Warning,limited time to Legalise illegal structures on your property

You have until the first of January to renew your license on your property should you have added perhaps a room or shed, attached or unattached to the house or a BBQ or pergolas or covered what started out as a veranda legally on your license and has now become a nice cosy room.these are things that many people have done in older days and still do BUT laws have changed and they will come down on you like a ton of bricks.You think that no body will know what you have done,if you one day wish to sell your property the new law is that a mechanic must come to the said property with the outline plan in their hand and look and measure,if differences are found you cannot sell until you make an added license,pay the penalty which may be large if its been done for years.Anything with footings needs license including your BBQ if it is not free standing and cant be lifted away.Your inheritor will also have to bring the mechanic to check before they inherit and may pay penalties.I heard the other day from a mechanic that he had advised a client that their penalty would be around 70.000 euro.If you added a room, you didnt pay property tax on that room or TAP tax so they will be back dated Im afraid,it gets scary.Your inheritor will pay or walk away from the property or land,land has to be checked as well.I know these things because we are buying and selling and we have gone straight to the hell.We have a apotheeki,store room under our cottage house and made a shower room with toilet,not allowed to make divisions as that then becomes proper home and we dont have license for that,all hell let loose.Believe me they are Gestapo at your door,so think about what you have done,if you have done and bring a mechanic fast,if you fix it after first Jan next year you will pay off the scale,now is doable.

What is a free standing property? If it is on wooden stilts with metal feet, is that a structure? If the property was purchased with building that the engineer did not point out were not on the title deeds at the time of purchase, is this our problem? Is a container, unsupported, sitting on feet, viewed as a structure? With an illegal super market next door, taking up over 200% of its ground area, going to be effected? This is a three story building that we were told, should only be two. Also built in a so called Historic area, where we had to get special historic society permission for renovations, then a super market was built next door, devaluing our property by over 500.000.00 Euro's!!  They of course will not be subjected to such scrutiny?? Money speaks, so to speak!  Cheers Ray.

Any building that was on the plot when you bought it but is not on the original outline plan and in the original license or renewed license with renewed outline plan at some point in the past, will be illegal and when it is seen you will be offered the choice of pulling it down and or paying the penalty,remember you incur any illegalities,penalties,fines,taxes etc..when you purchased.If you took a mechanic(engineer)to inspect that which you purchased she/he should have had in their hands the original outline plan and license,the outline plan is crucial because it will show how many metres each building or the building should have and any extra building/buildings will be seen by he or she.Then you would have had the option to pull any extras down or extend the license.Thousands upon thousands of Greeks made illegal additions to the existing size of their homes or built extra rooms or even houses on their plot which a blind eye was turned to in the past but NOT now.You need a license for any structure,a container,a wooden cabin that might look like a shed,it would seem that even without footings you need to bring a mechanic to apply for a small license,its really not a lot of money.In the middle of nowhere you would probably get away with it but close to other people someone may give you in or it may be noticed somehow,best to be within the law,as I said it may come boomerang if someone wants to sell up or an inheritance application is made.That building will not have had you paying Enfia on it and it wont be included in your TAP calculations which is a small property tax added into your electricity bill,they are extremely hot about TAP because it verifies your total property metres.Seek the advice of a mechanic,bring them to view your property ASAP