Salary/Final settlement issue


Please advise me that i am not properly responded by my employer for 5 months salary, 7 years gratuity  and I completed 1 month notice period after resignation and also I have completed 2 months without duty and salary.
Many verbal and written requests, I have done for last 2 months but no response till date.

If I lodge complaint to Indian embassy and MOM about my employer for above issue, will I get justice as soon as possible?


Yes, you should report it to Indian Embassy to get support, after that they may advise you to report your case to MOM. MOM will be the middleman in your case with the employer who is still unable to pay the left benefit.

My husband is having more left benefit.
He is still working, he needs to. (Employer really need him)
But, 11 months salary has not been paid yet.
His local partner reported to MOM but no support that works. This unpaid salary is still going on..(whatever the reason..)
So my husband reported to embassy, the embassy will be the middlemen, as MOM couldn't clear the problem..

Hope we are fine.

Please advise me that I'm working in Oman after 3 months but my company didn't pay my salary  now what I do how can I receive my salary please tell me sir and mam