, my name is ryan from jakarta.
It looks like this case would be easier if there was CCTV. Hehe
However, if your friend is a good person.  why don't you try to ask him about that?  maybe you can meet your friends with your maid.  You are only mediating in this matter.
Hope your issues can be done soon..


Thanks everyone for your responses. Given the trust issues this raised we let her go. She stated that she had got the 800k from massage for a friend which unless is a "special" massage is not easily believable.
We hired a new person and early days (just started 2nd week today) but seems good and is fitting in well.


Hmm full of holes her story .To cut the BS , what she looses is due to her carelessness , her own problem, none of your business and responsibility . she should look after her things, you dont have to.