Banking Questions

Banco Atlas emailed me their requirements to open a savings account and I have some questions...

What is a boleta de IPS?
Do savings accounts limit the number of withdrawals one can make?
Is it possible to buy a pre-paid debit card in Paraguay?

(I want a debit card for online purchases, but from what I've heard about the mail system in Py, maybe I should give up shopping online?)

Muchas gracias.


1) IPS boleta is a national state insurance/pension card.

Like most things in Py, in RL things just work differently as it will be stated on paper.So don't put much attention to that one.

2) Don't think so, but only because I've never heard of such, I am not 100% sure.

3) Pre-paid debit-cards...???  xD  Debit cards does exist here and for on-line shopping I can only recommend, of-course it makes it more expensive, but then by normal post it will be expensive too but without the grantee.We just aren't "around the corner" from the US of EU...