
ًًWhat does the word (Friend) denote or connote?

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Ossama Nour


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this day in age, with life being as hectic and fast as it currently is, a true friend is someone whom u can go for ages without speaking to, but still remember your last conversation when u speak again.

it exists between people when u can go for a long time without speaking, and yet still find them right by your side should you slip or falter.

that is the true meaning of friendship.

Ossama Nour

It's true. The fast life we lead is the decisive test of friendship. The one who feels you despite the distances and the long absence is the real friend. Still, can we be regarded as ture friend to the one we leave for a long time? Should the one we leave alone accept us as a friend when we come back to him?


i believe every case is unique onto itself :)


FRIENDSHIP is a real testimony of RELATIONSHIP with RESPONSIBILITY and it seems FRIEND-SHIP can-be define in my scientific terms as: Factory of Responsibility in-the Industry catering Emotions; Needs and DESIRE in the sailing SHIP is what sweetly say F-R-I-E-N-D-SHIP and cannotation is simple if notice and in notifications - Thanks.

Ossama Nour

Faridiidris! Nice definition and scientific enough to digitalize our feelings. anyway, people always fail to define anything but the trials are the thing that we respect just because they (trials)generate ideas in our minds and put us before mirrors that face each other where endless number of thoughts haunt our minds, the thing that, eventually, proves that: we are real human beings who can feel and think.

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